Finance : Examining how printing excess currency and unequal money distribution fuel inflation, disrupt cross-border trade, and widen econom...
Income Tax : Article discusses Meaning of Cost Inflation Index (CII) which is used for Computation of Long Term Capital Gain. Cost Inflation in...
Finance : Understand how inflation erodes purchasing power, affects savings & investments, and discover tactics to mitigate its impact on pe...
Finance : Discover hidden impact of taxation and inflation on fixed deposits in India. Learn how to calculate real return on investment and ...
Income Tax : Understanding the impact of inflation on income taxes. Discover how hidden tax hikes can occur due to fixed tax brackets and deduc...
Income Tax : Union Budget 2025 expectations include tax relief, GST reforms, R&D support, and measures for MSMEs. Common demands focus on easin...
Finance : Consumer price inflation in India went through three phases in 2022. A rising phase up to April 2022 when it crested at 7.8 per ce...
Fema / RBI : South Asia is most vulnerable to food inflation, given the large segment of our populations battling poverty. Moreover, this is a ...
Finance : Central Government, in consultation with RBI, has fixed the inflation target for the period beginning from the date of publication...
Corporate Law : The recent period of high agricultural commodity prices is most likely over, say the OECD and FAO in their latest 10-year Outlook....
Fema / RBI : Sub-section (iv) of the Section 193 of the Income Tax Act, 1961 stipulates that no tax shall be deducted from any interest payable...
Custom Duty : All the Custom duty Notification including Tariff and Non Tariff issued by Custom department in respect of budget proposals/provis...
Income Tax : Central Government, having regard to seventy-five per cent of the average rise in the Consumer Price Index for the Financial Year ...
The use of monetary policy to stabilise growth has always been subject to concerns about effectiveness, often described as ‘pushing on a string.’ The central bank can lower rates and inject liquidity all it wants, but these measures will only have the desired impact if they translate into lower lending rates and larger flows of credit from the banking system.
Hedging means managing risk. A fund manager employs a particular hedging technique in order to mitigate a particular type of risk. For example, a market risk can be hedged against by selling a broad collection of securities short, in equal proportion to one’s long exposure or by buying put options on an index. You can hedge against interest rate, inflation, currency etc. Tools for hedging include raising cash, selling short, buying or selling options, futures, commodity and currency futures etc.
Following are the highlights of the mid-term review of India’s monetary policy conducted by Reserve Bank of India (RBI) Governor D. Subbarao Friday: – Bank rate, repo rate and reverse repo rate kept unchanged , Flexibility retained to conduct overnight auctions of securities. Cash reserve ratio kept unchanged at 6.5 per cent. Floating rate bonds to be issued at appropriate time. Interest rate futures contracts to be launched in early 2009.
Central Government, having regard to seventy-five per cent of the average rise in the Consumer Price Index for the Financial Year commencing from the 1st day of April, 2007 and ending on the 31st day of March, 2008 for the urban non-manual employees, hereby specifies the Cost Inflation Index for the Financial Year commencing from the 1st day of April, 2008 and ending on the 31st day of March, 2009
After much bickering with states, the finance ministry today reduced the central sales tax (CST) rate on inter-state sales from 3 per cent to 2 per cent with effect from June 1.The ministry notified the rate-cut to the states despite differences on compensating them for losses of about Rs 13,000 crore in 2008-09 because of the cut. CST was cut from 4 per cent to 3 per cent on April 1, 2007. It was to be reduced to 2 per cent on April 1, 2008, and phased out by March 2010.