Income Tax : Learn how to achieve tax-free rental income of ₹20,00,000 by leveraging deductions under Section 24 of the Income Tax Act, 1961,...
Income Tax : Learn how tax harvesting helps offset capital gains tax by selling loss-making investments. Optimize your tax savings and maintain...
Income Tax : In this article, we provide a brief overview on certain tax-saving checklist for taxpayers in India to ensure that taxpayers take ...
Income Tax : Explore the legal boundaries of tax avoidance, recent rulings, and the evolving jurisprudence in India with key cases like Vodafon...
Income Tax : Discover the tax benefits for senior and very senior citizens for FY 2022-23, including higher exemption limits, interest deductio...
Income Tax : Trusts and institutions carrying out charitable activities will face more stringent taxation regime when the new direct taxes code...
Finance : Money managers, who have historically used dividends as a ploy to lure investors to tax-saving stock funds, are shying away from p...
Income Tax : Bhoruka Steel Limited (BSL) was incorporated in the year 1969. The company became a sick industrial company within the meaning of...
Income Tax : Wallfort Shares & Stock Brokers, a Five Member Special Bench of the Tribunal (96 ITD 1 (Mum) (SB)) and the Bombay High Court (310 ...
Why is tax planning necessary ? The tax paid is an addition to the cost. Just as every businessman tries to maximise his profit by reducing the cost, he should also arrange his affairs in such a way, that he pays the least amount of tax.
Learn how the new tax rules for A.Y 2015-16 in India will benefit the salaried class. Find out about the increased minimum limit and more.
The new Indian government announced its tax rules for the current financial year. But very few announcements were made by new government which could provide relief to salaried class people. The first and the most important amendment was in the tax slab.
Bhoruka Steel Limited (BSL) was incorporated in the year 1969. The company became a sick industrial company within the meaning of SICA.It was proposed that 30 acres of land along with building and structure to be disposed of.
We know that investment in residential property or Flats is one of the common investment avenue for individuals. Here we are trying to summarise the tax implication on sale of residential property and tax planning to save tax on the Capital Gain arising on the sale of such property.
Salient feature, Interest Payable, Rates, Periodicity, Minimum Amount for opening of account and maximum balance that can be retained, tax rebate available etc in respect of Post Office Savings Account , Post Office Savings Account , Post Office Time Deposit Account, Monthly Income Account (MIS), Senior Citizens Savings Scheme Account, 15 year Public Provident Fund Account (PPF), Kisan Vikas Patra, National Savings Certificate (NSS) (VIII issue) is been discussed below.
A non-convertible debenture is a fixed income instrument where the issuer agrees to pay a fixed rate of interest to the investor. The fixed-income instrument cannot be converted into equity of the issuing company and is very different from convertibl
That the First Party has appointed the Second Party to manage, sale and supervise preparation of items in accordance with the policies of Second Party through their agents, supervisors, employees and representatives.
Wallfort Shares & Stock Brokers, a Five Member Special Bench of the Tribunal (96 ITD 1 (Mum) (SB)) and the Bombay High Court (310 ITR 421 (Bom)) held that the ‘loss’ incurred by an assessee in ‘dividend-stripping’ transactions cannot be disallowed on the ground that it was ‘tax-planning‘. The department’s SLP against the said judgement has been dismissed by the Supreme Court today, 6th July 2010.
Tax Planning :- Tax planning as a concept had at a point of time suffered degradation and for a while seemed to be a euphemism for tax evasion. This was the fall-out of some observations in McDowell’s case, [154 ITR 148 (SC)] especially in the separate opinion of Justice Chinnappa Reddy. But the libel did not stay too long. Sabyasachi Mukherjee, Justice of the Supreme Court salvaged its respectability by observing tax avoidance by genuine transactions is not evil.