RBI Notifications includes Notifications, Circulars, Guidelines, Press release issued by Reserve Bank of India & GOI Related to Banking and Fema Law.
Fema / RBI : Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has introduced a series of regulatory amendments to encourage the use of the Indian Rupee in cross-bor...
Fema / RBI : Key regulations for SNRR accounts, covering transaction processes, FEMA compliance, reporting responsibilities, and restrictions o...
Fema / RBI : Understand NRI, PIO, SNRR, and other account options in India. Learn key differences, permissible transactions, and regulations fo...
Fema / RBI : foreign currency accounts in India, eligibility criteria, transaction rules under FEMA, and updates to principal regulations. Stay...
Fema / RBI : Learn about India's Digital Rupee (e₹), its features, usage, and differences between Retail and Wholesale CBDC. Explore pilot in...
Fema / RBI : Explore challenges faced by first-time borrowers and informal sector workers due to limited CIBIL scores, and measures to improve ...
Fema / RBI : Rupee hit ₹86.70/USD in January 2025, its lowest level. Factors include global economic trends, US elections, and forex reserve ...
Fema / RBI : Government addresses freezing of mule accounts used for cybercrime laundering, exploring digital innovations to detect and prevent...
Fema / RBI : RBI Thiruvananthapuram invites e-tenders for Concurrent Auditors for Oct 2024 to Sep 2025. Submit bids by Aug 28, 2024. Details on...
Fema / RBI : RBI seeks e-Tenders for appointing Concurrent Auditors from Oct 2024 to Sep 2025. Submit bids by Sep 01, 2024. Details available o...
Fema / RBI : The contentions of the RBI that the dispute is between the Petitioner and Respondents is not acceptable since the dispute arises o...
Fema / RBI : Harsh Nitin Gokhale Vs Reserve Bank of India & Ors (Supreme Court) In the present case, writ petition file seeking relief to e...
Fema / RBI : Directorate of Enforcement Vs. Subhash Muljimal Gandhi ( Delhi HC)- that interest at the rate of 6% per annum under Rule 8 could ...
Fema / RBI : Ketan V. Parekh Vs. Special Director, Directorate of Enforcement and another (Supreme Court)- Ketan Parikh, Kartik Parikh and M/s....
Fema / RBI : Binod Kumar Versus State of Jharkhand & Others- In the impugned judgment, it is mentioned that the basic allegation is amassing of...
Fema / RBI : RBI invites public comments on draft circular regarding foreclosure charges and pre-payment penalties on loans. Stakeholders can s...
Fema / RBI : RBI releases Directions 2025 for forward contracts in government securities, applicable from May 2, 2025, outlining eligibility, s...
Fema / RBI : RBI introduces RBIDATA mobile app, providing macroeconomic and financial data on the Indian economy with interactive charts and se...
Fema / RBI : RBI revises Basel III norms, excluding certain AIFI investments in long-term bonds from the 25% HTM ceiling. Changes effective fro...
Fema / RBI : RBI permits matching, clearing, and settlement of Government securities transactions between PMs and GAHs on NDS-OM. Optional CCIL...
Banks, with their vast branch network throughout the length and breadth of the country, occupy a very strategic position in the financial system and have an important role to play in providing credit to the housing sector.
The policy of income recognition should be objective and based on record of recovery rather than on any subjective considerations. Likewise, the classification of assets of banks has to be done on the basis of objective criteria which would ensure a uniform and consistent application of the norms. Also, the provisioning should be made on the basis of the classification of assets based on the period for which the asset has remained non-performing and the availability of security and the realisable value thereof.
The credit related matters of banks have been progressively deregulated by Reserve Bank of India. Consistent with the policy of bestowing greater operational freedom to banks in the matter of credit dispensation and in the context of mandatory registration of NBFCs with the Reserve Bank, most of the aspects relating to financing of NBFCs by banks have also been deregulated.
Capital acts as a buffer in times of crisis or poor performance by a bank. Sufficiency of capital also instills depositors’ confidence. As such, adequacy of capital is one of the preconditions for licensing of a new bank as well as its continuance in business.
Reserve Bank of India RBI/2022-23/11 FIDD.CO.LBS.BC.No.02/02.01.001/2022-23 April 01, 2022 The Chairman/ Managing Director/ Chief Executive Officer SLBC/ UTLBC Convenor Banks / Lead Banks Madam/ Dear Sir, Master Circular – Lead Bank Scheme The Reserve Bank of India has issued a number of guidelines/instructions on Lead Bank Scheme from time to time. This Master Circular consolidates […]
An important criterion for judging the soundness of a banking institution is the size and character, not only of its assets portfolio but also, of its contingent liability commitments such as guarantees, letters of credit, etc. As a part of business, banks issue guarantees on behalf of their customers for various purposes.
Payment of pension to retired government employees, including payment of basic pension, increased Dearness Relief (DR), and other benefits as and when announced by the governments, is governed by the relevant schemes prepared by concerned Ministries/Departments of the Government of India and State Governments.
Reserve Bank of India RBI/2022-23/08 CO.DGBA.GBD.No.S-1/31.12.010/2022-23 April 1, 2022 All Agency Banks Dear Sir / Madam Master Circular on Conduct of Government Business by Agency Banks – Payment of Agency Commission Please refer to our Master Circular RBI/2021-22/07 DGBA.GBD.No.S-2/31.12.010/2021-22 dated April 1, 2021 on the above subject. We have now revised and updated the Master Circular which […]
In no case, the Counterfeit Notes shall be returned to the tenderer or destroyed by the bank branches. Failure of the banks to impound Counterfeit Notes detected at their end will be construed as wilful involvement of the bank concerned in circulating Counterfeit Notes and penalty will be imposed.
Banks should preferably issue secured guarantees. A secured guarantee means a guarantee made on the security of assets (including cash margin), the market value of which will not at any time be less than the amount of the contingent liability on the guarantee, or a guarantee fully covered by counter guarantee/s of the Central Government, State Governments, public sector financial institutions and / or insurance companies.