Corporate Law : Explore the debate on extended working hours, productivity, health risks, and work-life balance. Insights from industry leaders an...
Corporate Law : Explore mediation's role in promoting social justice and equality, its legal framework in India, and how it addresses systemic ine...
CA, CS, CMA : I switched off my phone for 24 hours to reflect, learn, and recharge. Here's what I learned about digital detox and its benefits f...
CA, CS, CMA : Explore how knowledge empowers students and teachers through innovative, value-based education and training to meet challenges and...
Corporate Law : Explore the significance of Kundli in astrology, its components, and remedies like the Gomed stone for overcoming challenges and e...
Corporate Law : The desire to succeed, right intentions and obstacles make a man. This is what Actor Boman Irani sought to purvey in ‘The Journ...
Start cultivating joy and fulfillment in daily life with helpful tips & insights from ‘The Art of Happy Living.’ Learn how to stay mindful & stay positive, even in challenging times.
Never regret the past and act on your plans. Learn 25 lessons in 2022 with ancient mantras, charity, habits, money, and more.
Boost your productivity by avoiding these 10 habits! From social media distractions to perfectionism, discover how to achieve your goals efficiently. Learn the importance of leaving your comfort zone, getting adequate sleep, and saying ‘No’ when necessary. Explore tips for staying active at work and the impact of multitasking on your brain. Prioritize your well-being and work smarter, not harder.
Yes, what you have heard is correct. You have to keep your phone away, if you want to be one step ahead of others. If you want to receive something, first you have to give something.
राम के वनवास और दशरथ के निधन के बाद, भरत नंदीग्राम चले गए! अयोध्या में कुछ यूं हुआ कि केवल कैकेयी ही महलों में रानी रह गई थी, बाकी सब तो शोक ग्रस्त थे, वह भी अब तड़प रही थी और राजमाता बनने के ख्वाब के पूरा होने के पश्चात भी अफसोस जताकर तड़प तड़प कर […]
Discover how to make every day feel like a holiday! Learn how to enjoy your time with family and do what you love, beyond just Sundays.
The 2020 lockdown was the greatest teacher in our lives. That time gave us the opportunity to explore more and more about our day to day lives, relationships, goals and aspirations. You might have observed that during lockdown, we suddenly got surrounded by ‘n’ number of learning platforms that were giving free certifications and I’m […]
Hey you! Stand up, become bold, Take the whole responsibility, on your own. You’re the one who’s awake in those that sleep, Dive in responsibility-ocean always deep. Your first quality is ‘awakening self & others’, Among sections, rules & amendments numerous. Never go down, stay conscious & aware, Of fraud & forgery, always beware. […]
It is said that achieving anything requires a combination of inspiration and perspiration. That means you have to work hard and be smart. This philosophy applies to every good job as well as school or university exams. For many students, the biggest problem with exams is a lack of confidence, or what some call ‘test […]
Self-awareness, a crucial element of emotional intelligence, is your ability to correctly identify your emotions and remember them when they arise. We use our self-awareness skills to sense our feelings and determine whether our needs are being met. As you can imagine, this skill comes in handy almost every day, in almost every interaction we […]