Income Tax : Explore Section 80JJAA of Income Tax Act, encouraging job creation in India. Learn about conditions, deductions, and benefits for ...
Income Tax : Learn about Deduction u/s 80JJAA: Who's eligible, how much is allowed, and what it means for additional employee costs. Expert ins...
Income Tax : Learn about tax deductions for new employee costs under section 80JJAA of the Income-tax Act, its eligibility criteria, and practi...
Finance : A company opting for special rate taxation under section 115BAA and 115BAB of the Act are exempt from paying MAT. Further, a compa...
Income Tax : Explore Section 80JJA of the Income Tax Act, 1961, offering deductions for businesses engaged in collecting and processing biodegr...
Income Tax : During the course of the survey operation, evidences of tax evasion have been gathered regarding wrongful claims of deduction u/s ...
Goods and Services Tax : Currently, a deduction of 30% is allowed in addition to normal deduction of 100% in respect of emoluments paid to eligible new emp...
Income Tax : An employee should be employed for 300 days or more during the previous year should be applied cumulatively across the year of hir...
Income Tax : Deduction under section 80IA(4) couldn't be denied solely due to the delayed filing of Form 10CCB, as the audit report was filed b...
Income Tax : Assessee has preferred an appeal before Addl/JCIT(A) who allowed the appeal by observing that the ICDS adjustments were made under...
Income Tax : Filing of Form 10CCB required for claiming deductions under Section 80IA before the due date for filing of return of income u/s 13...
Income Tax : ITAT Ahmedabad remands case of Vimalachal Print & Pack Pvt. Ltd. for re-assessment regarding deduction under Section 80JJAA in AY...
Company Law : NFRA issues order penalizing CA Pawan Jain and Mis Kumar Jain & Associates for lapses in issuing reports under Income Tax Act for ...
Income Tax : Notification No. 8/2020-Income-Tax- CBDT has notified Other electronic modes by inserting New Income TAx Rule 6ABBA. It also amend...
Income Tax : Rule 19AB. Form of report for claiming deduction under section 80JJAA. Report of an accountant which is required to be furnished b...
Tax Incentive to Business / Service sector/ Industry on salary of new employees On Salary of Rs. 100/- avail tax benefit on Rs. 190/- :- Any business / service sector/ manufacturing industry can claim additional deduction of 30% of salary paid to additional employees, subject to fulfilment of certain conditions. This deduction of 30% of […]
Applicability of of Section 80JJAA of Income Tax Act 1961: -Assessee who are covered under Section 44AB. -Profit & Gains derived from business. Amount of Deduction under Section 80JJAA of Income Tax Act 1961: 30% of additional employee cost. Three Assessment years including assessment year relevant to the previous year in which such employment is […]
Keeping a check on cash transactions under income tax (with illustrations) INTRODUCTION: We come across a common saying ‘Cash is King,’ however idle cash can never generate any interest income, therefore channelizing the idle money into digital mode shall generate income. The Cashless economy is a system where majority of transactions take place by modes […]
I. Applicability of Section 80JJAA:- In order to promote Employee generation, deduction under section 80JJAA is given to all Assesses, whose books of accounts are required to get audited u/s.44AB. II. Quantum and Duration of Deduction under Section 80JJAA:- Where the gross total income of an assesse to whom section 44AB applies, includes any profits […]
A number of new provisions have been introduced in the Income Tax Act from time to time to put restrictions on cash transactions as well as to incentivise the non-cash transactions. Cash transactions have always played a major role in the Indian Economy and consistently were responsible for generation and accumulation of Black Money. The […]
E-BOOK: KNOW WHEN TO SAY NO TO CASH TRANSACTIONS Article explain Restrictions on Cash Expenditure (Capital & Revenue), Incentives to encourage cashless business transactions, Restrictions on Cash Loans, Deposits & Advances, Restrictions on Cash Transactions in Real Estate, Restrictions on Income Tax Deductions, Restrictions on Cash Transactions of Rs. 2 Lacs or more, Mandating Acceptance […]
Cash transactions seldom leave any trail and has always been a facilitator of black money. Whereas, electronic transactions ensure a clear money trail and make it very difficult for tax evaders. Government, in this regard, has from time to time bought in various provisions in order to restrict/discourage cash transactions and incentivise/ promote non-cash mode. We […]
ANALYSIS OF SECTION 80JJA A. Applicability of Section 80JJA 1. This section applicable to all assesses i.e. corporate and non-corporate assessee. It is also applicable to non-resident carrying on business in India. 2. This section applies to any assessee to whom section 44AB applies i.e. applicable to a person who is required to get his […]
This article makes an attempt to analyse the new provisions of section 80JJAA introduced vide Finance Act 2016 and the issues in implementing the said provisions in practice. Historical Background The erstwhile section 80JJAA of the Income Tax Act 1961 (‘the Act’) was introduced vide Finance Act 1998 (No.2). The said section was introduced with […]
The Government of India, to promote employment generation activities, had introduced Section 80JJAA under Chp. VIA of Income Tax Act, 1961 which allows for deduction in respect of employment of new employees. Section 80JJAA enables an employer to enjoy tax sops or you can say – cashback for payment of salaries to new employees employed by him.