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Suraj R. Agrawal

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Fair Value Concepts | Ind AS 113 – Fair Value Measurement

CA, CS, CMA : With the introduction and the subsequent adoption of Ind AS by many Indian companies, the emphasis on valuation has increased. The...

March 28, 2020 51414 Views 1 comment Print

Commencement of property construction prior to transfer of original asset not an impediment for section 54F exemption

Income Tax : The Delhi High Court in case of Bharti Mishra held that section 54F prescribes appropriation of sale consideration within one year...

April 2, 2019 3501 Views 0 comment Print

ITAT has Power to grant stay beyond 365 days : Bombay HC

Income Tax : Even in case of substituted third proviso to Section 254(2A) of the Act which restricts the power of the ITAT to grant stay beyond...

January 21, 2016 2172 Views 0 comment Print

Bogus Purchases: Addition solely based on sales-tax dept. info not sustainable

Income Tax : ITAT Mumbai held in the case of Hiralal Chunilal Jain vs. ITO that addition for alleged Bogus Purchase not sustainable as AO had m...

January 20, 2016 7730 Views 0 comment Print

CUP method can be applied by a comparing a pricing formulae instead of pricing quantification in amount

Income Tax : Pr. CIT vs. Toll Global Forwarding India Pvt Ltd (Delhi High Court) CUP method can be applied by a comparing a pricing formulae, r...

January 12, 2016 858 Views 0 comment Print

Latest Judiciary

HC quashes Black Money prosecution against Srinidhi Karti Chidambaram

Income Tax : Madras High Court quashes prosecution proceedings initiated under the Black Money (Undisclosed Foreign Income and Assets) and Impo...

April 10, 2019 8004 Views 0 comment Print

Commencement of property construction prior to transfer of original asset not an impediment for section 54F exemption

Income Tax : The Delhi High Court in case of Bharti Mishra held that section 54F prescribes appropriation of sale consideration within one year...

April 2, 2019 3501 Views 0 comment Print

Brand usage – not an international transaction

Income Tax : Whether the usage of foreign Associated Enterprise (AE) brand name on the cars manufactured and sold by the tax payer amounted to ...

April 27, 2017 1311 Views 0 comment Print

Transaction approved by RBI & Govt not sufficient & assessee has to benchmark royalty payment separately

Fema / RBI : The assessee did not benchmark the royalty payment separately. On enquiry by the TPO, it relied on RBI approval given in 1995 and ...

October 9, 2016 1414 Views 0 comment Print

High pitched assessments: 100% demand stay must be Granted

Income Tax : The Tribunal granted 100 percent stay of demand because (a) the assessed income was more than 10 times the returned income. (Instr...

April 8, 2016 12121 Views 0 comment Print

Latest Posts in Suraj R. Agrawal

Fair Value Concepts | Ind AS 113 – Fair Value Measurement

March 28, 2020 51414 Views 1 comment Print

With the introduction and the subsequent adoption of Ind AS by many Indian companies, the emphasis on valuation has increased. The basis of value is closely related to the purpose of a given valuation exercise and can often vary. Selecting an appropriate basis of value is critical. For example, Fair Value is generally used for […]

HC quashes Black Money prosecution against Srinidhi Karti Chidambaram

April 10, 2019 8004 Views 0 comment Print

Madras High Court quashes prosecution proceedings initiated under the Black Money (Undisclosed Foreign Income and Assets) and Imposition of Tax Act, 2015 for non-disclosure/incomplete disclosure of foreign assets in the Return of Income.

Commencement of property construction prior to transfer of original asset not an impediment for section 54F exemption

April 2, 2019 3501 Views 0 comment Print

The Delhi High Court in case of Bharti Mishra held that section 54F prescribes appropriation of sale consideration within one year before the date of transfer of original asset, two years from the date of transfer or construction of new property within three years from the date of transfer. However, the Act does not prescribe any condition as to the date of commencement of construction of house property which may be commenced even before the date of transfer of original asset.

Brand usage – not an international transaction

April 27, 2017 1311 Views 0 comment Print

Whether the usage of foreign Associated Enterprise (AE) brand name on the cars manufactured and sold by the tax payer amounted to rendering of brand promotion service, and whether it constituted an international transaction under section 92B of the Income-tax Act, 1961(Act).

Transaction approved by RBI & Govt not sufficient & assessee has to benchmark royalty payment separately

October 9, 2016 1414 Views 0 comment Print

The assessee did not benchmark the royalty payment separately. On enquiry by the TPO, it relied on RBI approval given in 1995 and also on the fact that the assessee earned a gross profit of 41.6%. TPO applied Press Note 9 (2000 series) and restricted it to 1% on the plea that the payment was for use of trademark without transfer of technology.

High pitched assessments: 100% demand stay must be Granted

April 8, 2016 12121 Views 0 comment Print

The Tribunal granted 100 percent stay of demand because (a) the assessed income was more than 10 times the returned income. (Instruction 96 of 1969 was relied upon) & (b) The stand taken by the AO was at variance with the stand taken by TPO.

Only Payment for ‘offence’ or on what is ‘prohibited by law’ not allowable

March 14, 2016 2941 Views 0 comment Print

Only those payments, which have been made by the assessee for any purpose which is an ‘offence’ or which is ‘prohibited by law’, shall alone would be hit by the explanation to section 37

Business set up expenses deductible despite no business business income

February 26, 2016 1762 Views 0 comment Print

The assessee may not have been successful in getting customers or earning the business income, but if the assessee has done requisite preparations and if the assessee can be said to be in a position to cater to its customers

TP: Turnover is a relevant factor to consider comparability

February 25, 2016 1387 Views 0 comment Print

Infosys & Wipro are no doubt large and distinct companies where the area of development of subject services is different and as such the profit earned there from cannot be a bench-marked or equated with the assessee.

Shares Buyback cannot be equated with capital reduction

February 24, 2016 23854 Views 0 comment Print

It is open to a company to buy back its own shares by following the procedure prescribed under section 77A/Section 68 or by following the procedure prescribed under section 391 read with Sections 100 to 104 of the 1956, Act.

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