Finance : Compare LLP and Pvt Ltd in terms of taxation, compliance, auditing, and ownership. Understand key differences to choose the right ...
Company Law : Learn about the process & provisions for incorporating a subsidiary company in India, including necessary documents, regulations, ...
Company Law : Explore the new rule by MCA requiring private companies to dematerialize shares. Learn compliance steps, timelines, and benefits o...
Corporate Law : Explore the differences between Private Limited Company, LLP, and Partnership Firm to make informed choices for your business setu...
Company Law : Discover why choosing a Private Limited Company is a preferred option for raising funds in a startup business. Learn about equity ...
SEBI : Capital market regulator, SEBI today said both public and private sector companies will have to increase public shareholding to a ...
Company Law : The Ministry of Corporate Affairs (MCA) has decided to relax the norms for companies to maintain minimum paid-up capital. Accordin...
Company Law : Himachal Pradesh High Court held that stamp duty/ registration fee not leviable on conversion of public limited company to private...
Income Tax : 15. In so far as the assessee's contention that as the remuneration paid to the directors were increased in a properly called meet...
Company Law : Exemptions to Government Companies under section 462 of the Companies Act 2013 vide notification dated 02.03.2020. GOVERNMENT OF I...
Article explains Documents required/checklist for GST registration of Proprietorship, Partnership, Hindu Undivided Family,Limited Liability Partnership, Public Limited Company/Private Limited Company/Unlimited Company, Society/Club/Trust/AOP/BOI and Government Department/Local Authority/Statutory Body. The following documents are required to obtain GST registration depending on the types of business or constitution. Documents required/checklist for GST registration of Proprietorship (1) Aadhaar Card of Proprietor (2) […]
1) Certificate of incorporation. 2) First board Meeting – Every company shall hold a meeting of the Board of Directors within 30 days from the date of its incorporation. 3) Bank Account – Companies need to have a bank account even before approaching the authorities for company incorporation. Subscription money needs to be deposited in […]
Formation of a private limited Company has its own sets of advantages and disadvantages. It is seemingly the best form of business when Directors and shareholders are closely held and where the Directors have enough funds to arrange it between themselves or their relatives or acquaintances. However, when the brand has to go really big […]
Every Company registered under Companies Act, 2013 needs to file some regular kind of forms with the Registrar of Companies within the prescribed time period. Followings are the forms for filling: 1.DPT-3: DPT-3 is one of annual return need to file every year with loan or advances as on 31st March within the period of […]
Running a company smoothly is a difficult task! Handling finances and meeting various statutory compliances is no exception. Post – incorporation, a company must comply with various mandatory compliances under different laws. In case of non-compliance, strict penalties, interest, fines, and fees are imposed. As a quick reference, I have broadly listed major legal compliances […]
Obtaining the Certificate of Registration for your Company is an exciting moment in your business start-up journey. Your Company is born as an artificial legal person with certain inherent features, rights, powers and liabilities. Shareholders are the owners and the Directors are the brains and organs of a Company. In other words, the Shareholders and […]
Article explanations about Acceptance From Designated Partners/Members/ Shareholder (section 73(2) (Companies Act, 2013), Loan from Director or a Relative of Director (Companies (Acceptance of Deposits) Rules, 2014 read with Section 73, Loan from another Company and Loan From Banks & Financial Institutions. SR NO. PARTICULARS LLP PRIVATE COMPANY PUBLIC COMPANY 1 Acceptance From Designated Partners/Members/ Shareholder […]
Ever since the Government introduced the amendment in the Indian Stamp Act, 1899, (hereinafter called as Stamp Act) there is constant confusion among the professionals about the manner and rate in which stamp duty is to be paid.
Procedure for conversion of LLP to Private Limited Company Ministry of Corporate Affairs has passed a notification on 31st May, 2016 in such notification its allowed conversion of LLP into Company. This article will give you glimpse of provisions prescribed, procedure involved, in conversion of LLP into a private limited company. 1. Provisions to refer: Section […]
1. Form INC-20A Declaration for the commencement of business required to file within 180 days from the date of incorporation of the Company 2. Appointment of the Auditor (Form ADT-1) Companies must appoint their First Auditor within 30 days of incorporation. The First Auditor will be appointed for five years and the appointment must be filed using […]