Income Tax : Learn how capital gains are calculated on property received by gift or will, using acquisition costs of previous owners and applyi...
Income Tax : Monetary gifts to individuals or HUFs exceeding ₹50,000 in a year are taxable unless received under specific exemptions like fro...
Income Tax : Understand the tax implications of Raksha Bandhan gifts. Learn about exemptions for gifts from relatives and the tax rules for gif...
Income Tax : Explore the guidelines for gifting shares and money from residents to non-resident relatives under FEMA and LRS, ensuring complian...
Income Tax : Explore the intricacies of a Gift Deed, detailing the transfer of shares with love and affection. Understand the legalities, assur...
Finance : he Bombay High Court ruled on Wednesday that no part of an ancestral family property can be ‘gifted’ away. The court in a land...
Income Tax : In fresh trouble for Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Mayawati, the Income Tax Department has filed two appeals in the Income Tax Appe...
Income Tax : In Sharon Agarwal Vs ITO, ITAT Delhi deletes addition of cash gifts received from mother. Explore implications of this landmark de...
Income Tax : From gift deed it is crystal clear that the said property was gifted by assesee to his sister out of natural love and affection an...
Income Tax : It is pertinent to note that to meet the emergency situation of additional expenses by the assessee the assessee has obtained cash...
Income Tax : Supreme Court held that the valuation of shares for the purpose of gift tax needs to take into consideration the limitations and r...
Income Tax : ITAT held that cash gifts received by the assessee from her brother and sister cannot be added as unexplained income under section...
Income Tax : Amendment in Rule 11U and 11UA omitting reference to the term accountant, thereby permitting only merchant bankers to determine th...
Sheela Yogi Vs ITO (ITAT Jaipur) Once the summons have been issued and these persons have appeared and given their statements before the AO wherein they have confirmed that they have advanced the amount to the assessee towards purchase of the agricultural land and has also disclosed the source of their earnings/savings, the assessee has […]
Diwali for everybody is like meeting their friends and exchanging gifts. The gifts can be sweets, dry fruits, and other valuable items like silver or gold coins. But did you ever thought that these gifts may have some tax implications too?? No… Everybody believes that these gifts are not taxable in their hands. You are […]
Traditionally Deepawali is the major occasion when gifts are given and gifts are received. The items given as gifts vary from just boxes of dry fruit and sweet to valuable like gold and silver coins etc. Majority of the recipients of such gifts are under the impression that such gifts have no income tax implications, […]
Taxability of Gifts {Section 56(2)(x) of Income Tax Act, 1961} To prevent the practice of receiving sum of money or the property without consideration or for inadequate consideration, section 56(2)(x) brings to tax any sum of money or the value of any property received by any person without consideration or the value of any property […]
Compilation of Section 47(iii), section 56(2)(x)(c), 50D & 50CA -Corporate gifts- an allowable transaction under Income tax? Purpose of section 56 defeated by the ITAT judgement? Brief overview of the judgement delivered On October 4, 2019, in a recent judgement of M/s Direct Media Distribution Ventures Private Limited v/s Principal Commissioner of Income Tax (ITA No: 2211/Mum/2019),the Mumbai bench […]
As per section 56(2)(vii) of Income Tax Act, gifts received by an individual or a hindu undivided family in the form of money or property (without consideration or with inadequate consideration) is taxable as income under the head Income from Other Sources provided such income falls under five categories mentioned below and such income does not fall in the exempted category.
As per section 56(2)(i), dividends are always taxed under this head. However, dividends from domestic company other than those covered by section 2(22)(e) are exempt from tax under section 10(34). Winnings from lotteries, crossword puzzles, races including horse races, card game and other game of any sort, gambling or betting of any form whatsoever, are always taxed under this head.
Gift is usually used to convert black money into white money. To stop practice of converting black money into white money a section 56(2)(Vii) introduced by Finance Act , 2009 and amended by Finance act , 2010. This section deals with law of taxation of gift.
Gifts!! This word always brings smile not only on face of children but also the elder once. But at the same time we should keep in mind the tax implication on gifts. Hence today I am covering this topic in detail. Type of gifts and its taxation is as under: 1. Cash: If aggregate value […]
Article explains Taxability of gift to minor, Taxability of gift to uncle by nephew, Whether gifts received from friends and relatives on the occasion of daughter’s marriage are exempt, Taxability of Gift of Car, Whether interest free loans can be charged to tax as sum of money received without consideration, Taxability of Gift from Mother’s […]