Circular : No. 193 -Income Tax I am directed to forward a copy of draft circular letter setting out the rates at which income-tax and surcharge should be deducted from interest on Government securities on or after April 1, 1976. It is requested that a circular on the basis of this draft may be issued by you immediately to all Treasury Officers and Sub-Treasury Officers under your control, individually.
Circular : No. 194 -Income Tax The question whether contributions to family pension fund established by a scheme under the Employees’ Provident Fund and Family Pension Fund Act, 1952, will be entitled to the relief under section 80C(2)(a )(ii) has been considered by the Board
Circular : No. 192 -Income Tax The Board have considered the question of allowability under section 37(1), expenditure incurred on training of apprentices covered under the Apprentices Act, 1961. Any expenditure to qualify for deduction under section 37(1) must be laid out or expended wholly and exclusively for the purposes of the business or profession carried on by the assessee.
Circular : No. 191-Income Tax The Board have considered the question whether an Income-tax clearance certificate under section 230A is necessary in a case where the Government is a transferor. They are advised that the expression “person” appearing in section 230A has been used only in the context of those entities which are required to pay income-tax and taxes under various
Circular : No. 190 -Income Tax Reference is invited to the Board’s Circular No. 142 [F. No. 204/25/74-IT-(A-II)], dated 1-8-1974, whereby the Board had issued clarification that the amount of subsidy received under “10 per cent Central Outright Grant of Subsidy Scheme, 1971” for industrial units to be set up in certain selected backward districts/areas would constitute capital receipt in the hands of the recipient.
Circular : No. 189 -Income Tax Reference is invited to the Board’s Letter F. No. 10/49/65-IT(A-I),-dated14-10-1965 [see Sl. No. 266] which, inter alia explained the position regarding the creation of statutory reserve for allowance of development rebate as follows
Having reviewed the role of Inspector in the present day set-up of the Department the Board have compiled a new list of duties and functions of Inspector which is enclosed herewith. You are requested to see that Inspectors in your charge are assigned duties and functions strictly in accordance with this list. This instruction contained in the Inspector’s Manual and various circulars/ instruction of the Board issued up-to-date may be considered to have been modified accordingly.
Circular : No. 188 -Income Tax Under rule 6(b ) of Part A of the Fourth Schedule interest credited on the balance to the credit of an employee participating in a recognised provident fund is exempt from income-tax, to the extent it does not exceed one-third of the employee’s salary for the relevant year or is not allowed at a rate exceeding that fixed by the Central Government in this behalf by notification in the Official Gazette. Under Notification No. SO 225(E), dated 30-3-1974 [printed
Circular No. 187-Income Tax Attention is invited to the Board’s Circular No. 187 [F. No. 473/15/73-FTD], dated 23-12-1975 [Clarification 2] on the above subject laying down the guidelines for the grant of approval under section 80-O. The Board has had occasion to re-examine the aforesaid guidelines and it has been decided to modify the guidelines to the extent indicated below
Circular No. 185-Income Tax Attention is invited to paragraph 2 of Circular No. 176 [F. No. 275/12/75-ITJ], dated 16-8-1975 enclosing an extract of the revised Sub-Paragraph I of Paragraph A of Part III of the First Schedule to the Finance Act, 1975, giving the revised rate of tax deduction at source from salaries during financial year 1975-76, consequent