Finance : Examining how printing excess currency and unequal money distribution fuel inflation, disrupt cross-border trade, and widen econom...
Income Tax : Article discusses Meaning of Cost Inflation Index (CII) which is used for Computation of Long Term Capital Gain. Cost Inflation in...
Finance : Understand how inflation erodes purchasing power, affects savings & investments, and discover tactics to mitigate its impact on pe...
Finance : Discover hidden impact of taxation and inflation on fixed deposits in India. Learn how to calculate real return on investment and ...
Income Tax : Understanding the impact of inflation on income taxes. Discover how hidden tax hikes can occur due to fixed tax brackets and deduc...
Income Tax : Union Budget 2025 expectations include tax relief, GST reforms, R&D support, and measures for MSMEs. Common demands focus on easin...
Finance : Consumer price inflation in India went through three phases in 2022. A rising phase up to April 2022 when it crested at 7.8 per ce...
Fema / RBI : South Asia is most vulnerable to food inflation, given the large segment of our populations battling poverty. Moreover, this is a ...
Finance : Central Government, in consultation with RBI, has fixed the inflation target for the period beginning from the date of publication...
Corporate Law : The recent period of high agricultural commodity prices is most likely over, say the OECD and FAO in their latest 10-year Outlook....
Fema / RBI : Sub-section (iv) of the Section 193 of the Income Tax Act, 1961 stipulates that no tax shall be deducted from any interest payable...
Custom Duty : All the Custom duty Notification including Tariff and Non Tariff issued by Custom department in respect of budget proposals/provis...
Income Tax : Central Government, having regard to seventy-five per cent of the average rise in the Consumer Price Index for the Financial Year ...
All the Custom duty Notification including Tariff and Non Tariff issued by Custom department in respect of budget proposals/provisions in Union Budget 2010-11. Read our earlier Post on Major Amendment in Custom Duty made in Budget 2010-11 at the Link given below:-Budget 2010-11: Summary of Major Amendment in Custom duty Laws
The Union Budget 2010-11 proposes to rationalize the differential custom duty structure for importing digital masters of films for duplication or distribution in electronic medium and in cinematographic film. Henceforth custom duty would be charged only on the value of the carrier medium.
Outright exemption from special additional duty provided to goods imported in a pre-packaged form for retail sale. This would also cover mobile phones, watches and ready-made garments even when they are not imported in pre-packaged form. The refund-based exemption is also being retained for cases not covered by the new dispensation.
The Union Budget 2010-11 seeks to address the needs of multi-service operators to invest in ‘Digital Head End’ equipment to adopt digital technology and keep pace with on-going transformation in infotainment sector. Shri Pranab Mukherjee, the Union Finance Minister announced project import status at a concessional customs duty of 5 per cent with full exemption from special additional duty to the initial setting up of such projects.
Project import status at a concessional customs duty of 5 per cent with full exemption from service tax to the initial setting up and expansion of Cold storage, cold room including farm pre-coolers for preservation or storage of agriculture and related sectors produce; and Processing units for such produce;
Shri Pranab Mukherjee, the Finance Minister while presenting the Union Budget in Lok Sabha today announced grant of project import status to ‘Monorail projects for urban transport’ at a concessional basic duty of 5 per cent. This would strengthen the public transport system and reduce the dependence on fossil fuels.
A uniform concessional basic duty of 5 per cent, CVD of 4 per cent with full exemption from special additional duty on all medial equipment are proposed doing away with a very complex import duty regime. The Finance Minister, Shri Pranab Mukherjee while presenting the Union Budget in Lok Sabha today said that multiple rates coupled with descriptions not aligned with tariff lines result in disputes and at times prevent state-of-art equipment from getting the benefit of exemption.
Certain New Services to be brought within Service Tax Purview.Legislative Changes to Plug Revenue Leakages to Remove Distortions and to Clarify Certain Doubts.Process Of Refund of Accumulated Credit to Exporters of Services to Be Made Easy. Accredited News Agencies Providing Online Feed to be Exempted From Service Tax. Net Revenue Gain of Rs. 3,000 Crore Estimated From Service Tax Proposals.
AD-VALOREM ON NON PETRO PRODUCTS & CARS INCREASED BY 2 PERCENT. CENTRAL EXCISE ON PETROL & DIESEL RAISED BY RE. ONE PER LITRE.In the Union Budget 2010-11 presented by the Finance Minister Shri Pranab Mukherjee in the Lok Sabha today, the rate reduction in Central Excise duties has been partially rolled back and the standard rate on all non-petroleum products enhanced from 8 per cent to 10 per cent ad valorem.
The Union Budget 2010-11 presented by the Finance Minister Shri Pranab Mukherjee in the Lok Sabha today, provides relief measures to promote clean environment. Clean energy cess on coal produced in India as well as on the imported, will be levied at a rate of Rs. 50 per tonne. The measure is aimed at building the corpus of the National Clean Energy Fund.