Goods and Services Tax : Learn about claiming refunds for excess amounts in your GST Electronic Cash Ledger. Understand the process, requirements, and step...
Goods and Services Tax : Section 34(2) of CGST Act allows a supplier to issue a credit note to adjust the taxable value or tax payable in case of: Post-s...
Goods and Services Tax : The Input Service Distributor (ISD) mechanism under GST enables businesses with multiple branches to centrally receive and allocat...
Goods and Services Tax : From April 1, 2025, ISD registration is mandatory for businesses distributing input tax credit on services across multiple offices...
Goods and Services Tax : Understand ITC reversal rules for banks & NBFCs. Compare Rule 38 & Rule 42 for ITC claims, exemptions, and GSTR-3B reporting. Find...
Goods and Services Tax : KSCAA highlights practical GST challenges in Sec 128A & Sec 16(4), urging clarifications on appeals, ITC, interest waivers, and mu...
Goods and Services Tax : Learn about India's efforts to combat fake ITC frauds, including special drives, legal actions, and GST guidelines for enforcement...
Goods and Services Tax : Explore the key recommendations made by the GST Council during its 54th meeting, including changes in GST rates, GoM formations, a...
Goods and Services Tax : Join CA Sachin Jain for a live course on Input Tax Credit from a litigation perspective. Gain practical insights and master ITC co...
Goods and Services Tax : CBIC detected Rs. 36,374 crore worth of fake ITC in FY 2023-24 involving 9,190 cases. Key measures and data on ITC fraud detection...
Goods and Services Tax : Delhi High Court sets aside GST demand on DLF Home Developers, ruling that the issue will be adjudicated by DGGI. Read details o...
Goods and Services Tax : Gujarat High Court grants bail to Harsh Vinodbhai Patel in GST fraud case involving ₹22 crore input tax credit. Court cites comp...
Goods and Services Tax : Assessee clarified that Form ST-3 was incorrect as some of the invoices inadvertently remained unaccounted for the said period and...
Goods and Services Tax : Kerala HC rules that availing CGST/SGST credit instead of IGST does not lead to revenue loss. Orders reconsideration of penalty on...
Goods and Services Tax : Madras High Court sets aside GST interest and penalty order, citing prior ITC reversal. Petitioner gets a final chance to file obj...
Goods and Services Tax : CBIC unveils trade facilitation measures, combats counterfeit currency, and detects ₹80 crore GST fraud. Key developments from I...
Goods and Services Tax : CBIC clarifies ITC eligibility for goods delivered under Ex-Works contract as per Section 16(2)(b) of CGST Act, 2017...
Goods and Services Tax : The circular clarifies that electronic commerce operators under section 9(5) of CGST Act need not reverse input tax credit for spe...
Goods and Services Tax : GSTN issues advisory on the new Invoice Management System (IMS) for accepting or rejecting supplier invoices, impacting GSTR-2B an...
Goods and Services Tax : CBIC clarifies input tax credit provisions under Section 16(5) & 16(6) of CGST Act, detailing rectification procedures for wrong c...
1. Introduction 1.1 Dawn of GST started with a proposed system of undertaking transaction-level matching in the form of GSTR 1, 2 & 3 to check the claim of input tax credits (ITC). Further, the provisions in the law were also drafted keeping the proposed system in mind. However, due to the reasons best known […]
The Rule of Law is that ‘No Innocent person should be punished’. Under GST Regime as we feel that this rule is not being followed by the GST Officers all over India. Even sending a notice to the innocent registered person is one of the punishments. The GST Authority, now-a-days, are sending notices to every […]
The use of gift vouchers or prepaid vouchers/cards in businesses has gained popularity, not only in B2C transactions but also in B2B transactions. Voucher -Under GST Regime: “Section 2(118) “voucher” means an instrument where there is an obligation to accept it as consideration or part consideration for a supply of goods or services or both […]
Bullion trader cannot use the Input Tax Credit (ITC) balance available in the electronic credit ledger legitimately earned on the inputs/raw-materials/inward supplies meant for outward supply of Bullions, towards the GST liability on ‘Castor Oil Seed’ procured from agriculturists and subsequently meant for onward supply, as there is no nexus/connection between the inputs and final product since the inputs are not used or intended to be used in the course or furtherance of the business of supply of ‘Castor Oil Seeds’.
Section 16 (2) of CGST ACT of 2017 This second proviso to section 16 (2) of the CGST ACT provides the where a recipient fails to pay to the supplier of goods or services or both, other than the suppliers on which tax is payable on reverse charges mechanism basis, the amount towards the value […]
Input tax credit (ITC) is the tax paid by the buyer on the purchase of goods or services. Such tax which is paid at the purchase when reduced from liability payable on outward supplies is known as an input tax credit. In other words, the input tax credit is tax reduced from output tax payable on account of sales.
1. Waiver of Interest for the delay in deposit of tax for the month of March and April 2021 (Notification 08/2021-Central Tax dated 01st May 2021) 1. Taxpayer having turnover of more than Rs 5 crores 15 days from the due date: – 9% of the tax payable After 15 days from the due date:- […]
REFUND OF ITC PAID UNDER EXPORT OF GOODS / SERVICES WITHOUT PAYMENT OF IGST This article clearly explains, how to fill and submit Refund Application for claiming REFUND unutilised ITC against Export of Goods/Services without payment of IGST (means, Sales against LUT) Path: Click on Services menu ——> Refunds ——> Application for Refund — > […]
Introduction: 1. COVID–19 situation has been absolutely alarming and the Central & State Governments alongwith local authorities are trying their level best to combat the current situation. To ease the burden, there are certain relaxations announced by the CBIC like the relaxations announced in 2020. The present note explains the relaxations announced vide various notifications […]
A. GSTR 3B Reduction in rate of interest and waiver of late fees – March 21 & April 21 Vide Notification No. 08/2021 – CT dt. 01.05.2021 as well as Notification No. 01/2021 – IT read with Notification No. 09/2021 – CT dt. 01.05.2021, the relaxations are as under for the given tax period: Taxpayer […]