Company Law : Learn the process of dividend management and how to claim shares from IEPF with steps for verification and refund under the Compan...
Company Law : Amendment to IEPFA Rules: CEO now required to sign annual statements alongside the Chairperson. Know the changes in IEPFA (Form of...
Company Law : Learn about the treatment of unpaid and unclaimed dividends, their transfer to the Investor Education and Protection Fund (IEPF), ...
Company Law : Learn the process to transfer unpaid dividends and shares to the IEPF and how to claim them. Follow the steps for both companies a...
Corporate Law : Learn how to recover lost shares, transfer physical shares, and more from IEPF. Get step-by-step process, categories, and FAQs. Ex...
Company Law : Government updates on share certificate claims: FIR condition removed for values up to Rs. 5 lakh. Companies must ensure authentic...
Company Law : The Indian government has reduced reporting forms for companies on unclaimed dividends and integrated fund transfers with Bharatko...
Company Law : The unclaimed funds in the IEPF have grown to ₹8,237.20 crores by FY 2023-24. The Government has no plans to use it for CSR acti...
Company Law : IEPFA invites stakeholders to share insights on streamlining claims settlement process under the Companies Act, 2013. Deadline: Ap...
Company Law : Investor Education and Protection Fund Authority (IEPFA) signs MoU with Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU) for promoti...
Company Law : Smt. Deepti Gaur Mukerjee appointed as chairperson of the Investor Education and Protection Fund Authority by the Ministry of Corp...
Company Law : MCA amends Investor Education and Protection Fund Authority rules, replacing "one member" with "chief executive officer" for annua...
Company Law : The Ministry of Corporate Affairs has updated the IEPF rules to simplify the process for investors to claim lost or unclaimed secu...
Company Law : General Circular No- 07/2024: Forms IEPF-3 merges with IEPF-4 and IEPF-7 with IEPF-1 in MCA Version 3. Simplifying compliance for ...
Company Law : Circular No. 06/2024 MCA has waived the additional fee for filing various IEPF e-forms (IEPF-1, IEPF-1A, IEPF-2, IEPF-4) and e-ver...
The Ministry of Corporate Affairs has established the Investor Education and Protection Fund under Section 205C of the Companies Act, 1956 to undertake various activities for creating awareness amongst the investors. The Ministry invites credible vol
Apart from a number of specific suggestions made by the Ministry of Corporate Affairs for strengthening Investor Protection, the Standing Committee of Parliament, which thoroughly examined The Companies Bill, 2009, has desired that the proposed Inves
Shri Salman Khurshid, Minister of Corporate Affairs, today launched the Kanada version of the Investor Education and Protection Fund Website at Bangalore. He also released Beginner’s Guide on Capital Markets in Kanada language at a function organized by Associated Chambers of Commerce and Industry (ASSOCHAM) in partnership with the Institute of Cost and Works Accountants of India (ICWAI), the MCX Stock Exchange and the Karnataka Federation of Chamber of Commerce and Industry (KFCCI) as part of India Investor Week (IIW) 2010.
Shri Salman Khurshid, Minister of Corporate Affairs, today launched the Telugu version of the Investor Education and Protection Fund Website at Hyderabad. He also released Beginner’s Guide to the Capital Market in Telugu language at a function organized by the Federation of Andhra Pradesh Chambers of Commerce and Industry (FAPCCI) in partnership with the Institute of Company Secretaries of India (ICSI) as part of India Investor Week (IIW) 2010.
The Government has said that under the provisions of section 205C of the Companies Act, the following amounts are required to be credited to the Investor Education and Protection Fund by the companies: (i) Amounts in the unpaid dividend accounts of companies;
The Ministry of Corporate Affairs will launch the regional version of its just-launched investor education protection fund (IEPF) website in the next six months to educate investors about the stock markets, ministry secretary R Bandyopadhay said.
Shri Salman Khurshid, Minister for Corporate Affairs, here today launched the Hindi website of Investor Education and Protection Fund (IEPF), which is being administered by the Ministry of Corporate Affairs. The address of the website is:
The Ministry of Company Affairs is now functioning under a Cabinet Minister, after its up-gradation with effect from January 29, 2006. The Ministry is continuing its initiatives to meet the expectations of the corporate sector and its stakeholders in the changing national and global business environment. The Ministry is constantly working towards improvement in the legislative framework and administrative set up to enable easy incorporation and exit of the companies, convenient compliance of regulations with transparency and accountability in corporate governance.
Every member, who is directly or indirectly interested in any matter coming up for consideration at a meeting of the Committee, shall disclose the nature of his interest at such meeting and such disclosure shall be recorded in the proceedings of the meeting of the Committee and such member shall not take part in any deliberation of the Committee with respect to that matter.
The Stock Exchange, in consultation with the IPF/CPF Trust, shall review and progressively increase the amount of compensation available against a single claim from an investor, atleast every three years.