Government of India have authorised Atal Innovation Mission , NITI Aayog, Government of India to use Aadhar authentication of its Kashi (Cash over Internet) programme on voluntary basis.
(Case No- AD-OI-46/2020) Anti-dumping investigation concerning imports of Plastic Processing Machines originating in or exported from China PR.
Government of Karnataka notified Karnataka Shops and Commercial Establishments (Second Amendment) Act, 2020 and amended Section 15 of the Karnataka Shops and Establishments Act to allow carry forward of leave upto 45 days. As per amendment total number of the days of leave that may be carried forward to a succeeding year shall not exceed […]
1. (1) These regulations may be called the Competition Commission of India (Manner of Recovery of Monetary Penalty) Amendment Regulations, 2021. (2) They shall come into force on the date of their publication in the official Gazette.
Boiler Operation Rules, 2021- Supervision of operation of boiler.– The owner of a single boiler or two or more boilers connected in a battery or of many separate individual boilers situated within a radius of fifty meters having a total heating surface exceeding one thousand square meters in any of the cases shall not use the same or permit the same to be used unless the boiler or boilers are placed in direct charge of a competent person specified in rule 4 in addition to such number of boiler attendants as specified in these rules:
It is hereby informed that the matter regarding exclusion of employees of Regional Rural Banks from the purview of EPF & MP Act, 1952 has been examined at the Head Office and it is observed that RRBs got excluded from purview of EPF & MP Act, 1952 in the consequence of judgement dated 25.4.2018 of Hon’ble Supreme Court of India in SLP No. 39288
On 15th February ICAI notified that it has removed name of 7 members from the Register of Members for the period of 15 days to Two Years depending upon the nature of Professional Misconduct. Full text of such notifications are given below- THE INSTITUTE OF CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS OF INDIA Notification No. PR/237/15-DD/261/15/DC/767/2018 New Delhi, the […]
AS INTRODUCED IN LOK SABHA Bill No. 19 of 2021 THE TRIBUNALS REFORMS (RATIONALISATION AND CONDITIONS OF SERVICE) BILL, 2021 A BILL further to amend the Cinematograph Act, 1952, the Customs Act, 1962, the Airports Authority of India Act, 1994, the Trade Marks Act, 1999 and the Protection of Plant Varieties and Farmers’ Rights Act, […]
AS INTRODUCED IN LOK SABHA Bill No. 18 of 2021 THE CONSTITUTION (SCHEDULED CASTES) ORDER (AMENDMENT) BILL, 2021 A BILL further to amend the Constitution (Scheduled Castes) Order, 1950 to modify the list of Scheduled Castes in the State of Tamil Nadu. BE it enacted by Parliament in the Seventy-second Year of the Republic of […]
All IEC holders are now legally required to update and validate their IEC Details, even if there are no changes, from April to June once every year through Online system, failing which their IEC shall be de-activated and no import or export activity will be possible. IEC related provisions in Chapter-1 and Chapter-2 of Foreign […]