Income Tax : Switzerland halts the unilateral application of the MFN clause under its tax treaty with India from 2025, following the Indian Sup...
Income Tax : Understand USA corporate tax in 2024, including tax rates, filing deadlines, estimated payments, EINs, and penalties. Stay complia...
Income Tax : CIT International Tax- 1 Vs Expeditors International of Washington INC (Delhi High Court); ITA 202/2022; Dated: 13/02/2025 In a si...
Income Tax : Stay updated with 2024 US individual tax filing details, including deadlines, tax rates, forms, and standard deductions. Learn abo...
Income Tax : Learn about income tax filing requirements for proprietors in the USA, including forms, schedules, deductions, deadlines, and pena...
Corporate Law : Learn about CRS and FATCA, how India receives foreign account info, and the disclosure requirements for foreign assets and income ...
Income Tax : From April 2025, foreign taxes withheld must be included in total income for accurate reporting under section 198. Aims to prevent...
Income Tax : Explore challenges in TRC applications under DTAA by Indian companies. KSCAA proposes reforms for a simpler, efficient process. Le...
Income Tax : Appendix-I Declaration of no PE in India Declaration required u/s 9 of Income Tax Act, and for claiming relief under an agreement ...
Income Tax : Forms 1042, 1042-S, and 1042-T are U.S I.R.S taxation forms dealing with dealings with foreign persons, including non-resident ali...
Income Tax : Delhi High Court examines Nokia Network OY’s Permanent Establishment (PE) status in India, addressing taxation on software reven...
Income Tax : CPC Erred in Denying Loss Carry-Forward by taking wrong due date for company entitled to extended due date under Section 92E of In...
Income Tax : ITAT Delhi rules IT support payments to CPP UK not taxable as fees for technical services due to failure of ‘make available’ t...
Income Tax : ITAT Mumbai ruled on TVF Fund Ltd’s appeal regarding tax loss set-off under DTAA. Key issues include carry-forward losses, taxab...
Income Tax : Delhi HC rules Samsung India not a 'Permanent Establishment' of Samsung Korea. No tax liability under India-Korea DTAA for seconde...
Income Tax : Explore the Notification No. 33/2024 on the agreement between India and Spain for tax exchange. Understand its implications and ch...
Income Tax : Explore implications of Notification No. 21/2024 from Indias Ministry of Finance regarding the tax information exchange pact with ...
Income Tax : Notification No. 96/2023-Income Tax: Learn about the agreement between India and Saint Vincent for tax information exchange and as...
Income Tax : Notification No. 24/2023- Income-Tax Dated: 03rd May, 2023 under section 90(1) of Income tax Act, 1961 regarding Agreement and Pro...
Income Tax : The Central Board of Direct Taxes (CBDT) has received representations seeking clarity on the applicability of the MFN clause (part...
The issue under consideration is whether the amount paid to the employees under the non-compete agreement is covered by the expression ‘salary/profits in lieu of salary’ or not? and If not then whether the TDS will be applicable or not?
A foreign entity in Japan is appointing an sales agent in India to market and sell their products. They are not setting up an Indian entity, not hiring an employee in India but only appointing a full time agent in India. Can such a person be construed as a permanent establishment (PE) for the Japanese […]
Article explains guidelines for Mutually Agreed Procedure (MAP), Changes in Tax Residency Rules, Changes in equalization levy, Amendments w.r.t. Dividend Distribution Tax (DDT), Applicability of S 269 SU to B2B Businesses, Deferment for Approval/ Registration of Charitable Trusts & Exempt Institutions, Reduction in TDS/TCS Rates, TDS & TCS Rates Pre & Post 14th May 2020, […]
Safe Harbour – What is means Safe harbour refers to a legal provision to reduce or eliminate liability in certain situations as long as certain conditions are met. In other words, it refers to the circumstances under which the Income Tax authorities shall accept the transfer price declared by the assessee and the same shall […]
The Multilateral Convention / Multilateral Instrument to Implement Tax Treaty Related Measures to Prevent Base Erosion and Profit Shifting, sometime abbreviated BEPS multilateral instrument, is a multilateral convention of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development to combat tax avoidance by multinational enterprises through prevention of Base Erosion and Profit Shifting [“BEPS”]. The BEPS multilateral […]
We see that whenever there is any TP litigation in relation to valuation of assets or shares, following are the issues that are raised by the IRD while evaluating the valuation report:
With the expansion of information and communication technology influencing the modes and scales of supply and procurement of goods and services exponentially, the digital economy has enabled conducting of businesses without regard to national boundaries and physical presence. The same has also resulted in novel issues in the tax regime regarding taxability of revenue from […]
The Policy of Liberalization, Privatization and globalization has developed economy globally. The Foreign Direct Investment received by the countries because of above-mentioned policies has helped them in developing and boosting their economy.2 One of the key-policy i.e. globalization has integrated various economies into one and helped big Multi-National Companies to expand and diversify their business.3 […]
Gurgaon Investment Ltd. Vs DDIT (ITAT Mumbai) The issue under consideration is whether addition made on account of Transfer Pricing Adjustment towards interest on debentures invested in the Associated Enterprise (AE) Vital Construction Pvt. Ltd. (VCPL) is justified or not? Assessee, a non-resident company incorporated in Mauritius. Through one of its AEs based in Mauritius […]
In this article, we have tried to explain the difficulties or challenges that tax officials or taxpayers are facing in the current crises. Article explains Residential status of Internationally Mobile Employees, Residential Status of companies (Place of Effective Management), Risk of creation of Service Permanent Establishment (PE), Extension of statutory filing due dates and Transfer pricing Implication