Download EMI Calculator EMI in Terms of FD & RD Calculator
Download Automatic Excel Utility for Application for allotment of New PAN (Form 49A) – applicable for Citizens of India. This form should be used when the applicant has never applied for a PAN or does not have PAN allotted to him. An applicant can visit Income Tax Department (ITD) website to find whether a PAN has been allotted to him or not. Indian citizens located outside India should also use this form.
WCT certificate need to be issued as per the requirement of respective state VAT Act. In the state of west Bengal WCT certificate need to be issued on monthly basis as per rule 47 of West Bengal VAT Rules 2005. We have prepared a Marco in excel which makes the task of preparing WCT certificate in form 18 much easier. Generally it takes around 5-8 minutes to prepare one certificate and need a lot of concentration to avoid any error.
TDS on Salary Calculator for Financial Year 2012-13 / Assessment year 2013-14. The Calculator attached is in excel format which can calculate TDS liability of up to 50 employees. Calculator have facility to prepare and print computation of Income for all the Employees.
Automatic Due Date Reminder Calender for Financial Year 2012-13-This Calender contains due dates of all the statutory and other Reports to be presented to Management and Banks.
Download Format of Bills for CA, CS, ICWA and other Professionals. This Format will work only in Excel 2007. In this bill book you have to enter only details of bill book in a table and after that you can print the bill you want to print in just one command.
TDS on Salary Calculator for Employers for A.Y. 2012-13 F.Y. 2011-12. Calculate TDS of more then one employee in single file. 1 Fill the data in sheets Bonus, arrear, Apr to Dec only 2 Estimates will be automatically calculated 3 ESI and PF in Estimate calculation applied only for applicaple employee, formula can be copied or deleted as and when applicable 4 in TDS sheet Green colour cells only should be filled manually apart from that Emp Id, Name, Gender and Designation can be filled.
Download Revised Form 49A Excel Auto utility – This form should be used when the applicant has never applied for a PAN or does not have PAN allotted to him. An applicant can visit Income Tax Department (ITD) website to find whether a PAN has been allotted to him or not.
This excel utility should be used when PAN has already been allotted to the applicant but applicant wants to make change/correction in PAN data. A new PAN card bearing the same PAN with updated details will be issued to applicant. The form is updated with recent changes made in the same and applicable from 08.04.2012.
1. It calculates Tax Liability of Salaried Employees of Private and Government Sector for A.Y. 2013-14 or Financial Year 2012-13. 2. Calculator have in Built House Rent Allowance (HRA) Calculator which Calculates HRA Exemption which an Employee is Eligible. 3. In Built Arrears Relief Calculator to Calculate tax Relief Receivable by the Employee on Salary Received during the year related to years earlier then Financial year 2012-13.