Income Tax : Treatment of income from different sources Each income has different source of earning and so the provisions for its taxability. I...
Income Tax : Learn what constitutes salary, allowances, and perquisites under the Income-tax Act. Includes details on taxability of pensions, b...
Corporate Law : Explore the complexities of including allowances and upper caps in gratuity regulations. Learn from legal precedents and understan...
Income Tax : Understand the nuances of Gratuity - eligibility, exemptions, tax implications for employers & employees, and recent regulatory ch...
Corporate Law : Understand the implications of Karnataka's new Gratuity Insurance Rules 2024 on employers. Learn about registration, exemptions, t...
Corporate Law : Whether Government is considering to increase the Gratuity payment from 15 days’ salary for each completed year to 30 days’ sa...
Corporate Law : The Government has issued Notification the same day wherein gratuity limit has been increased from Rs.10 lakhs to Rs.20 lakhs un...
Corporate Law : Decision:The Payment of Gratuity (Amendment) Bill, 2018 has been passed by Lok Sabha on 15th March, 2018 and by the Rajya Sabha on...
Corporate Law : The Payment of Gratuity (Amendment) Bill, 2018 has been passed by parliament today. The bill ensures harmony amongst employees in ...
Corporate Law : Clause 3 of the Bill seeks to amend the provision relating to calculation of continuous service for the purpose of gratuity in cas...
Corporate Law : SC rules criminal conviction not needed for gratuity forfeiture if misconduct involves moral turpitude. Upholds forfeiture in frau...
Corporate Law : Some workmen had continued with IIT-Bombay through multiple contractors, therefore, for the limited purpose of payment of gratuity...
Income Tax : ITAT Nagpur quashed the penalty on Ravindra Kharche, finding no misreporting of income due to bona fide claims regarding gratuity ...
Income Tax : Analysis of ITAT Pune's criticism of the Assessing Officer's hasty penalty imposition at a 200% rate without proper application of...
Income Tax : Twinings Pvt. Ltd. vs. DCIT: ITAT Kolkata allows gratuity payment as salary expense u/s 37(1) of IT Act, rejecting disallowance u/...
Corporate Law : Government of India enhances maximum limit of gratuity for Central Government employees to Rs 25 Lakh, implementing Seventh CPC re...
Corporate Law : Explore the Karnataka Compulsory Gratuity Insurance Rules 2024 introduced by the Government of Karnataka. Learn about coverage, co...
Income Tax : Govt increases Gratuity exemption limit u/s Section 10(10)(iii) to ₹ 20 lakhs from existing Rs. 10 Lakh vide Notification No. ...
Corporate Law : (1) This Act may be called the Payment of Gratuity (Amendment) Act, 2018. (2) It shall come into force on such date as the Central...
Corporate Law : Central Government hereby specifies for the purposes of the said clause that the total period of maternity leave in the case of a ...
Steel Authority of India Ltd. Vs Raghbendra Singh & Ors. (Supreme Court) Supreme Court held that gratuity money of an employee can be withheld and forfeited in case of recovery of dues such as overstaying in official accommodation. FULL TEXT OF THE SUPREME COURT JUDGMENT We have heard learned senior counsel for the petitioner and […]
The issue under consideration is whether a trainee is excluded from the definition of the term ’employee’ under the Gratuity Act? A trainee is not excluded from the definition of the term ’employee’ under the Gratuity Act. What is excluded is an ‘apprentice’.
The word ‘Gratuity’, has not been defined in the Income-Tax Act, 1961(the Act). In the absence of any definition of ‘Gratuity’ in the Act, its meaning as provided in the dictionaries has to be referred to. The word ‘Gratuity’ has been variously defined in the Advanced Law Lexicon by P.R. Aiyar. The aforesaid definition is to be found on page 2038 of Book – 2, 3rd Edition,2005,
Section 2(5) of the Income Tax Act, 1961 defines an ‘approved gratuity fund’ as ‘a gratuity fund which has been and continues to be approved by the Principal Chief Commissioner or Chief Commissioner or Principal Commissioner or Commissioner in accordance with the rules contained in Part C of the Fourth Schedule’. In order to get the […]
Gratuity is one of the retirement / separation dues paid to the employees. An employee becomes eligible for gratuity after rendering minimum service of 5 years in an organization (subject to certain exceptions) The exemption for gratuity from tax is covered under Sec 10(10) of income tax Act 1961. Any Gratuity received during service is […]
Indian and Multinational Companies form Gratuity Trust in terms of Part C of Fourth Schedule of IT Act, 1961 for getting tax benefits available under Section 36 (1) (v) & Section 10 (25) (iv) of the Income Tax Act, 1961. These 2 Tax Benefits Are Not Available To Companies, If They Make The Provision Of […]
With the aim to boost economy amid the lockdown due to emergence of COVID-19, several state governments have decided to suspend most of the labour laws in their respective state via ordinance. This has been done with an aim to give curb the effects of lockdown on Indian economy and provide employers with more flexibility […]
Section 4(5) of the Gratuity Act applies only when there are options for the employee under the Act and under contract with employer: Supreme Court APEX COURT DECISION IN THE MATTER OF BCH ELECTRIC LIMITED VS. PRADEEP MEHRA & ANOTHERS [CIVIL APPEAL NOS. 2379 TO 2382] The Hon’ble Apex Court held that Section 4(5) of […]
BCH Electric Limited Vs Pradeep Mehra (Supreme Court) In a notable judgment in the field of gratuity law, the Supreme Court held that Section 4(5) of the Payment of Gratuity Act, 1972 will apply only when there are alternative options for the employee under the Act and under the terms of contract with the employee. […]
ratuity is a reward for long and meritorious service. In 1972 the government passed the Payment of Gratuity Act that made it mandatory for all employers with more than 10 employees to pay gratuity. Gratuity shall be payable to an “employee” on the termination of his employment