In exercise of the powers conferred under Paragraph 2.4 of the Foreign Trade Policy, 2009-14, the following amendment is made in the Handbook of Procedure Vol. II ( as stated in paragraph 1.1 of Vol. I).
In case of revalidation of advance authorization issued prior to 27.8.2009, it should be ensured that value addition (VA) is maintained at 15% (and as per details mentioned in para 4.1.6 of FTP) or as stipulated in the advance authorization, whichever is higher.
PUBLIC NOTICE Department of Labour Government of Maharashtra Maharashtra mandates payment of bonus only through cheques/banks The Government of Maharashtra vide ordinance from the Labour Department dated 17.09.2010 has mandated payment of bonus to all workers/employees through cheque/bank account only. The employers should, therefore, immediately open their own bank accounts and those of their workers, […]
There were two DEPB entries at Sl. No. 434 and 525 of the Product Group “Chemicals” (Product Code: 62) for the same product “Refined Glycerine”. The purpose of the amendment is to retain only one entry. Accordingly, DEPB entry at Sl. No. 434 stands deleted. There is no change in the DEPB rate for entry at Sl. No. 525.
Purpose of the amendment is to describe the product better and make a distinction between “live or chilled form” (with no value cap) and “dried form” for which same value cap would continue. There is no change in the DEPB rate.
In exercise of the powers conferred under Paragraph 2.4 of the Foreign Trade Policy, 2009-14, the following amendments are hereby made in the Handbook of Procedures, vol.1.
In exercise of powers conferred under paragraph 2.4 of the Foreign Trade Policy, 2009-2014, the Director General of Foreign Trade hereby makes the following amendments/corrections in the Handbook of Procedures Vol.1 (Appendices and Aayat Niryat Forms) 2009-2014.
Banks referred in this Appendix shall also include other authorized dealers who have been permitted by RBI to issue BRC. Applicant should be required to furnish a copy of RBI permission circular/letter to this effect.
The Bank Guarantee shall be valid till the expiry of the time period of 24 months from the date of export (Let Export Order Date). In case of a number of S/Bs filed against one application under DEPB Scheme / Incentive Scheme, 24 months time period shall be from the LEO date of latest S/B. In case of Revolving BG, the BG shall remain valid till all the obligations of the party are fulfilled to the ‘Full’ and ‘Final’ satisfaction of the Govt. as per policy and till such written consent is communicated to the party or the Guarantor, as the case may be.
In exercise of the powers conferred under Paragraph 2.4 of the Foreign Trade Policy, 2009-14 and Paragraph 1.1 of the Handbook of Procedures (Vol. I) (2009-14), the Director General of Foreign Trade hereby adds one new SION as A- for the export products “Propylene” in the Hand Book of procedures (Vol.II) as updated on 31st May, 2009 and amended thereafter from time to time, at appropriate place as mentioned in Annexure “A” to this Public Notice.