Finance : The capital market has witnessed a tumultuous journey over the past fourteen years, marked by significant global events and econom...
Finance : Delve into the intricate details of the Karvy Demat Scam, from its genesis to repercussions. Explore the role of regulators, audit...
CA, CS, CMA : Explore the NSEL internal audit case, uncovering gaps in compliance, fraudulent practices, and the crucial lessons learned for cor...
Finance : Investing in stock market can be a rewarding journey, but for beginners, it can also be overwhelming. Understanding basics is cruc...
SEBI : Explore the impact of SEBI Circular 2023 on Foreign Portfolio Investors (FPIs) and the subsequent guidance from BSE and NSE. Analy...
SEBI : Explore the launch of futures and options contracts on the Nifty Next 50 Index by NSE, offering diverse opportunities for investor...
SEBI : Guidance on filing of public announcements through Stock Exchange – BSE and NSE Circular dt: July 14, 2023 SEBI vide its Notific...
SEBI : XBRL submission for Outcome of Board meeting will be applicable for Dividend, Buyback, Bonus and Voluntary Delisting events. NSE &...
CA, CS, CMA : ICSI request SEBI To clarify on anomalies arising out of format of SDD Compliance Certificate & to Grant extension for submission ...
SEBI : SEBI Board Meeting - Platform for e-voting by shareholders of listed entities; manner of dealing with audit reports filed by liste...
SEBI : Since 1986 to 1997, Petitioner acquired shares, in tranches, of Respondent No.4-Company. The Petitioner subsequently sold some of ...
Income Tax : AC Chokshi Share Brokers Pvt Ltd appeals against disallowed legal expenses for out-of-court settlement & defense. ITAT Mumbai orde...
SEBI : NSE directs listed companies to update fully diluted paid-up equity capital details on the NEAPS portal, ensuring compliance with ...
Finance : National Stock Exchange extends single filing system via API for Integrated Filing (Governance) from March 1, 2025, streamlining c...
SEBI : NSE updates API-based single filing system for listed entities. Integrated filing (Governance) to be effective from March 1, 2025....
SEBI : SEBI mandates a minimum three-day gap between approval and record date for corporate actions. Listed entities are no longer requir...
SEBI : NSE announces XBRL utility for Integrated Filing-Governance from Jan 14, 2025, replacing PDF submissions, for ease of doing busine...
Under Get Quote page of Exchange Website of Listed Entity, wherever listed, would display that company is non-compliant with SDD, from next trading day till Exchanges have satisfactorily verified that company has completely complied.
Seeking of comments / feedback on the XBRL being introduced for submission of Announcements pertaining to Outcome of Board Meeting (Dividend, Buyback, Bonus shares and Voluntary Delisting)
Listed companies are required to submit Shareholding Pattern by downloading the latest XBRL utility of the Exchange.
Revised Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) on application filed under Regulation 37 of SEBI (Listing Obligation and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015 w.r.t. Scheme of Arrangements.
Presently, listed companies shall submit all corporate announcements using DSC except Outcome of Board meeting which includes only financial result
ICSI request SEBI To clarify on anomalies arising out of format of SDD Compliance Certificate & to Grant extension for submission of SDD certificate by 30 days
National Stock Exchange of India Circular Ref No: NSE/CML/2022/39 | Date: August 02, 2022 The Company Secretary All Listed Companies Subject: Circular on use of digital signature certificate for announcements submitted by listed companies Dear Sir/ Madam, In accordance with Regulation 10 of SEBI (Listing Obligation and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015 (LODR), all listed companies are […]
Listed companies under the LODR Regulations are required to provide disclosures at various stages of an analyst / institutional investor meet / call.
Extension of time for filing of information required under Regulation 46 and 62 of SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015 in NEAPS (NSE Electronic Application Processing System).
All NSE listed entities are requested to note that in addition to filings released in phase 1, following filings must also be made on the new portal with effect from July 11, 2022, in phase 2