In view of Indiscriminate notices by income Tax Department without allowing reasonable time it is requested to Finance Ministry and CBDT that suitable steps should be taken so that adequate time is allowed for compliance and cases are not disposed of in a hurry, without giving adequate opportunity for the taxpayer to be heard. The response made by the taxpayers should be properly and judicially considered.
Income Tax Building, 3, Govt. Place West, Ground Floor, Kolkata 700001 Ph –
Ref. No. DTPA/Rep/21-22/009
18th March 2022
Smt. Nirmala Sitharaman,
Hon’ble Union Minister for Finance, Government of lndia,
North Block, New Delhi
Respected Madam,
Subject: Indiscriminate notices by the lncome Tax Department without allowing reasonable time
We would like to bring to your kind notice that in the last few days large number of taxpayers in whose cases assessment proceedings were pending at the income tax Department have been in receipt of notices including show cause notices on various issues. The Faceless Assessment officials are asking for compliance within 3 to 4 days. lt is very surprising that when the Department talks about being taxpayer friendly it is taking recourse to such methods of harassment by not giving sufficient time for compliance. The assessee has to do his home work and also consult his Advocate/ CA before making compliance, which is not practical within 3 to 4 days. Therefore the minimum time of one week should be allowed for preparation and compliance.
The initial notices in these cases were received long back but the department has now begun to issue show cause letters in large numbers asking for details which cannot be collected in the short period of time.
We humbly request the Finance Ministry and CBDT that suitable steps should be taken so that adequate time is allowed for compliance and cases are not disposed of in a hurry, without giving adequate opportunity for the taxpayer to be heard. The response made by the taxpayers should be properly and judicially considered.
The emphasis of the Faceless Scheme is on transparency and ease of compliance for the assessees. The facts discussed above are actually defeating the cause. Therefore appropriate instructions may please be issued to faceless assessment authorities.
Thanking you,
With humble regards,
Adv Kamal Kumar Jain
President, DTPA
Email :
Narayan Jain
Chairman, Representation Committee Email :
CC to :
Central Board of Direct Taxes, North Block, New Delhi-110001