Income Tax : Introduction A Hindu Undivided Family (HUF) is a distinct legal entity recognized by the Indian tax system. It is essentially a fa...
Income Tax : Learn about the partition of Hindu Undivided Family (HUF), its legal process, tax implications under Section 171, and the criteria...
Income Tax : Learn how Section 80D offers additional deductions on health insurance premiums for individuals and HUFs. Maximize tax savings und...
Income Tax : Learn the key changes in income tax slabs for AY 2024-25 & 2025-26 under section 115BAC, including standard deductions and new tax...
Income Tax : Learn about capital gain exemptions under Sections 54, 54F, and 54EC of the Income-tax Act for property sales. Maximize tax benefi...
Income Tax : Government addresses Supreme Court judgment on tax exemptions for clergy and its implications on Hindu Undivided Families (HUFs) u...
CA, CS, CMA : Explore recent updates on corporate tax rates, MSME concerns over tax deductions, and GST rates for shawls as addressed in Lok Sab...
Income Tax : From now on, when you get a gift in kind, valued at more than Rs. 50,000, from your parents or other relatives, make sure you have...
Income Tax : While accepting “Application for allotment of PAN (Form 49A)” if both the addresses (residence and office) are mentioned in th...
Income Tax : Section 80C of the Income-tax Act provides for a deduction of up to Rs. One lakh to an individual or a Hindu undivided family (HUF...
Income Tax : ITAT Surat remands case to CIT(A) for fresh adjudication on HUF gift taxability under Section 56(2)(vii) of the Income Tax Act, ci...
Income Tax : ITAT Bangalore held that dismissal of appeal by CIT(A) merely because the same was filed belatedly not justified as CIT(A) failed ...
Income Tax : Liability to capital gains had not arisen in the assessment year 2017-18 as occupancy certificate was received on 01/02/2017 for c...
Income Tax : Read the detailed analysis of ITAT Delhi's order regarding capital gains earned from the sale of CCL International shares. ITAT de...
Income Tax : In the Satishbhai Kadvabhai Sarvaiya Vs ITO case, ITAT Rajkot rules that during demonetization, deposits don't warrant addition un...
Fema / RBI, Finance, Income Tax : Provided further that an account opened on behalf of a Hindu Undivided Family prior to the 13th day of May, 2005, shall be closed ...
Income Tax : Notification No. 49/2010-Income Tax In a recent Notification No. 49/2010 dated 9 July 2010 (Notification) issued by the Central Bo...
Income Tax : The Income Tax Act 1961 (the Act) has been amended with effect from 1st October 2009 to provide that any gift-in-kind, being an im...
Section 80C of the Income-tax Act provides for a deduction of up to Rs. One lakh to an individual or a Hindu undivided family (HUF) for:- (i) making investments in certain savings instruments; or (ii) incurring expenditure on tuition fee and repayment of housing loan.
The CBDT has given norms for current fiscal for selection of cases meant for scrutiny. For corporates: All banks and public Sector undertakings are liable for scrutiny. Also, all NSE-500 companies and BSE-A group companies listed in Bombay Stock Exchange as on March 31, 2007, are covered. Companies in Delhi , Mumbai, Chennai, Kolkata, Pune, Hyderabad , Bangalore and Ahmedabad paying book profit tax under Section 115 JB on the book profit of Rs 50 lakh and above are liable for scrutiny. In the case of companies in other places the monetary limit for book profit is Rs 25 lakh.
BRIEFLY stated facts of the case are that the Assessee is a Hindu Undivided Family consisting of Shri P.C. Ramakrishna, his wife and his two daughters. There was an oral total partition of H.U.F. on 16.9.1994 between Sri P.C. Ramakrishna, his wife and two daughters. Under this oral partition, the two daughters were allotted Rs.12,50,000/ – each and these amounts were adjusted against a sum of Rs. 12,50,000/- advanced to each of them earlier as loan by H.U.F. In the said partition, all other properties of H.U.F. were allotted to Sri P.C. Ramakrishna. This oral partition took place on 16.9.1994 which was subsequently confirmed by a Deed of Declaration confirming the partition.
Explore the Supreme Court judgment in the case of CIT Vs. Smt. Sandhya Rani Dutta, addressing pivotal questions on Hindu personal law. The ruling asserts that, according to the Dayabhaga School, a male presence is essential for the constitution of a Hindu Undivided Family (HUF). Delve into the detailed analysis of the case, where the court examines whether female heirs can form a joint Hindu family by agreement and impress upon inherited property the character of joint family property. Gain insights into the court’s interpretation and its impact on income tax assessments for the assessees involved.