CA, CS, CMA : Overlapping deadlines for MCA, tax audits, and GST filings are creating difficulties for professionals, leading to late fees and c...
CA, CS, CMA : Key updates in Income Tax, GST, Customs, and SEBI from 9th to 15th Sep 2024, including audit guidelines, ITC rules, and export pol...
CA, CS, CMA : Stay updated on GST, Income Tax rulings, SEBI notifications, and Excise duty exemptions issued during the week of 2nd-8th Septembe...
CA, CS, CMA : Key updates from Income Tax, GST, Central Excise, Customs, DGFT, and SEBI for the week of August 26 - September 1, 2024, including...
CA, CS, CMA : Summary of key updates in Income Tax, GST, Customs, and SEBI regulations for the week of 19th-25th Aug 2024. Important clarificati...
Company Law : The Government acknowledges MCA-21 glitches, highlights improvements, ensures data security, and implements new features for bette...
Corporate Law : MCA addresses stakeholder concerns with a new team to ensure compliance on the MCA21 Portal and streamline business processes for ...
Corporate Law : Join the discussion on MCA's proposed changes to Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code rules. Learn how to participate and share your ins...
Corporate Law : Explore the Ministry of Corporate Affairs draft policy for pre-legislative consultation and a comprehensive review of rules and re...
Company Law : Ministry of Corporate Affairs is launching STK-2 form along with C-PACE functionality on 01st May 2023 at 12:00 AM....
Company Law : Kunhi Muhammed Etayattil Vs Asst. Registrar of Companies (Kerala High Court) HC remarked that,The facts of the case disclose a sor...
Company Law : Circular No. 06/2024 MCA has waived the additional fee for filing various IEPF e-forms (IEPF-1, IEPF-1A, IEPF-2, IEPF-4) and e-ver...
Company Law : The NFRA fines Shridhar & Associates and CA Ajay Vastani for professional misconduct in auditing RCFL's financials for FY 2018-19....
Company Law : MCA imposes Rs. 2.25 Lakh Penalty on M/s. Martin Windfarms Pvt. Ltd. & Directors for erroneous disclosure under Section 134 of Com...
Company Law : Learn about M/s. Daison Land and Development Pvt. Ltd.'s penalty under Section 454 for breaching Section 134(3)(h) of the Companie...
Company Law : Authorized Representative of the company highlighted the company's status as a private limited entity during the fiscal year 2015-...
Institute has been receiving queries regarding the issues being faced by stakeholders in filling and filing of e-Forms on MCA-21 V3 portal.
Upon perusal of Balance Sheet for the financial years 2017-2018, it is observed that the Company has shown an amount of Rs. 3,09,72,680 as current investment However, the Company has failed to disclose the details of the name of the body corporate (indicating separately whether such bodies are (i) subsidiaries, (ii) associates, (iii) joint ventures, […]
WHEREAS, sub-section (1) of Section 137 of the Companies Act, 2013 provides that A copy of the financial statements, including consolidated financial statement, if any, along with all the documents which are required to be or attached to such financial statements under this Act, duly adopted at the annual general meeting of the company, shall be filed with the Registrar within thirty days of the date of annual general meeting in such manner, with such fees or additional fees as may be prescribed.
The subject company and its officers who have made the default in conducting Board Meeting with delay of 54 days (i.e from 08.07.2022 to 31.08.2022) are now liable for penalties under section under section 450 of the Act, 2013. b. The subject company is the subsidiary company of its foreign holding company namely Riot Games […]
The subject company conducted its first Board Meeting for the calendar year 2022 on 10th March 2022 through video conferencing and next board meeting was to be held on 7th July 2022. (i.e within 120 days from the date of previous Board meeting) but it was held on 31st August 2022. Hence, the subject company […]
Auditor has reported that company has not complied with Accounting Standard 15 specified under section 133 of Act read with Rule 7 of Companies(Accounts) Rules, 2014, where no actuarial valuation is done for gratuity and leave encashment for the financial years 2017-18, 2018-19 and 2019-20. Hence the company has not complied with section 134(3)(f) of the Companies Act, 2013. Therefore, the company and every officer who is in default are liable for penal action under Section 134(8) of the Companies Act, 2013.
Get the latest FAQs about MCA’s extended filing date for 46 Form on MCA V-3 Portal without additional fees. Circular 03/2023 issued on 07 Feb 2023.
In this editorial author shall discuss the questions and step by step process of Resubmit or submission of Spice Part B if name approved in V2 portal. Que 1: If Name approved in V2 portal. Whether Spice Part B for the same can be file on V3 Portal? (DG) Ans 1: It is allowed to […]
> Download EMSIGNER and EMBRIDGE BOTH for DSC registration on MCA21-V3 Portal. > Change PIN/ Password of the DSC (For First Time Association under this Service). > For Professionals, Directors, Designated Partners, Manager, Secretary, Authorized Representatives, Professional Staff Members, registration as a ‘BUSINESS USER’ is MUST for completion of DSC Registration. > One person can […]
Request for relaxation in levy of additional fee in filing of 46 company forms (second set) launched on MCA-21 V3 portal