Corporate Law : On account of the Pandemic outburst of COVID-19, the Central Government declared a complete lockdown from 25th March, 2020 onwards...
Corporate Law : The Ministry of Commerce and Industry, Department of Commerce vide SEZ Division Letter in D.12/25/2012-SEZ, dated October 28, 2014...
Corporate Law : As part of ‘Ease of Doing Business’ initiative of Department of Commerce (DOC), following transactions were identified by DOC ...
Income Tax : Ministry of Commerce & Industry 378 SEZs are presently notified, out of which 265 are operational Posted On: 10 MAR 2021 The S...
Corporate Law : In all other matters, the concerned DC, SEZ should take all necessary steps, including consultation with Government Counsel and re...
Goods and Services Tax : The issue under consideration is whether the petitioner is eligible for exemption from payment of entry tax based on certificates ...
Corporate Law : Discover the new guidelines for SEZ Developers on procuring and installing solar panels to provide power supply in common areas of...
Corporate Law : Discover the latest changes in the Special Economic Zones (Fourth Amendment) Rules, 2024. Stay informed on reconditioning, repair,...
Corporate Law : Stay updated with the latest changes! Read about the Special Economic Zones (Second Amendment) Rules, 2024, issued by the Ministry...
Finance : Explore the latest finance ministry notification under IFSCA Act 2019, detailing modifications in Special Economic Zones Act 2005 ...
Corporate Law : Discover the latest amendment to the Special Economic Zones Rules, 2024, enhancing the flexibility in transactions between SEZ uni...
The Ministry of Commerce and Industry, Department of Commerce vide SEZ Division Letter in D.12/25/2012-SEZ, dated October 28, 2014, has harmonized the Rules, formats and fees in all the SEZs formats by standardizing the following procedures for adaption in all Zones:
As part of ‘Ease of Doing Business’ initiative of Department of Commerce (DOC), following transactions were identified by DOC as important applications made by SEZ units and Developers to Development Commissioner’s office and DOC for various Approvals/intimations/reporting. DOC had requested NDML to develop and deploy online submission process for the same.
It was required that each Ministry/Public Authority should get its proactive disclosure package audited by third party every year and such audit should be communicated to the CIC through publication on their own website. It has been noticed that most of the Ministries/Public Authorities have not yet got their proactive disclosure package audited by a third party.
Uniform List of Services To Be Followed in SEZs – Representations have been received for inclusion of more services in the list of default authorised services. The matter was considered during the DC meeting held on 7th November, 2013 and it has been decided that following two more services may be included in the list of default authorised services:-
I am directed to circulate a Draft guidelines to regulate functioning of worn and used clothing units in SEZs and invite comments/suggestions on the same in order to finalize the Policy to regulate functioning of worn and used clothing units in SEZs.
Disaster recovery (DR) may be seen as the process, policies and procedures related to preparing for recovery or continuation of technology infrastructure critical to a business organization after a natural or human-induced disaster occurs. Disaster recovery may be seen as a subset of business continuity.
I am directed to circulate a Draft policy on Units in Special Economic Zones (SEZs) carrying on recycling of plastic scrap or waste and invite comments/suggestions on the same in order to finalize the Policy on Plastic Recycling Units in SEZs.
In all other matters, the concerned DC, SEZ should take all necessary steps, including consultation with Government Counsel and represent the matter before the relevant Court on behalf of UoI also.
The SEZ sector has grown significantly since the enactment of the SEZ Act 2005 and Rules in 2006, in terms of the number of SEZs, investment attracted, and employment and exports generated. While these achievements are irrefutable and significant, a comprehensive analytical assessment of the performance of the sector and certain key developments in the politico-economic environment in recent years reveals aspects of the SEZ Policy and Operational framework that perhaps require a re-look with a view to possible reform.
Whereas, M/s. Calica Constructions and Impex Private Limited, a private organisation, had proposed under section 3 of the Special Economic Zones Act, 2005 (28 of 2005), (hereinafter referred to as the said Act) to set up a sector specific Special Economic Zone for Information Technology and Information Technology enabled services at Village Ognaj, Taluka Dascroi, District Ahmedabad in the State of Gujarat;