Corporate Law : Explore the debate on extended working hours, productivity, health risks, and work-life balance. Insights from industry leaders an...
Corporate Law : Explore mediation's role in promoting social justice and equality, its legal framework in India, and how it addresses systemic ine...
CA, CS, CMA : I switched off my phone for 24 hours to reflect, learn, and recharge. Here's what I learned about digital detox and its benefits f...
CA, CS, CMA : Explore how knowledge empowers students and teachers through innovative, value-based education and training to meet challenges and...
Corporate Law : Explore the significance of Kundli in astrology, its components, and remedies like the Gomed stone for overcoming challenges and e...
Corporate Law : The desire to succeed, right intentions and obstacles make a man. This is what Actor Boman Irani sought to purvey in ‘The Journ...
DISRUPTION. Is it happening in your organisation? let’ think and Overcome. What is disruption? Why it is so much in vogue nowadays? What all type of Disruption currently we are facing? Will its effect continue for long? Why we are not able to overcome this? By the definition disruption simply means disturbance or problems which interrupt […]
Work pressure, deadline pressure, boss pressure, colleague non co-operation pressure, family responsibility and expectation pressure, relationship pressure, children’s education and future related pressure, after retirement life pressure and in case of student, study pressure, exam pressure, result pressure etc. List just goes on and on. If you see the above list, every aged person is […]
Ok….So we all have heard this number of times that love what you do and do what you love…But tell me something how many of us are actually and practically doing it…?? Probably 4-5 % right..!! And what about the rest…?? The rest may equally be having the degree, the position, the name, and the […]
Workplace stress is very common and happens with everyone at one time or other, no matter how much fine the things are going for the person. It is pertinent to talk on it from time to time as it hampers the productivity and effects a lot on professional and personal life. In this article, I […]
Principles of management those are taught now day in top management Institutes, mentioned In the books of top management guru and message which are being in motivational quotes are from ancient largest epic from excerpts of Gita. These are thousands of years old but very much relevant to present corporate, Economy, Business leader for their […]
CA Result out yesterday. I know those who have cleared, there were tremendous happiness and it should be. It’s a life time achievement. However, those who have not cleared yet like mine have number of feelings like sorrow, guilt and many more. Not getting cleared means not a failure at all. Failure happens when you […]
Knowledge sharing is essential for a company to achieve success, since it can facilitate decision-making capabilities, build learning organizations (through a learning routine) and finally, stimulate cultural change and innovation.
One day your life will flash before your eyes. Make sure it’s worth watching.” Do you have a dream? A wish? A desire? Do you ever wake up and wonder: What would it be like to love life? People can tell you ‘follow your dream,’ but is anyone really doing it? Not someone in a […]
1. Rise Before Sunrise Start your day by getting up early. Early in the morning your energy level is at its highest level. Use this energy to start your day well. The silence of early morning helps you to concentrate on your mind. It is a time when you are alone and with yourself. No […]
Chartered Accountancy (CA) is one of the most promising, popular and perplexing professional courses. It requires an integration of intelligence, hard work and continuous dedication with non-stop efforts. Many aspirants relinquish this challenging journey and replace their dreams with some other career options. However, there are some highly-motivated aspirants who overcame every improbability to clear […]