Income Tax : Learn about TAN (Tax Deduction and Collection Account Number), its necessity, application process, and the differences between TAN...
SEBI : Discover NSDL's revolutionary vision through its Draft Red Herring Prospectus for the upcoming IPO. Explore the digital era of sec...
Income Tax : Whether Hitches In E-Payments of Taxes Will Be Resolved In NSDL Website/New I-T Portal While we make payment of Direct Taxes via t...
Income Tax : We are always worried about the fact that whether our TDS deductor/collector has filed quarterly TDS/TCS statement and provided ou...
Income Tax : eTutorial - Online TAN Registration and Request for Consolidated TDS/TCS file from TIN - Download Step by step guideline on how to...
Income Tax : Latest updates in RPU Version 4.7 for Regular & Correction quarterly e-TDS/TCS statements starting FY 2023-24. Discover key featur...
Income Tax : Latest updates in File Validation Utility (FVU) versions 2.178 and 8.2 for e-TDS/TCS statements. Learn about new columns, features...
Income Tax : A. e-TDS/TCS Return Preparation Utility Ver. 4.2 for Regular & Correction Statement(s) from FY 2007-08 onwards Key Features ...
Income Tax : NSDL releases e-TDS/TCS Return Preparation Utility (RPU) version 3.7 for Regular & Correction quarterly e-TDS/TCS statements f...
Income Tax : A. e-TDS/TCS RPU version 3.5 for Statement(s) from FY 2007-08 onwards is released (01/01/2021). Key Features – Return Prepar...
Income Tax : Machine Tools India Ltd. Vs ACIT (ITAT Kolkata) CBDT has issued instruction from time to time to the AO’s qua the manner of proc...
Goods and Services Tax : The assessee was printing PAN cards for the Income Tax Department, Government of India. Service tax was paid on such activity. Sal...
Corporate Law : Common Application Form (CAF) will be available for the FPI applicants on the website(s) of the Depositories viz. NSDL (www.nsdl.c...
Corporate Law : Depositories (Procedure for Holding Inquiry and Imposing Penalties) (Amendment) Rules, 2021 shall come into force on the date of t...
SEBI : All issuers / RTAs are hereby informed that as a part of our continuous endeavor to service the Issuers/RTAs, NSDL has enhanced it...
Income Tax : All the due dates, prescibed or notified under the Income Tax Act which fall during the period from March 20, 2020 to June 29, 202...
Company Law : In respect of shares held in the unclaimed suspense account opened by the company as directed by SEBI, the procedure to be followe...
TDS related management has already got messed-up and going forward to a point where it is going to have a count of the breathtaking of the deductors so that they may be penalized for violation of medically recommended count of 60 breaths per minute.
With the release of new version of FVU NSDL has made a new begining by accepting e-TDS/TCS returns online from to-day. New version of FVU now auto generates Form 27A in PDF. TIN_FCs would now be hard pressed to meet chalanges on Peak Days as the fate of server of NSDL would decide how fast one […]
Revised Form 15CA is as applicable from 01.10.2013 is Available only for the Payments related to A.Y. 2012-13 and 2013-14. So what if Assessee has to make the payment for current Assessment year i.e. 2014-15?
CA Sandeep Kanoi We have Published a post yesterday titled ‘Revised Form 15CA as applicable from 01.10.2013 not yet available online’ on 09.09.2013. In this post we have mentioned that CBDT has not yet provided the format of revised form 15CA on the NSDL website which remitter use to file form 15CA.
CBDT has vide Notification No. 67 of 2013, dated 2 September 2013 revised Rule 37BB of the Income tax Rules, 1962 related to information which are required to be furnished by a person while making payment to a non- resident.
File validation Utility (FVU) version 3.6 for FY 2010-11 onwards and version 2.133 for upto FY 2009-10 released (17/09/2012). Key features of File Validation Utility (FVU) version 3.6 Import of challan file (.csi file): Import of challan file downloaded from the TIN website (Challan Status Inquiry) has been made mandatory at the time of validating […]
Quarterly TDS/TCS statement file format updated. Update file format available at download section (17/09/2012). Revised Formats can be downloaded from the following link :-
e-Voting is voting through an electronic system where shareholders can vote on resolutions of companies requiring voting through Postal Ballot as per extant rules and regulations without having the necessity of sending their votes through post. Ministry of Corporate Affairs has authorised NSDL for setting up an electronic platform to facilitate shareholders to cast vote in electronic form. Accordingly, NSDL has set-up an electronic infrastructure to facilitate shareholders to cast votes in electronic form through internet.
NSDL has recently started a online facility by which deductee can verify the correctness of TDS Certificate (Form 16A) issued by the deductor. To know the correctness deductee must have the following details or should have a copy of TDS certificate issued by the deductor as information from the same need to be filled in online verification form to verify correctness of TDS Certificate (Form 16A) issued by the deductor.
National Securities Depository Limited (NSDL) provides CIN (Challan Identification Number) based view of direct tax challans to taxpayers to know the status of challan on its web-site. In addition to the above facility, NSDL has launched a Short Message Service (SMS) based facility to know the status of its challans. The procedure for availing this facility is as under: