Income Tax : Simplified penalty timelines under Section 275 effective April 2025, including changes in penalty powers, omissions, and clarifica...
Income Tax : Appeal against penalty under Section 271(1)(b) citing ill health, lack of awareness of Faceless Scheme, and procedural lapses. Req...
Income Tax : Section 115BBE imposes a high tax rate on unexplained income to prevent tax evasion. Learn about tax rates, penalties, and complia...
Income Tax : Income Tax Act amendments propose penalties by Assessing Officers instead of Joint Commissioners. Omission of section 271BB and ch...
Income Tax : From April 2025, Section 275 amendments standardize the penalty timeline to six months from the end of the quarter in which procee...
Income Tax : Budget 2024 reduces penalty relief period for TDS/TCS statement filing from one year to one month. Changes effective April 2025....
Income Tax : New amendments to the Black Money Act from October 2024 raise the exemption threshold for penalties on foreign assets to ₹20 lak...
Income Tax : Discover the proposed changes to Section 275 of the Income-tax Act, eliminating ambiguity in penalty imposition timelines. Effecti...
CA, CS, CMA : People are held hostage in a cyber-world with ransom in the form of Late Fees and Interest and a threat to levy penalty or to init...
Income Tax : In view of Indiscriminate notices by income Tax Department without allowing reasonable time it is requested to Finance Ministry an...
Income Tax : ITAT Mumbai deletes penalty under Section 271(1)(c) on estimated GP additions for alleged bogus purchases in Om Sai Traders case f...
Income Tax : ITAT Surat remands penalty case under Section 271B to AO, ruling that bank transactions alone cannot determine turnover. Fresh con...
Income Tax : ITAT Chennai rules that debatable tax claims made in good faith do not warrant penalties under Section 270A of the Income Tax Act....
Income Tax : ITAT Bangalore held that that mens rea is not an essential condition for imposing penalties under civil acts. Penalty u/s. 270A of...
Income Tax : ITAT Delhi quashes penalty on Babu Ram u/s 271(1)(c) as barred by limitation. Penalty order dated April 1, 2022, violated extended...
Company Law : Penalty imposed on Cryo Scientific Systems for failure to maintain proper registers under Companies Act 2013. Learn more about the...
Company Law : The NFRA fines Shridhar & Associates and CA Ajay Vastani for professional misconduct in auditing RCFL's financials for FY 2018-19....
Income Tax : Order under Para 3 of the Faceless Penalty Scheme, 2021, for defining the scope of ‘Penalties’ to be assigned to the F...
Income Tax : It is a settled position that period of limitation of penalty proceedings under section 271D and 271E of the Act is governed by th...
Income Tax : It has been brought to notice of CBDT that there are conflicting interpretations of various High Courts on the issue whether the l...
M.A. Projects Private Limited Vs ACIT (ITAT Delhi) ITAT note that the notice is an omnibus notice without specifying the specific charge upon the assessee and in such circumstances, Higher Courts have held that penalty levied is not sustainable. In this regard, we refer to Hon’ble Bombay High Court (Full Bench at Goa) in the […]
Penalty was levied under section 271 B of the Act on the ground that tax audit report under section 44AB of the Act was not filed by the assessee before filing of return of income and no explanation was given.
Voluntary Income declared by assessee on its own i.e. without any detection cannot be considered as equivalent to providing inaccurate particulars of income or concealing particulars of Income
Delhi High Court held that penalty under section 271(1)(c) of the Income Tax Act not leviable as error pointed out by AO was corrected by the assessee before passing of the assessment order.
Dinesh Sitaram Patil Vs ITO (ITAT Pune) We note that, while culminating the reassessment proceeding in the case of the assessee, the Ld. AO vide concluding para placed at page 4 of his order communicated the assessee his action of initiating the penalty proceedings u/s 271(1)(c) of Act for ‘under reporting / mis-reporting’ of income […]
Addition made on the basis of estimation cannot provide foundation for under-reported income for the purpose of imposition of penalty u/s 270A
Since quantum appeal itself is being quashed, penalty levied as against reassessment order for furnishing inaccurate particulars has no legs to stand and same is liable to be quashed.
Sawailal Bhatti Vs ITO (ITAT Mumbai) ITAT find that the assessee had filed all the details of purchases and corresponding sales had not been doubted. The sources of purchases are from the books and overall trading results have been accepted. Only allegation is that assessee has taken accommodation bills for the purchase of items to […]
Read about Ansal Properties vs ACIT (ITAT Delhi) case. Penalty not sustainable on QIP and 80-IB disallowance. Full text of ITAT Delhi order
ITAT Kolkata held that penalty u/s 271(1)(c) of the Income Tax Act not leviable as computation of income resulting into higher income is only a difference of opinion.