Income Tax : Learn about common income tax notices for salaried individuals, their implications, and steps to handle them effectively. Avoid le...
Income Tax : Supreme Court disallows ₹10 crore bad debt deduction for Khyati Realtors Pvt Ltd, ruling it as capital expenditure, not eligible...
Income Tax : Learn about rectifying mistakes in income tax orders under Section 154, including types of rectifiable orders, responsible authori...
Income Tax : Learn about the Faceless Income-Tax Proceedings, including e-Proceedings features, differences from manual assessments, and how to...
Income Tax : Understand the implications of receiving a notice under Section 143(2) of the Income Tax Act. Learn how to respond, time limits, a...
Income Tax : Read how Income Tax Gazetted Officers’ Association addresses last-minute case reallocations affecting timely issuance of notices...
Income Tax : The Supreme Court has ruled that it is mandatory for the Income Tax Department to issue notice within the prescribed time limit of...
Income Tax : ITAT Raipur held that penalty under section 271(1)(c) of the Income Tax Act justifiable since no plausible explanation provided fo...
Income Tax : ITAT Jaipur held that issuance of notice under section 148 of the Income Tax Act by ACIT, Jaipur, is illegal and liable to be quas...
Income Tax : ITAT Kolkata held that reopening of assessment framed u/s. 148A(d) without application of mind and without controverting the expla...
Income Tax : Delhi High Court held that reopening of an assessment under section 147 of the Income Tax Act merely on the basis of communication...
Income Tax : ITAT Mumbai held that addition under section 69 towards unexplained cash made by the AO without bringing any concrete evidence on ...
Income Tax : Understand the guidelines set by the Indian Ministry of Finance for the compulsory selection of returns for complete scrutiny duri...
Income Tax : CBDT hereby authorises the Assistant Commissioner of Income-tax/Deputy Commissioner of Income-tax (NaFAC) having her / his headqua...
Income Tax : The three formats of notice(s) are: Limited Scrutiny (Computer Aided Scrutiny Selection}, Complete Scrutiny (Computer Aided Scruti...
Income Tax : Central Board of Direct Taxes, with approval of the Revenue Secretary, has decided to modify notice under section 143(2) of the In...
Income Tax : Instruction No.1/2015 Clarification regarding applicability of section 143(1D) of the Income-tax Act, 1961- Vide Finance Act, 2012...
Debarghya Chattopadhaya vs DCIT – Kolkata ITAT rules taxpayer, possessing tax residency certificate and taxed in another contracting state, deserves treaty benefit u/s 90. Full analysis here.
ITAT Mumbai held that assessee was residing as well as carrying on her profession at Bangalore and thus, assumption of jurisdiction by the AO at Mumbai was invalid. Thus, an order which is passed without jurisdiction is non est in the eyes of law.
ITAT Delhi held that PCIT cannot assume revisional jurisdiction under section 263 of the Income Tax Act when in case of debatable issue, out of the two possible views, AO accepts one of the views.
ITAT Mumbai held that rate of interest @18% paid to related party towards unsecured loan is reasonable as rate of interest charged by bank @12% is with security, whereas, rate of interest charged on unsecured loan is without any security.
ITAT Chandigarh held that addition invoking the deeming provisions of section 69 r.w.s. 115BBE of the Income Tax Act unjustified as nature and source of undisclosed income/ investment duly explained by the assessee.
Mumbai ITAT rules income from sale and subscription of journals not basis to deny exemption u/s 11 if not main objects of trust in ITO vs Satvichar Darshan case. Detailed analysis provided.
DCIT Vs Delight Suppliers Pvt. Ltd. case by ITAT Kolkata, where currency derivative loss was deemed genuine and safe harbour rule of 5% under Section 50C was allowed.
In Bharat Agro Industries Vs DCIT, New Delhi ITAT questions the logic of treating sales as bogus when purchases are genuine and stock is accepted.
Dive into the case of Pravinbhai Mumabhai Bharwad vs ITO as ITAT Ahmedabad annuls addition under section 69A, highlighting oversight of cash deposit proofs by AO and CIT(A).
ITAT Kolkata nullifies an assessment order under the Income Tax Act, ruling that framing an assessment in the name of a non-existing entity is void ab-initio.