Income Tax : Learn about the proposed tax changes for ULIPs under Finance Bill 2025, including capital gains taxation, exemption limits, and ap...
Income Tax : Finance Bill 2025 clarifies tax implications on ULIP redemption, ensuring consistent tax treatment for both ULIP and other life in...
Fema / RBI : Discover top investment options and tax-saving schemes for NRIs returning to India, including FDs, NPS, equity, real estate, mutua...
Income Tax : Explore the taxation of ULIP and LIC maturities under the Income Tax Act in India. Learn about capital gains, computation, and tax...
Income Tax : Through a comprehensive exploration of ULIP & LIC taxation under the Income Tax Act, readers will gain valuable insights into opti...
Corporate Law : IRDA has twin objectives of development of the industry as well as protection of the policyholder. Both the objectives are interli...
Finance : Life Insurance Corporation of India today launched 'Samridhi Plus' under its unit linked portfolio offering insurance protection, ...
Income Tax : The Life Insurance Corporation of India has made a strong case for continuing tax breaks on life insurance policies bought with an...
Finance : Union Finance Minister, Shri Pranab Mukherjee has asked the insurance companies to create awareness among the poor and vulnerable ...
Income Tax : Under the DTC Bill, the annual deduction has been raised to Rs. 1.5 lakh. From the bill It appears that investments in PPF, PF, N...
Income Tax : Explore a detailed analysis of ITAT Delhi ruling on Subhash Tandon Vs ITO, which sheds light on taxability of ULIP redemption as c...
Corporate Law : IRDA has twin objectives of development of the industry as well as protection of the policyholder. Both the objectives are interli...
Corporate Law : CIRCULAR NO. IRDA/ACTL/ULIP/124(2)/10/2010, DATED 27-10-2010 This has reference to the following circulars & regulation issued...
Corporate Law : The Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority (Irda) has suspended sale of universal life policies, which were being promoted...
Corporate Law : Life Insurance Corporation of India has introduced its ULIP plan under the new IRDA regime, following the launch of its Pension Pl...
Corporate Law : The new rules of the Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority (Irda) take effect from September 1. Ulips, which contributed ...
Against the backdrop of Sebi banning 14 life insurers from selling ULIPs, the insurers are likely to meet here on Monday to discuss their future course of action against the order. SEBI had, late yesterday night, banned 14 life insurance companies from selling ULIPs–insurance products that invest in equity–on the ground that they were akin to mutual funds and were launched without obtaining registration from it.
Insurance regulator IRDA on Saturday said that ULIP policies, under which a portion of funds is invested in the stock markets, are safe and secure. “Policy holders of the Unit Linked Insurance Products (ULIPs) offered by different insurance companies are assured that these policies are safe and secure”, said IRDA chairman J Hari Narayan in a release that followed market regulator Sebi banning such schemes of select companies last night.
In a significant order late on Friday, market regulator Sebi banned issuance of Unit-Linked Insurance Plans, popularly known as ULIPs, by life insurance companies. Sebi has asked 14 private insurance companies, including market leaders like SBI Life, ICICI Prudential Life and Reliance Life Insurance, not to issue any more ULIP products. The Sebi order does not cover state-owned insurance major LIC. There is no immediate clarity on the fate of existing products.
Shield Plus is a fixed term, 10-year, single premium, unit-linked insurance plan (Ulip) that gives a choice of six fund options. Quite like, most other products in the same genre. The main difference here is that this plan also has a fund called Shield Plus-I, which offers a guaranteed minimum unit price on maturity. The sum assured can be 1.1 or five times the single premium paid.
ULIP’s are basically long term investment. But despite being Long Term in nature they are Return Maximizing tool. The return is maximized through the well known option provided itself in the ULIP product SWITCHES. Each Ulip comes with a Switch Option giving opportunity to the policy holder to manage his funds and maximize the Returns over the Long term.
Any sum received under a life insurance policy including any bonus thereon will be exempt, only if the premium does not exceed 5% of the capital sum assured and such sum is received only upon completion of the original period of contract or upon the death of the insured.
Circular No: 20/IRDA/Actl/ULIP/09-10 Sub: Unit linked products – Cap on charges The Insurance Industry has introduced ULIPs which have found favour with insurance customers in India. These products prescribe certain charges which are deducted either from contributions or from the fund. In 2005, the IRDA had in its Circular No.032/IRDA/Actuary/DEC-2005 dated 21/12/2005 defined various charges […]