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(Department for Promotion of Industry and Internal Trade)
New Delhi, the 16th February, 2021

G.S.R. 115(E).—In exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (1) read with clause (f) of sub­section (1A) of section 28A of the Boilers Act, 1923 (5 of 1923), and in supersession of the Boiler Operation Engineers‘ Rules, 2011, except as respects thing done or omitted to be done before such supersession, the Central Government hereby makes the following rules, namely:-


1. Short title and commencement.– (1) These Rules may be called the Boiler Operation Rules, 2021.

(2) They shall come into force on the date of their publication in the Official Gazette.

2. Definitions.– (1) In these rules, unless the content otherwise requires,-

(a) “Act” means the Boilers Act, 1923 ( 5 of 1923);

(b) “Boiler Operation Engineer” means a person granted with a certificate of proficiency as a Boiler Operation Engineer under these rules;

(c) “Chairman” means the Chairman of the Committee;

(d) “Committee” means the Committee of Examiners constituted under these rules;

(e) “form” means a form appended to these rules;

(f) “Government” means a State Government or Administration of an Union territory ;

(g) “Secretary” means the Secretary to the Committee;

(h) “section” means a section of the Act;

(i) every reference in these rules to a boiler or boilers shall be deemed to include also a reference to an economiser or economisers respectively.

(2) Words or expressions used in these rules but not defined shall have the meaning assigned to them in the Act.


3. Supervision of operation of boiler.– The owner of a single boiler or two or more boilers connected in a battery or of many separate individual boilers situated within a radius of fifty meters having a total heating surface exceeding one thousand square meters in any of the cases shall not use the same or permit the same to be used unless the boiler or boilers are placed in direct charge of a competent person specified in rule 4 in addition to such number of boiler attendants as specified in these rules:

Provided that the Chief Inspector may permit any boiler attendant to remain in-charge of a boiler for a maximum period of three months not withstanding any thing contrary contained in these rules:

Provided further that nothing in these rules shall debar a person holding a first class certificate of competency granted under the Boiler Attendants‘ Rules, 2011 from remaining in attendance and in charge of a boiler or boilers of any size and any such certificate shall for the purpose of these rules be deemed to have been granted under these rules.

4. Competent Person shall possess certificate and extent of qualification.–Any person, who does not possess a certificate of proficiency as a Boiler Operation Engineer under these rules, shall not be deemed to be a fit and proper person to hold the charge of any boiler or boilers exceeding the limits as laid down in rule 3.

5. Production of Certificate. A Boiler Operation Engineer holding a certificate of proficiency under these rules shall, at all reasonable times during the period any boiler is in his charge or attendance, be bound to produce such certificate when called upon to do so by any of the persons empowered under section 15 to call for the production of a certificate or provisional order granted under the Act.

6. Owner to furnish Chief Inspector or Director of Boilers with particulars of Certificates .– (1) The owner of a boiler who engages any person to be incharge thereof, shall within seven days of such engagement furnish to the Chief Inspector or Director of Boilers, as the case may be, the full particulars of such person including the serial number, date and place of issue of his certificate.

(2) The owner of a boiler who engages any other person to hold the charge of such boiler in place of the person who was incharge of the said boiler under sub-rule (1), in the event of such person leaving his employment or in the event of the death of such person, report that fact within seven days to the Chief Inspector or Director of Boilers, as the case may be.

7. Limits of daily period of attendance, reliefs, and sphere of action.–(1) A person who is in-charge of a boiler shall be deemed to be in direct and immediate charge of the same when he is physically present within hundred meters of such boiler.

(2) A person who is in-charge of a boiler for which a certificate of proficiency is required under these rules may be relieved of charge in any one day for not more than two periods, which when combined do not exceed two hours in duration by a person holding a first class certificate of competency as a Boiler attendant.

(3) The holder of a first class certificate of competency as a boiler attendant may also with the consent in writing of the Chief Inspector or Director of Boilers, as the case may be, relieve a person holding a certificate of proficiency as boiler operation engineer for a period which may extend to ten consecutive days which, in special circumstances, the Chief Inspector or Director of Boilers may extend to any length of time not exceeding thirty days at a time.

8. When Boiler shall be deemed to be in use.– (1) A boiler shall be deemed to be in use for the purpose of these rules when there is fire in the furnace fire box or fire place for the purpose of heating the water in the boiler or under banked fire condition:

Provided that a boiler shall not be deemed to be in use when the fire is removed and all steam and water connections are closed.

(2) An economiser or waste heat boiler shall be deemed to be in use for the purpose of these rules when there is a flow of flue gases or other heating media past the economiser or waste heat boiler and an appreciable heat transfer takes place between the water and the heating gases or media.


9. Constitution of the Committee of Examiners.– (1) A Committee of Examiners shall be constituted by the Government for the State or Union territory consisting of the Chief Inspector or Director of Boilers, a Deputy Chief Inspector or Inspector or equivalent as nominated by the Chief Inspector or Director of Boilers, and not less than three other members having academic and practical knowledge of prime movers and modern boiler practices to be appointed by that Government from time to time.

(2) Notwithstanding anything contained in sub-rule (1) the Committee of Examiners may also be constituted by the Government of India at the Central Government level consisting of the Technical Adviser, a technical officer working in Boiler Section of the Department for Promotion of Industry and Internal Trade, Ministry of Commerce and Industry, Government of India, and not less than three other members having academic and practical knowledge of prime movers and modern boiler practices, to be nominated by the Central Government from time to time.

(3) The Chief Inspector or Director of Boilers, as the case may be, shall be the ex-officio Chairman and the Deputy Chief Inspector or Inspector or equivalent nominated by the Chief Inspector or Director of Boilers as the case may be, shall be the ex-officio Secretary to the Committee constituted in a State or Union territory and in the Committee constituted at the Central Government level, the Technical Adviser shall be the ex-officio Chairman and the technical officer working in Boiler Section of the Department for Promotion of Industry and Internal Trade, Ministry of Commerce and Industry, Government of India shall be the ex-officio Secretary to the Committee.

10. Term of Office of the Members.– (a) The term of office of each of the members other than the ex-officio members of the Committee shall be three years.

(a) In a Committee constituted for a State or Union territory, if a member leaves the State or Union territory permanently or absents himself or herself from three consecutive meetings without the permission of the Committee, he or she shall be deemed to have vacated his or her seat in the Committee and another person may be appointed in his or her place for the remaining portion of his or her term.

(b) In the Committee constituted at the Central Government level, if a member absents himself or herself from three consecutive meetings without the permission of the Committee, he or she shall be deemed to have vacated his or her seat in the Committee and another person may be appointed in his or her place for the remaining portion of his or her term.

11. Functions of the Committee.– The Committee of Examiners shall –

(i) conduct examinations and practical tests of candidates for the grant of certificates of proficiency as a Boiler Operation Engineer by itself or through any agency authorised by it in this behalf;

(ii) have the power to appoint any person as a question paper setter or examiner in any examination;

(iii) grant certificate of proficiency to a successful candidate as a Boiler Operation Engineer; and

(iv) consider the reports of enquiries received under rule 45.

12. Meeting of the Committee.– A Committee constituted under rule (9) shall meet as often as may be in the opinion of the Chairman be necessary for transacting its business and at such place and time as may be decided by the Chairman.

13. Notice of Meeting and List of Business.– (1) A notice of not less than fifteen days shall be given in regard to the time and place fixed for each meeting of the said Committee to every member of the Committee, annexing therewith the list of business to be discussed at the meeting:

Provided that if the Chairman calls any meeting for considering any matter which in his opinion is urgent, a notice giving such reasonable time as he may consider necessary, shall be deemed sufficient;

(2) Any business which is not included in the list of business shall not be considered at the meeting without the permission of the Chairman.

14. Quorum.– The Chairman or the Secretary and two members of the a Committee of Examiners shall form a quorum for a meeting.

15. Chairman to preside at meetings of the Committee. The Chairman shall preside over the meeting of the Committee and in his absence, a member chosen by the members present at the meeting shall preside over the meeting.

16. Functions of Secretary to Committee.– The Secretary shall maintain a register of Boiler Operation Engineers holding Certificate of Proficiency and shall perform such other functions as are specified in these rules or as the Chairman may direct from time to time.

17. Committee’s endorsement on application.– The Committee shall endorse on the printed application form of each candidate, the result of his examination for a certificate of proficiency as a Boiler Operation Engineer and the endorsed application shall be returned to the Secretary.

18. Committee’s Power to refuse issue of Certificate.– The Committee may direct any candidate, who in the opinion of the majority of the members appears too old or physically unfit due to deformity, constitutional weakness, defective eyesight, deafness or loss of a limb to perform efficiently the duties of a Boiler Operation Engineer, to produce a certificate of fitness from a Registered Medical Practitioner and where the candidate fails to produce a the certificate of fitness, the Committee shall have the power to refuse him or her the certificate of proficiency as a Boiler Operation Engineer.

19. Examiner’s Fees.– Each member of the Committee of Examiners appointed under rule 9 except Chairman and Secretary and examiners and invigilators shall be entitled to receive fees for examining candidates under these rules and the rate of fees shall be as follows:-

(a) sitting fee for Committee meeting (for non official Committee members ) ─ Rs. 1000/-
(b) for setting question paper ─ Rs. 3500/-
(c) for valuation of answer paper ─ Rs. 50/- (per answer paper)
(d) for examining a candidate ─ Rs. 150/- (per candidate)
(e) invigilation fee ─ (per invigilator) (i) Rs. 600/- (if examination exceeds three hours)

(ii) Rs. 300/- (if examination does not exceeds three hours)

20. Actions of the Committee.– No action of the Committee shall be deemed to be invalid by reasons of any defect in the constitution of the Committee or by reason of such action having been done during the period of any vacancy in the Committee.


21. Examination.–Examination for the grant of certificates of proficiency as a Boiler Operation Engineer shall be conducted by the Committee or any agency authorised by it in this behalf at such places and on such dates as decided by the Committee from time to time.

22. Postponement of examination.–When a date fixed for the examination is declared as a gazetted holiday or when for any unforeseen reason the examination cannot be held on the date fixed, the Chairman may fix some other date for holding the examination and the same shall be duly intimated to the candidates and the members of the Committee of Examiners.


23. Capabilities of holders of Certificate.–(1) The certificate of proficiency as a Boiler Operation Engineer shall qualify the holder thereof to be incharge of a boiler or boilers of any type and size provided that the boilers are so situated that none of them is at a distance of more than fifty meters radius from any one of them.

(2) The holder of a certificate of proficiency as a Boiler Operation Engineer shall for all intents and purposes be deemed to have fulfilled the requirements of the Boilers Attendants‘ Rules, 2011:

Provided that a Boiler Operation Engineer holding certificate of proficiency prior to the publication of the Boiler Operation Rules, 2021 in the official Gazette as a Boiler Operation Engineer issued by a Government prior to the date of notification of the said rules shall be eligible to be in-charge of a boilers as mentioned in the certificate of proficiency.

24. Validity of Certificates.– A certificate of proficiency as a Boiler Operation Engineer granted to a candidate by any Committee shall be valid all over the India provided that a person holding a certificate of proficiency as a Boiler Operation Engineer shall give the intimation through on-line mode including by e-mail to the Chief Inspector or Director of Boilers of the concerned Government in which he or she applies for services or in case of change of services from one State to another.


25. Form of application.– (1) Every application for examination shall be in form ‗A‘.

(2) The applicant shall fill in such part of the form as are to be filled in by a candidate and shall sign on it.

(3) The filled in application shall be forwarded to the Secretary or to the person as specified in the notice or advertisement or prospectus for examination, and shall be accompanied by –

(a) one self attested copy of each of the testimonials in respect of academic qualifications, practical experience of the candidate (all original testimonials shall be produced at the time of interview);

(b) testimonials of good character from his employer;

(c) a copy of Treasury Challan or such other mode of payment including on-line mode of payment, as specified in the notice or advertisement or prospectus for examination in support of payment of the fee specified in these rules for the examination; and

(d) two copies of recent passport size photographs (size 50mm x 65mm), one of which shall bear the signature of the applicant on the back.

26. Candidate to produce satisfactory testimonials.– (1) No candidate shall be admitted to an examination who cannot produce satisfactory testimonials certifying his experience, ability, and good conduct for the whole period of his qualifying service or any unaccounted break in the period of qualifying service and such testimonials shall clearly state the capacity in which candidate was employed, whether as an Apprentice Engineer, Supervisor or Assistant Engineer and the periods of such employment stating the dates between which candidate was so employed.

(2) The testimonial shall be signed by the incharge of the department in which the candidate was employed and be countersigned by the owner or agent of the mill, factory or workshop or by such other persons as the committee may lay down in this behalf.

(3) A candidate who has undergone a course of training at a recognised Engineering College or Technical Institution
shall produce either the degree or diploma of the course or a certificate from the college or institution as the case may be, giving the period devoted in completing the course.

(4) A testimonial in respect of service in a steamship may be signed by the Chief Engineer and counter signed by the master of the vessel or may be in the form of a seaman‘s discharge certificate issued by a Shipping Master.

(27) A testimonial of service rendered on railway boilers or boilers belonging to any Government Department or local bodies, shall be signed by a responsible officer of that Department in which the candidate had served and countersigned by the concerned Head of the Department.

27. Doubtful testimonials.– If the Secretary has reason to doubt the truth of any statement made in any application or testimonials, he may make such enquiries as he thinks fit to verify the same.

28. False testimonials.– (1) If on enquiry the Secretary is satisfied that any testimonial submitted by a candidate is false in any material particulars, he shall submit his findings to the Chairman who may by a written order debar such candidate from being admitted to any examination held under these rules and in case if, on the strength of any such testimonials, a candidate has already been admitted to an examination, he or she shall be deemed to have been failed in such examination and any certificate granted to him or her as a result of his or her having been declared to have passed such examination, shall be forthwith recalled and be cancelled:

Provided that no action shall be taken under this rule without giving the applicant an opportunity of being heard in the matter.

(2) Anybody aggrieved by the order of the Chairman under sub-rule (1) may, within thirty days of the date of the receipt of the order, appeal to the Government or Government of India as the case may be, whose decision thereon shall be final.

29. Keeping of applications and copies of testimonials.– Application and copies of testimonials as submitted by a candidate shall be kept as records in the office of the Chairman or by the agency authorised to conduct the examination, as decided by the Committee.


30.  Age, qualifications and experience.– A candidate for a certificate of proficiency as a Boiler Operation Engineer shall not be admitted to the examination unless he─

(a) has completed the age of twenty-three years;

(b) possesses a degree or diploma in Mechanical or Electrical or Chemical or Power Plant or Production or Instrumentation Engineering from a recognised university or Institution;

(c) has served for not less than two years in case of degree holders and for five years in case of diploma holders in the operation or maintenance of a boiler of not less than one thousand square meters heating surface or a Battery of boilers of not less than one thousand square meters heating surface in aggregate out of which at least one boiler of not less than five hundred square meters heating surface:

Provided that in case of a degree holder or post graduate diploma holder from a National Power Training Institute, the requirement of minimum working experience shall be one year.


30. Syllabus for examination.– A candidate in order to be qualified for a certificate of proficiency under these rules, shall, satisfy the examiner that he –

(a) can calculate loads, areas, volumes, quantities and weights;

(b) can give description of the principal types of steam boilers used on land and to state the purposes and reasons for which different types of boilers are employed; and from the data and formulae supplied, calculate the safe working pressure for any part of a boiler in accordance with the Indian Boiler Regulations;

(c) can calculate the direct stress, the torsional stress and the bending stress in round bars and shafts and the bending stress in rectangular bars and levers with given load;

(d) understands the working and management of steam boilers, super heaters and economisers;

(e) understands the use and purpose of various valves, cocks, mountings, fitting and other safety devices;

(f) can give a description of and explain the functions of feed pumps, feed injectors, feed regulators, feed water filters and softeners, feed heaters, air heaters, calorifiers, steam accumulators, forced draught, induced draught and automatic draught control devices;

(g) can answer questions on fact relating to combustion, heat and steam and calculate consumption of coal and water and quantity of steam that may be generated from a given heating surface under the various systems of draught, in any land boiler and also calculate the overall efficiency of boiler plant;

(h) can explain jet and surface condensation, reheating and the working of steam expansion;

(i) can explain the general methods employed in laying foundation for boilers and chimneys and the suitable area and height of chimneys to promote efficient combustion;

(j) can explain the significance of principal appliances in use for the prevention of smoke and the principle on which they work and give description of the principal mechanical stokers, pulverisers, gas, oil and pulverized fuel systems in use;

(k) understands the need for periodical cleaning, the methods used for prevention of scale or other deposits on heating surfaces and the necessity for maintaining a certain PH value in feed water;

(l) can detect defects in boilers and state the means and methods of rectifying them.

(m) understands the precautions to be taken for starting a boiler and economiser from cold or from banked fire condition;

(n) understands the procedure to be adopted in putting an economizer out of commission while the boiler is on steam;

(o) can explain the methods adopted for the achievement of fuel economy and the use of various instruments used in a Boiler House;

(p) materials used in Boiler components and piping; and

(q) can read and prepare a working sketch and drawing of boilers and boiler mounting or parts thereof.


32. Nature of Examination.– The examination for certificate of proficiency as a Boiler Operation Engineer shall be of such nature as to test the practical ability and technical knowledge of the candidates in order to ascertain the suitability of a candidate for appointing as in charge of steam generating plants of all types and pressures in land use.

33. Subjects for Examination.– The examination shall be conducted in the following manner, namely:-

(1) written examination consisting of one paper on boilers to cover the syllabus stipulated under sub-rule (a) to sub-rule (h) of rule 31 and another paper on boilers to cover the syllabus stipulated under sub-rule (i) to sub- rule (p) of rule 31.

(2) A written drawing examination covering sub-rule (q) of rule 31.

(3) An oral examination to answer questions pertaining to boiler practices and if required by the examiner to demonstrate in the examination room or in a workshop, his ability to carry out the practical aspects of his duties in a Boiler House.

34. Assessment of work.– (a) A candidate shall secure at least forty-five per-cent of the marks in each written paper as well as in the oral and drawing examinations; but the aggregate should not be less than fifty per-cent of the total marks in order that he can be awarded a certificate of proficiency under these rules.

(b) A candidate securing less than forty- five per-cent of the marks in any written paper shall not be called for the oral examination.

35. Fees for Examination.– A candidate for examination for certificate of proficiency as a Boiler Operation Engineer shall pay a fee of Rs.2000/- (two thousand rupees) plus Goods and Services Tax (GST) as applicable, by Treasury Challan or in the manner including on-line mode of payment, as laid down in the notice or advertisement or prospectus for examination.

36. Refund of Fee.–A candidate once admitted to an examination under these rules shall not be entitled to any refund of fees and where a candidate is unavoidably absent from the examination on the date fixed, the Chairman may allow him to appear without payment of a second fee at the next examination.

37. Fee for candidate found ineligible.– A candidate who has paid the examination fee but is found ineligible for an examination shall forfeit the said fee.


38. Grant of certificate of proficiency.– Details of candidates who pass the examination shall be notified by the Committee and candidates shall be granted certificate of proficiency after declaration of result.

39. Form of certificate.– A certificate of proficiency as a Boiler Operation Engineer shall be in Form ‗B‘.

40. Identification requirement.– Every certificate granted under these rules shall bear a bust photograph of the holder thereof previously submitted along with his application under rule 25 and his signature and such other particulars as may be required for the purpose of identification.

41. Grant of duplicate certificate.– (1) Whenever the holder of a certificate proves to the satisfaction of the Chairman that the certificate granted to him under these rules has been lost, stolen or destroyed or mutilated, he shall be granted on payment of a fee of Rs.200/- ( two hundred rupees), a duplicate certificate to which, by the record so kept as aforesaid, he appears to be entitled, which shall have for all purposes the same validity as the original certificate and the words ―Duplicate Certificate‖ shall be written on such certificate and the fee shall be paid by Treasury Challan or such other mode including on-line mode of payment, as lay down by the Committee in this behalf.

(2) If on enquiry the Secretary is of the opinion that any statement made by the applicant for the issue of duplicate certificate is false, he shall report the case to the said Committee at its next meeting and the Committee may at its discretion either cancel the certificate or permit the grant of a duplicate certificate either immediately or after such period not exceeding twelve months as the Committee may think fit having regard to the circumstances of each case.

42. Application for duplicate certificate.– A application for issuance of a duplicate certificate shall be made to with the Chairman along-with a copy of the First Information Report lodged with the police in this regard and a self-declaration stating that the certificate granted under these rules, has been lost.

43. Invalidity of original certificate.– On the issue of a duplicate certificate, the original certificate shall cease to be valid, and shall if in the possession of the holder thereof be returned to the office of the Chairman.

44. Record of duplicate certificate.– The details of all the duplicate certificates granted under these rules shall be recorded in the office of the Chairman.


45. Enquiry regarding certificate holders.– If the District Magistrate or the Chief Inspector or Director of Boilers has reason to believe from any cause whatsoever, that, any enquiry should be made into allegations of incompetence, drunkenness, misconduct or negligence of duties on the part of a Boiler Operation Engineer holding certificate of proficiency under these rules, they shall either themselves make such enquiry or cause it to be made by their subordinate officers , and, –

(a) the proceedings shall be held in the presence of the person whose conduct is the subject matter of the enquiry and he shall have an opportunity to make any statement and produce any evidence in his defence.

(b) the proceeding of the enquiry together with the findings thereon by the officer conducting the enquiry shall be forwarded by that officer for decision of the Committee.

46. Surrender of certificate.–When an enquiry is being conducted under rule 45, the holder of such certificate shall, on demand by the officer in charge of the enquiry, forthwith surrender his certificate to the said officer pending the result of such enquiry.

47. Decision of the Committee.– (1) On receipt of the proceeding of the enquiry conducted under rule 45 together with findings thereon the Committee may by order in writing allow the certificate to stand or suspend it for such period as it thinks fit or cancel the certificate permanently.

(2) Before taking any action under sub-rule (1) the candidate shall be given an opportunity of being heard in the matter.

(3) Anybody aggrieved by the order of the Committee under sub-rule(1) may, within thirty days of the date of the receipt of the order, prefer an appeal to the Government or the Central Government, as the case may be, whose decision thereon, shall be final.

(See rules 25 )

Application for certificate of proficiency as Boiler Operation Engineer

Part I – Name etc. of the applicant.

1. Name (in full):

2. Father‘s Name:

3. Nationality:

4. Date of Birth:

5. Place of Birth:

6. Permanent Address:

0. Whether appeared in any previous examination:

1. If so, details of date and place:



of the
Class of Certificate
Place of
Date of
If at any time
suspended or
cancelled, and if so
state by whom
Date of
suspension or
Reasons of
suspension or


(the testimonials to be numbered serially corresponding to the numbers given in column 1 below)

Number of
Date of testimonials Name and designation of person signing the testimonials Address of factory or Workshop where
Number, type and
heating surface of
boilers worked on
Capacity in
which employed
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)

Service of Applicant Period for which employed Not to be filled in by the applicant
Date of commencement Date of
Years Months Days Initial of
(7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13)

(A) Total Service:

(B) Time served for which certificates are produced:

(C) Time served for which no certificates are produced:


I do hereby declare that the statements made in Part I, II and III of this Form are correct and true to the best of my knowledge and belief; and that the documents enumerated in Part II and submitted with this form are true and genuine documents and further that the copies of the documents submitted with this form are true and correct.

I further declare that the statements made in Part III contain a true and correct account of the whole period of my service without exception, and I make this declaration conscientiously believing the same to be true.

Dated at this Signed in the presence of Signature…………….. Designation……………….


day of Signature of the applicant Present Address 20

NOTE :- 1. Every application must be accompanied with the requisite fee in the manner as specified in the notice or advertisement or prospectus for examination .

2. Two copies of a recent bust photograph of the applicant (size 50mm x 65mm) shall accompany the application which shall bear the signature of the applicant on the back .

3. Any, person making a false statement for the purpose of the admission to the examination renders himself liable to prosecution under the applicable laws.

4. Incomplete application is liable to be rejected.


(Not to be filled by the applicant)

Certified that Mr./Ms. ____________________ has been examined for certificate of proficiency as Boiler Operation Engineer and that he or she has passed/failed in the examination held during_____ Issuance of certificate of proficiency as Boiler Operation Engineer( when certified to have been passed) Certificate No.__________ issued on________ and duplicate recorded.

Committee of Examiners

(See Rule 39)
Certificate of proficiency as a Boiler Operation Engineer under the Boiler Operation Rules, 2021

No…of………………………………….. 20…………………….. Mr./Ms…aged about… years, at present residing at ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… upon having satisfied the Committee of Examiners appointed under the Boiler Operation Rules , 2021 of his proficiency to fulfill the duties of a Boiler Operation Engineer is granted under that Rules, this certificate of proficiency authorising him or her to be in-charge of boilers of any type or size provided that all the boilers are situated within a radius of fifty meters Dated at ….. this …. Day of………… 20……….. Secretary Chairman Committee of Examiners Committee of Examiners



Description Roll

1. Date and Place of Birth……………..

2. Permanent address……………………

3. Nationality…………………………

4. Height (without shoes)………………

5. Marks of Identification………………

0. Left Thumb impression……………..

6. Signature of applicant………………..

[F. No. P-30012/2/2020-Boilers]



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