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All about National Electronic Funds Transfer (NEFT)

Fema / RBI : National Electronic Funds Transfer (NEFT) is a nation-wide payment system facilitating one-to-one funds transfer. Under this Schem...

September 3, 2024 34667 Views 13 comments Print

How to Pay MCA 21 Fees / ROC fees Via NEFT (Updated)

Company Law : Currently MCA21 payments are allowed via Credit Card, Internet Banking & Physical Challan. The Ministry has authorized 5 banks (In...

September 25, 2011 35345 Views 2 comments Print

RBI to phase out high value clearing for Cheques drawn over 1 Lakh Rupees

Fema / RBI : High value clearing, the facility that enables depositors to encash cheques drawn for over Rs 1 lakh the next day, is set to be ph...

April 24, 2009 1092 Views 0 comment Print

Latest News

RBI decides to waive RTGS/NEFT Charges & will review ATM charges

Fema / RBI : Review of Charges for RBI-operated Payment Systems The Reserve Bank levies minimum charges on banks for transactions routed throug...

June 6, 2019 1563 Views 1 comment Print

RBI asks Banks to cap cash deposit charges at Rs 5

Fema / RBI : The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has told banks not to charge more than Rs 5 for any cash deposit made at a non-home branch (other ...

January 2, 2011 1127 Views 0 comment Print

RBI Asks Banks to Promote E-Payment Options

Fema / RBI : The Reserve Bank of India, or RBI, has told a bunch of top bank executives to push the use of electronic transactions among custom...

November 9, 2010 477 Views 0 comment Print

Highvalue Cheque Limit increased to 5 Lakh

Finance : One lakh rupees is no longer considered ‘high value’ in banking parlance. Until recently, a cheque amounting to over...

May 14, 2009 5233 Views 0 comment Print

RBI to phase out high value clearing for Cheques drawn over 1 Lakh Rupees

Fema / RBI : High value clearing, the facility that enables depositors to encash cheques drawn for over Rs 1 lakh the next day, is set to be ph...

April 24, 2009 1092 Views 0 comment Print

Latest Notifications

RBI Introduces bank account name look-up facility for RTGS & NEFT 

Fema / RBI : RBI introduces a beneficiary account name look-up facility for RTGS and NEFT transactions to help prevent errors and fraud, effect...

December 30, 2024 5421 Views 0 comment Print

Liquidity Support (LS) Facility – NEFT 24 x 7

Fema / RBI : In order to facilitate smooth settlement of NEFT transactions in the accounts of the member banks maintained with the Reserve Bank...

December 13, 2019 924 Views 0 comment Print

RBI to waive Online NEFT Charges for savings bank account customers

Fema / RBI : RBI may Mandate banks not to charge savings bank account customers for online transactions in the NEFT system with effect from Jan...

November 8, 2019 1389 Views 0 comment Print

RBI taken step to expand RTGS and NEFT facility to more banks

Fema / RBI : Under the overall guidance of the Board for Payment and Settlement Systems, the Reserve Bank over the last few years, has been tak...

April 9, 2012 1876 Views 0 comment Print

RTGS System – Use of NEFT Customer Facilitation Centers

Fema / RBI : You are aware that there has been a remarkable growth of customer transactions in RTGS over the years, with currently more than 1,...

December 24, 2010 652 Views 0 comment Print

Electronic Funds Transfer Infrastructure in India – Usage of RTGS and NEFT

November 9, 2010 594 Views 0 comment Print

Based on requests received from the participant member banks, it is clarified that the revised customer charges for the transactions routed through RTGS are applicable for amounts starting from ` 2 lakhs and above.

RBI Asks Banks to Promote E-Payment Options

November 9, 2010 477 Views 0 comment Print

The Reserve Bank of India, or RBI, has told a bunch of top bank executives to push the use of electronic transactions among customers to trim the serpentine queues in front of teller counters despite lakhs of automated teller machines and net banking

UCBs – Furnishing Remitter Details in Pass Book/Pass Sheet/Account Statement for Credits received by Customers through NEFT/NECS/ECS

October 26, 2010 438 Views 0 comment Print

Complaints about incomplete details about the remitter (or beneficiary) and / or the source of credit (or debit) in the pass books / pass sheets / account statements, as also lack of uniformity across banks in providing even such minimal information are rising. A very generic mention as ‘NEFT’ or ‘NECS’ does not help customers in identifying the source of credits, particularly where multiple credits are afforded to their accounts through these products. The Procedural Guidelines on NEFT / NECS / ECS and various circulars issued from time to time clearly highlight the minimum information that should be provided to customers.

Electronic payment products – Processing inward transactions based solely on account number information

October 14, 2010 2391 Views 0 comment Print

Banks are hereby advised to put in place appropriate systems and procedures to ensure compliance with the above prescriptions. The guidelines are issued under the powers vested with Reserve Bank of India under Section 10(2) of the Payment & Settlement Systems Act, 2007 and would come into effect from January 1, 2011. The instructions would be reviewed and suitable changes will be effected, if necessary, based on operational experience and general feedback.

Furnishing remitter details in pass book / pass sheet / account statement for credits received by customers through NEFT / NECS / ECS

October 8, 2010 714 Views 0 comment Print

Destination banks may also explore the possibility of using the Unique Transaction Reference (UTR) number to link / retrieve the original message received by them, based on which additional information can be provided as a service initiative when customers make requests online or through call centres.

EPF introduces e-payment

May 5, 2010 15417 Views 0 comment Print

Employees Provident Fund Organisation Regional Office, Bandra has introduced e-payment to credit the benefits payable to members accounts immediately after authorization of claims leading to higher customer satisfaction and substantial reduction in grievances. In order to avail this facility the Provident Fund beneficiaries are required to submit attested copy of the first page of their pass book along with their claim form. In case the first page of passbook does not indicate the IFS code, a cancelled blank cheque should also be enclosed.

National Electronic Funds Transfer (NEFT) System – Refinement of process-flow and enhancement of features

February 5, 2010 3921 Views 0 comment Print

The National Electronic Funds Transfer (NEFT) system has been successfully handling significant volumes, ever since its launch in November 2005. More than 6 million transactions were processed by the system during the month of January 2010 alone. The coverage has also increased substantially with the participation of over 63,000 bank branches spread across the length and breadth of the country.

RBI circular on RTGS System – Government Receipts

November 17, 2009 1020 Views 0 comment Print

As you are aware, the Reserve Bank of India has taken a series of initiatives in the recent past to facilitate electronic mode of funds transfers as a result of which the volume processed in RTGS and NEFT systems have grown substantially. It is observed that of late, certain banks have been accepting receipts to Government accounts through RTGS.

Use of RTGS/NEFT/NECS/ECS for Credit to NRE Accounts

August 14, 2009 4831 Views 0 comment Print

All banks participating in RTGS / NEFT / NECS / ECS are, therefore, advised that when the destination of funds is to an NRE account, the originating / sponsor bank must ensure that the funds are eligible to be credited to an NRE account in India under the existing FEMA Regulations and Wire Transfer Guidelines. Beneficiary / Destination banks have to make requisite changes to the interface software, if not already done, so that all valid transactions indicating credit to an NRE account are not returned.

Highvalue Cheque Limit increased to 5 Lakh

May 14, 2009 5233 Views 0 comment Print

One lakh rupees is no longer considered ‘high value’ in banking parlance. Until recently, a cheque amounting to over a lakh was considered high value and would be swiftly cleared on the same day itself, if deposited before 11 am. Now that a lakh is no longer what it used to be, although it can still buy you […]

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