Corporate Law : Generally, 'Trade Union' means the formal association of the workers or employees in an organization, a group of trades or profess...
CA, CS, CMA : Life is impossible without communication through speech, writing or gestures. The progress and development of the society are the ...
CA, CS, CMA : Everybody faces hardship of life. Life is simple, though appears to be complex. It's interpretation and handling of life that matt...
CA, CS, CMA : Everybody likes success in their life. However, Success is not a fairy tale that revolves around the element of miracle and imagin...
Income Tax : Generally, with the rise in literacy and income levels, the standard of living should go up. This is not so with the present socie...
The development and progress of any society depend on the systems it follows. Divergence and disparities in the conduct of the individuals tend to distract the aim of the society. However, when a set of standards and procedures is put in place, people behave in an orderly manner which in turn promotes cohesion and cohabitation.
Cell phones are the handy devices of the present world for faster communication. One can talk and, share pictures and information immediately, thanks to the amazing technology and engineering advancements.
Each person makes a contribution to the society. Some get paid while some don’t. Such contribution can be through a profession, job, or business. Even leading a county’s governance is a job. Managing one’s home and any social service is not reckoned here as they are of special nature and invaluable as well.
‘ What is due now, can be done tomorrow ‘ is a familiar mindset that links each one of us. Yes, it provides temporary relief to us. However, to secure a happy life, we should remove that instinct. Procrastination is like a disease spoiling a person’s life. We all suffer from it in varying degrees throughout the life. Many people do not understand its repercussions on themselves.
Phishing is a kind of fraud perpetrated on the Internet. It aims at stealing the personal information of online users such as customer ID, PIN, Credit/Debit card data, etc. by assuring certain favors in return. It’s a sophisticated con act akin to catching the fish with a dangling bait. This hi-tech fraudulence is carried out through emails and websites pretending to be genuine.
Each person has a duty of his own and for others. The one who fears the consequences of the duty shies away from it. That’s why Lord Krishna made the spiritual discourse ‘Bhagavad Gita’ when the dejected warrior Arjuna refused to fight against his kith and kin in the battlefield of Kurukshetra. The Gita became the guide for human life.
Courage is known as the strength to do anything without fear. Discovery of Sea routes, Space odyssey and Racing are examples of courage. People display varying levels of courage depending upon the stage of their age and growth. Some people are timid in their youth, but turn courageous later.
India has the hoary history of civilization, culture and religions. Hinduism constitutes the religion of the majority population of this country though other religions are given the due importance. Hindus constitute about 80.5% of India’s population.This religion has a cosmopolitan outlook respecting the ideologies of other religious groups as evidence by the co-existence of people following their own faiths.
To many people in the modern world, Cleanliness means an outdated concept of duty. They feel the efforts and time spent on cleaning could be used for making money and enjoying the life. It’s an unimportant task that can be got done by paying a paltry sum.
Any contamination of the resources, natural or artificial, can be called as pollution. There were no such issues in the ancient times when the man was content with what he had, and he relied on the natural resources. With the advent of technology and owing to the population growth and civilization