Income Tax : Learn about Income Tax Act Section 147 assessment proceedings: reasons for reopening, notice issuance, objections, assessment proc...
Income Tax : Under Section 147 of the Income Tax Act, reassessment cannot be based on a mere change of opinion by the AO. Read more on this leg...
Income Tax : Explore the Bombay High Court's decision on reassessment under Section 147, balancing tax authority powers with procedural safegua...
Income Tax : SC clarifies reassessment notices under TOLA and Finance Act 2021 in Union of India v. Rajeev Bansal. Learn how decision impacts t...
Income Tax : Explore the Supreme Court's impact on India's tax reassessment system, highlighting judicial intervention, tax administration, and...
Income Tax : Discover how Finance Act 2021 revamped assessment and reassessment procedures under Income-tax Act, impacting notices, time limits...
Income Tax : Humble Representation for modification of Section 151 of the Income Tax Act relating to Sanction for issue of Notice under sec. 14...
Income Tax : Income Tax Gazetted Officers’ Association requested CBDT to issue Clarification in respect of the judgement of Hon’ble Supreme...
Income Tax : In view of Indiscriminate notices by income Tax Department without allowing reasonable time it is requested to Finance Ministry an...
Income Tax : Lucknow CA Tax Practicioners Association has made a Representation to FM for Extension of Time Limit for Assessment cases time bar...
Income Tax : Rajasthan HC allows partial relief in reassessment dispute, directing a 20% deposit for stay on demand recovery while cases awai...
Income Tax : Calcutta HC dismisses IT department's appeal in CIT vs. Infinity Infotech, ruling reassessment cannot expand beyond recorded reaso...
Income Tax : Aadhunik Infrastructure Development Pvt. Ltd. Vs DCIT (ITAT Pune) The Income Tax Appellate Tribunal (ITAT), Pune Bench “A,” ha...
Income Tax : ITAT Kolkata invalidates reassessment of Neena Commercial Pvt. Ltd. due to vague reasons and lack of jurisdiction for new addition...
Income Tax : Punjab & Haryana HC quashes Section 148 notice issued by jurisdictional AO, ruling that only NFAC has authority under CBDT Circula...
Income Tax : Supreme Court in the matter of Shri Ashish Agarwal, several representations were received asking for time-barring date of such cas...
Corporate Law : Income Tax Gazetted Officers’ Association (W.B.) Unit Date: 02.02.2023. To The Principal Chief Commissioner of Income Tax, W...
Income Tax : CBDT directed that cases reopened u/s 147/148A in consonance with Judgement of SC in case of UoI vs. Ashish Agarwal & CBDT instruc...
Income Tax : Consequent to order passed by Allahabad High Court passing severe strictures and proposing to levy exemplary cost of Rs 50 lakhs i...
Income Tax : Salient features of new Section 148 to 151A 'i.e. assessment/reassessment procedure of Income Escaping Assessment...
The assessment record reveals that the MLA had been placed on the record of the Assessing Officer in the very first instance when the assessment was completed under section 143(3). Thereafter the reassessment proceedings were initiated for those proceedings too and what drove the revenue to issue notice and reopen the proceedings was the master licensing agreement and the nature of ‘royalty income’. The Assessing Officer in that instance consciously after going through the material concluded that the rate of taxation was 15 per cent in the reassessment proceedings.
In the present case, the impugned reasons behind the notice dated 28.03.2012, which we have extracted above, does not even carry a whisper that there has been a failure on the part of the assessee to fully and truly disclose all material facts necessary for the assessment. Even the order rejecting the objections does not indicate as to what material fact has not been disclosed by the assessee.
In the present case, we find that the whole issue is with regard to the method of production and the manner in which electricity is generated. The entire process of generation of electricity, both by the gas turbine unit and the steam turbine unit, has been explained by the petitioner in great detail in the assessment proceedings for the assessment year 1998-99 which has been taken notice of by the Assessing Officer.
As regards the challenge to the reopening of proceedings is concerned, the Court is satisfied that the notice under Section 147 reflected due application of mind to objective material furnished to the AO, i.e. by way of Investigation Report which could have given rise to a bonafide belief, legitimately falling within Section 147.
This Court in the case of The Commissioner of Income Tax V/s. Mr. Salman Khan [Income Tax Appeal No.2362 of 2009] decided on 1st December, 2009 has considered similar question and has held that in the absence of notice under section 143(2) (prior to the insertion of section 292BB), the reassessment order cannot be sustained.
Whether issue of notice u/s 148 for reopening of assessment u/s 147 on the reason that assessee company is involved in accommodation entry in valid?
The Assessing Officer had specifically raised a query with regard to the supplies made in the domestic tariff area and the petitioner / assessee had given a detailed reply to the same. The Assessing Officer, after considering the reply furnished by the assessee, framed the assessment order
The Apex Court had in GKN Driveshafts (India) Ltd. v. ITO [2003] 259 ITR 19 had held that the proper course for the assessee, when he received the notice under section 148 was to seek reasons, if he so desired, for the notices. The Assessing Officer was bound to give reasons. On receipt of the reasons, the assessee was entitled to file objections and the Assessing Officer was bound to dispose of the same by passing a speaking order. It was further held in the said case that as the reasons had been disclosed, the Assessing Officer had to dispose of the objections, if filed, by passing a speaking order before proceeding with the assessment
It has been recognized by the Supreme Court itself in Asstt. CIT v. Rajesh Jhaveri Stock Brokers (P.) Ltd. [2007] 291 ITR 500, that even where proceedings under section 147 are sought to be taken with reference to an intimation framed earlier under section 143(1), the ingredients of section 147 have to be fulfilled;
The credit given for TDS in an order passed under Section 155(14) read with Section 154 cannot be construed as a relief given in the original assessment order. Section 155 of the Act provides for various situations under which an order can be amended because of developments taking place subsequent to the date on which the order was originally passed.