Service Tax : Despite doing away with the service-specific descriptions, there will be some descriptions where some differential treatment will ...
Income Tax : The Parliament has passed the the Competition (Amendment) Bill, 2009 which is to replace the Competition (Amendment) Ordinance, 20...
Income Tax : The government is likely to seek the Cabinet’s approval on amending the Competition Act 2002 to facilitate the winding up of the...
Income Tax : After a lull, the contentious provisions regarding mergers and acquisitions (M&A’s) of the amended Competition Act is back on th...
Excise Duty : The appellant herein has merely utilized the credit and, to the extent that rule 3(4) of CENVAT Credit Rules, 2004 has not been sh...
Service Tax : CESTAT Mumbai held that the allocation of head office executive and general administrative expenses by the head office of Standard...
Corporate Law : NCLAT rules that appeals under Section 61 of IBC are invalid after corporate debtor dissolution. Explore the judgment on corporate...
Corporate Law : NCLAT Chennai held that after finalization of process of e-auction sale of Corporate Debtor, it cannot be permitted to consider Sc...
Company Law : NCLT Kolkata held that unsuccessful resolution applicant has no locus to assail resolution plan once the resolution plan has been ...
Service Tax : Notification No. 43/2009-Service Tax Whereas the Central Government is satisfied that a practice was generally prevalent regarding...
Service Tax : Notification No. 33/2009 - Service Tax Central Government hereby exempts the taxable service provided to any person in relation to...
Income Tax : That the said Association will submit to the prescribed authority by 30th June, each year, a copy of their audited annual accounts...
NCLT Mumbai held that the Resolution Plan submitted by Univastu India Ltd. which was approved unanimously by the members of the Committee of Creditors (CoC) and which meets the requirements of law deserved to be approved.
CESTAT Mumbai allowed the refund claim filed by Deposit Insurance and Credit Guarantee Corporations (DICGC) by considering premium amount paid by bank as inclusive of tax.
CESTAT Delhi held that buying and selling space on ships does not amount to rendering a service and any profit or income earned through such transactions would not be leviable to service tax.
CESTAT Kolkata held that there was no proposal to demand service tax under ‘Cargo Handling Service’ in the Notice, however, in the impugned order the adjudicating authority classified the services under ‘Cargo Handling Service’. Hence, adjudicating authority has travelled beyond the scope of the Notice, which is legally not sustainable.
CESTAT Chennai held that refund claim of Education Cess (EC) and Secondary and Higher Education Cess (SHEC) on Oil Industry Development Cess (OID Cess) u/s 11B of the Central Excise Act, 1944 duly available as proved that burden of OID cess is not passed on to the buyer.
CESTAT Chandigarh held that sub-contractor is liable to pay service tax on ‘Erection, Commissioning and Installation service’ even if the main contractor has discharged Service Tax liability on the activity undertaken by the subcontractor.
CESTAT Delhi held that extended period of limitation cannot be invoked in absence of suppression of facts with an intent to evade payment of service tax. Here, it was merely suppression of facts but intent to evade payment of service tax was absent.
CESTAT Delhi held that the transaction of purchase and sale of liquor by the Corporation will not fall within the ambit of ‘Business Auxiliary Services’ and would, therefore, not be taxable.
ITAT Amritsar held that transfer of REC (Renewable Energy Certificate) is capital in nature and not liable to tax under business income as the income is offshoot from environmental concern not from offshoot of business concern.
CESTAT Ahmedabad held that as ‘information technology software service’ was implemented w.e.f. 16.05.2008 the same cannot be held taxable prior to that date. Hence, demand for the period prior to 16.05.2008 is not maintainable.