Income Tax : India abolishes Angel Tax from FY 2025-26, boosting startup funding and foreign investment. Learn its impact on valuations, FDI, a...
Income Tax : The Indian government remains married to promoting entrepreneurship and profitable development through duty impulses for startups ...
Corporate Law : Learn the official guidelines for using the Startup India logo, who needs approval, and the application process to ensure legal co...
Income Tax : Section 80-IAC is amended to extend 100% profit deduction for eligible start-ups incorporated until April 1, 2030, effective from ...
Income Tax : The Finance Bill 2025 extends the tax deduction under Section 80-IAC for eligible startups until 2030, providing a 100% deduction ...
Corporate Law : As of June 2024, India recognizes 1.4 lakh startups, with 67,499 having at least one woman director, supported by various governme...
Corporate Law : The Indian Government has recognized over 1.4 lakh startups as of June 2024, promoting innovation and investment through various i...
Corporate Law : Read about the ONDC Startup Mahotsav organized by DPIIT, a platform where startups harness the Open Network for Digital Commerce (...
Income Tax : CBDT proposes changes to Rule 11UA in respect of ANGEL TAX- Also proposes to notify Excluded Entities In the Finance Act, 2023, ...
Corporate Law : The National Startup Awards 2023 aim to recognize and reward outstanding startups that have demonstrated exceptional capabilities ...
Income Tax : ITAT Mumbai held that a start-up company incurring cost for branding of the company and other relevant expenditure which creates p...
Income Tax : In the case of HCL Technologies BPO Services Ltd vs. ACIT, ITAT has held that for transfer pricing only amount retained by associa...
Income Tax : Notification regarding Income-tax Act Section 56(2)(viib) and assessment of Startup Companies. Clarifications for assessing recogn...
Corporate Law : Credit Guarantee Scheme for Startups (CGSS)is to provide guarantee upto a specified limit against credit instruments extended by M...
Corporate Law : Govt has notified that for an application for fast track corporate insolvency resolution process may be made also by a Startup (ot...
Company Law : (1) These rules may be called the Companies (Compromises, Arrangements and Amalgamations) Amendment Rules, 2021. (2) They shall co...
Corporate Law : Central Government has approved the ‘Startup India Seed Fund Scheme (SISFS)’ to provide financial assistance to startups for p...
Notification no. G.S.R. 127 (E) dated 19.02.2019 will be applicable to those Startup Companies also where addition u/s 56(2)(viib) has been made in an assessment order under the IT Act before 19thFebruary, 2019 provided the assessee has subsequently submitted the declaration in Form-2 that it fulfils the conditions mentioned in Para-4 of the above-referred notification.
Following procedure is laid down with regard to the assessment of such startup entities involving the issue of section 56(2)(viib). (i) Where the Startup Company has been recognised by the DPIIT but the case is selected under “limited scrutiny” on the single issue of applicability of section 56 (2)(viib), no verification on such issues will be done by the AOs during the proceedings u/s 143 (3)/147 of the I.T. Act, 1961 and the contention of such recognized Startup Companies on the issue will be summarily accepted.
STARTUP RECOGNITION: Under the Startup India Action Plan, startups that meet the definition as prescribed under G.S.R. notification 127 (E) are eligible to apply for recognition under the program. The Startups have to provide support documents, at the time of application. Eligibility Criteria for Startup Recognition: The Startup should be incorporated as a private limited […]
STARTUPS, CEO’S, DIRECTOR’S, INVESTOR’S will have become part of your daily life whether you are a salaried guy or a businessperson. But In today’s business ecosystem, there is some sort of fakism which is related to these words. This fakism is created by us to give ourselves a shelter of convenience and a fake pride. […]
(1) Section 79 of the Income Tax Act provides conditions for carry forward and set off of losses in case of a company not being a company in which the public are substantially interested. Clause (a) of this section applies to all such companies, except an eligible start-up as referred to in section 80-IAC, while […]
The Start-ups were having high expectations from the first budget of Modi Govt. 2.0 and the Finance Minister, Smt. Nirmala Sitharaman hasn’t let down their expectations. She proposed to start a television programme within the DD bouquet of channels exclusively for start-ups. Further, tax proposals made by Finance Minister were aimed to encourage start-ups by […]
Several tax proposals aim to promote investments in start-ups and sunrise industries in the country Lower 25% corporate tax rate is to be applicable to those with annual turnover upto Rs.400 crore instead of the current limit of Rs.250 crore Increase in surcharge by 3% for those with taxable income between 2-5 crore rupees and […]
Start-ups and their investors filing requisite declarations not to be subjected to any scrutiny regarding valuations of share premiums E-verification mechanism proposed for establishing identity of the investor and source of his funds TV programme proposed exclusively for Start-ups within the DD bouquet of channels Government to launch scheme inviting global companies to set up […]
The Union Minster of Finance and Corporate Affairs, Nirmala Sitharaman said that the Government proposes to start a channel within the DD bouquet of channels exclusively for start-ups.
Government is providing several schemes and support for the young entrepreneurs to set up their start up industries. It is with a sad note that I am writing this that when it comes to land or premise in an approved industrial area or location for setting up an industry, the young entrepreneurs run from pillar […]