Access significant and up-to-date high court judgments for legal insights and precedent. Stay informed about the latest legal decisions and their impact on various areas of law.
Income Tax : Bombay High Court rules on tax evasion by Buniyad Chemicals, addressing unexplained credits, money laundering, and regulatory acti...
Goods and Services Tax : Bombay HC ruled that an SCN cannot be issued without considering the reply to a pre-consultation notice, emphasizing procedural fa...
Corporate Law : The J&K&L HC quashed Nazir Ahmad Ronga’s detention under the Public Safety Act, citing vague allegations and lack of evidence, s...
Goods and Services Tax : AP High Court invalidates unsigned GST orders without DIN, citing CBIC guidelines. Learn key legal takeaways and compliance requir...
CA, CS, CMA : Summary of tax and regulatory updates: income tax bonds, GST rulings, SEBI amendments, customs tariffs, and DGFT trade policy chan...
Corporate Law : Key IBC case law updates from Oct-Dec 2024, covering Supreme Court and High Court decisions on CoC powers, resolution plans, relat...
Corporate Law : SC rules on Special Court jurisdiction; NCLAT redefines financial debt; HC upholds IBBI regulations and addresses various insolven...
Goods and Services Tax : HIGH COURT OF CALCUTTA: Ramesh Kumar Patodia v. Citi Bank [WPO NO. 547 OF 2019 JUNE 24, 2022 ] Facts: ♦ Petitioner is a holder ...
Goods and Services Tax : CGST, Gurugram (Anti Evasion) Vs Gaurav Dhir (Chief Judicial Magistrate, District Courts, Gurugram) U/s 132(1)) r/w 132(1)(b)(C)(e...
Corporate Law : In order to dispense with the physical signatures on the daily orders (which are not important/final orders and judgments) of the ...
Corporate Law : The invitation card for the marriage ceremony in Guru vaguer was also placed on record as Annexure P-3. Assessee was said to have ...
Goods and Services Tax : Andhra Pradesh High Court rules that GST assessment orders without a DIN or signature are invalid, following past judgments and CB...
Corporate Law : Karnataka High Court rules that payments to Fugro for geological surveys do not qualify as fees for technical services under DTAA ...
Goods and Services Tax : Madras High Court dismisses Ragem Motors' writ petition on GST demand for non-taxable receipts, citing availability of statutory r...
Income Tax : Bombay HC quashed Trent Ltd.’s tax refund adjustment under Section 245 of the IT Act, citing a violation of natural justice. Rev...
Corporate Law : Bombay High Court implements "Rules for Video Conferencing 2022" for all courts in Maharashtra, Goa, and union territories, effect...
Income Tax : CBDT raises monetary limits for tax appeals: Rs. 60 lakh for ITAT, Rs. 2 crore for High Court, and Rs. 5 crore for Supreme Court, ...
Corporate Law : The Delhi High Court mandates new video conferencing protocols to enhance transparency and accessibility in court proceedings. Rea...
Income Tax : Income Tax Department Issues Instructions for Assessing Officers after Adverse Observations of Hon. Allahabad High Court in in Civ...
Corporate Law : Delhi High Court has exempted the Lawyers from wearing Gowns practicing in the High Court with effect from March 2, 2022 till furt...
Optival Health Solutions Pvt Ltd Vs UOI (Calcutta High Court) Petitioners have sought a direction upon the respondents to allow them to revise/rectify their Form GST TRAN-2 electronically or manually – Petitioners contend that the present scheme of things does not allow rectification or revision of the TRAN-2 form and such a lacuna violates Article […]
Hindustan Unilever Limited Vs Union of India & Ors. (Delhi High Court) The issue pertains to Anti Profiteering order passed against HUL whereunder it was directed to deposit Rs.233 Crores. In the Writ Petition filed against the said order, the Delhi HC passed the following interim orders In view of the submissions and contentions raised, […]
Karan Luthra Vs ITO (Delhi High Court) The offence under Section 276 CC of IT Act deals with failure to comply with the obligation under Sections 139 (1) or 142(1) or 148 of IT Act. Disobedience of each said provision of law itself constitutes a distinct offence. The offence under Section 276 CC, prima facie, […]
Shambhubhai Mahadev Ahir Vs ITAT (Gujarat High Court) 1. The petitioner has challenged the decision of the Income Tax Appellate Tribunal recalling an earlier order in exercise of powers for rectification. 2. Brief facts are as under: Petitioner is an individual. Petitioner was subjected to search on 11.10.2006 pursuant to which, the petitioner was required […]
Bipson Surgical (India) (P) Ltd. v. State of Gujarat (Gujarat High Court) In the present case as observed hereinabove as such the liability to pay GST under the GST/CGST Act is upon the supplier. As observed hereinabove the price quoted and the rate contract was inclusive of all the levies and taxes. Therefore, the petitioners […]
Daily Express Vs Assistant State Tax Office (Kerala High Court) We cannot accept the argument of the appellant for the reason that Section 129(1) makes it adequately clear that any person who is interested in the goods shall be liable under Section 129(1)(b). Particularly, a reading of Section 129(6) would indicate that where a person […]
Gujarat High Court has quashed the ‘pre-import condition’ under Advance Authorisation regarding prior imports for manufacture of export goods. It observed that such condition, after introduction of GST, lead to cash blockage and made imports under Advance Authorisation next to impossible. The condition was also held as not meeting test of reasonableness. It may be noted that this condition was in force from 13-10-2017 to 9-1-2019.
Messrs Maxim Tube Company Pvt Ltd. Vs Union of India (Gujarat High Court) CONCLUSION – Condition that renders the very scheme of advance authorization nugatory, does not have any nexus to the objective of the advance authorization i.e. to boost export, is unsustainable in law. FACTS – Para 4.14 of the FTP was amended vide […]
Madras High Court has directed Commissioner of commercial tax in the case of M/s. Jeyyam Global Foods (P) Ltd. Vs Union of India to instruct his officers not to detain goods / conveyances for classification disputes.
Perfect Circle India Pvt Ltd Vs Pr. CIT (Bombay High Court) The Revenue would content that the benefit of this proviso would be available to the assessee only prospectively w.e.f. 1.4.2013. Various Courts, however, have seen this proviso as beneficial to the assessee and curative in nature. The leading judgment on this point was of […]