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Archive: 26 December 2009

Posts in 26 December 2009

DTC may retain tax shelters on interest and principal repayments for home loans

December 26, 2009 1145 Views 0 comment Print

The government may modify the draft direct tax code to retain tax shelters on interest and principal repayments for home loans to make the proposed new code more attractive for the average Indian, a finance ministry official told .The proposed direct taxes code, which has been unveiled for public debate and is due to become operational from April 2011, does not provide tax incentives to loan-funded house purchases that are for personal use.

Cyber Crime

December 26, 2009 837 Views 0 comment Print

Everyone who works on a computer must be familiar with the term “Cyber Crime”. Initially, when man invented computer and then the technology for communicating between computers was evolved, he would have never thought that the cyber space he is creating could be flooded with any crime i.e. cyber crime. But now almost all of us might have heard the term computer crime, cyber crime, e-crime, hi-tech crime or electronic crime which is nothing but an activity done with a criminal intent in cyber space.

Taxability of ESOP for Assessment year 2010-2011

December 26, 2009 14297 Views 0 comment Print

Employee stock options (ESOPs) is a significant employer-granted benefit that too is subject to the above FBT /perquisite-based taxation system. In fact, it almost seems as if the authorities cannot quite make up their minds as to how they wish to tax shares given to employees by their employers on a concessional basis. Having been subject to various changes in their valuation norms, the following is the latest position:

Valuation of ESOP will be cumbersome and expensive for smaller unlisted companies

December 26, 2009 4138 Views 0 comment Print

It’s not going to be easy for small and unlisted companies to issue employees stock options schemes (ESOPs) as per the latest Central Board of Direct Taxes (CBDT) rules for valuation of perquisites. The valuation rules for calculating the fair market value of shares allotted to employees is substantially the same as compared to the fringe benefit tax (FBT) regime. “Employers once again have to obtain a valuation from a Category 1 merchant banker to determine the fair market value of the shares for unlisted companies.

History of perquisite taxation

December 26, 2009 2953 Views 0 comment Print

Way back on September 25, 2000, Rule 3 governing perquisites (perks) was amended by Notification SO 940(E). The major change brought in was taxing on a ‘cost to employer’ basis, thereby giving perks the colour and character of salary. This in turn resulted in many employers increasing the salary of the employee instead of granting perks, thereby avoiding the requirement to maintain cumbersome records.

New perquisites valuation rules for Assessment Year 2010-11 are replica of old rules

December 26, 2009 1111 Views 0 comment Print

The salaried class, reeling under the inflationary pressures, has suffered yet another setback this holiday season with the announcement of new perquisite valuation rules by the Central Board of Direct Taxes (CBDT) on December 18. The new rules have come in the wake of the abolishment of fringe benefit tax (FBT) by finance minister Pranab Mukherjee in this year’s Budget and will be applicable retrospectively from April 1, 2009.

Empanelment of Chartered Accountant firms for the year 2010-2011 with CAG

December 26, 2009 1331 Views 0 comment Print

Applications are invited online from the firms of Chartered Accountants who intend to be empanelled with this office for the year 2010-2011 for appointment as auditors of Government Companies/Corporations.

Section 144A of the Income-tax Act, 1961 – Power of Joint Commissioner to issue directions in certain cases – Scheme for improving quality of assessments

December 26, 2009 11906 Views 0 comment Print

For past sometime the Board has been concerned about the need for improving general quality of scrutiny assessments on a sustainable basis. In this connection, reference is invited to Board’s instruction No. 2/2006 dated 27.04.2006 which required monitoring of scrutiny assessments by Range Heads under the powers available to them under section 144A of Income tax Act. Instructions have also been issued from time to time for strengthening the machinery for review of assessments and inspection of assessment charges. However, it is felt that there is significant scope for improving the quality of scrutiny system.

Section 197 – Certificate of lower deduction or non-deduction of tax at source

December 26, 2009 126017 Views 25 comments Print

I am directed to bring to your notice on the subject of issue of certificates under Section 197. Instruction No- 8/2006 dated 13.10.2006, was issued stating that 197 certificates for lower deduction or nil deduction of TDS u/s 197 are not to be issued indiscriminately and for issue of each certificate, approval of the JCI/Add. CIT concerned need to be taken by the Assessing Officer (AO). Further, a letter of even number dated 6.10.2008 was issued stating that power of issue of certificates under Section 197 would ordinarily be exercised by the officers manning TDS Administration. However, instances are being brought to the notice of Board that the AOs are issuing certificates for lower or non-deduction of tax at source under Section 197 indiscriminately, in contravention of relevant Income Tax Rules and Instructions.

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