Goods and Services Tax : Learn about claiming refunds for excess amounts in your GST Electronic Cash Ledger. Understand the process, requirements, and step...
Goods and Services Tax : Exporters face IGST refund restrictions due to FOB vs CIF valuation differences. Learn how GST law affects tax refunds on export t...
Goods and Services Tax : Madras High Court quashes SCN and refund order for lacking required particulars to contest the claim of erroneous refund under t...
Goods and Services Tax : Learn the proper method to calculate refunds under Rule 89(4) of CGST Rules for zero-rated supplies, based on CBIC clarifications ...
Goods and Services Tax : Rule 96(10) caused confusion for exporters due to restrictions on IGST refunds. Its deletion in 2024 offers relief, but unresolved...
Goods and Services Tax : CBI arrests Superintendent of Central GST & Central Excise in Berhampur for accepting Rs. 15,000 bribe from complainant regarding ...
Goods and Services Tax : While filing Annual Return GSTR-4, if composition taxpayers have deposited excess tax, they will now be able to file for GST refu...
Goods and Services Tax : Processing of Refund application of tax amount of more than Rs 2 Crore:- All the refund applications where the applicant has cl...
Goods and Services Tax : Important GST Update IFSC of below 8 banks are changed due to merger. Taxpayers may update their Bank Account details through non-...
Custom Duty : CBIC has extended the time limit for sanction of pending IGST refunds in such cases where records have not been transmitted to ICE...
Goods and Services Tax : Calcutta High Court rules in favor of an exporter, overturning a GST refund rejection due to portal issues, citing natural justice...
Goods and Services Tax : Orissa HC directs refund of GST differential amount for a contractor despite a locked payment system, ensuring reimbursement withi...
Goods and Services Tax : M/s. Elite International through its Proprietor Shri Rohan Arora Vs Commissioner of CGST Delhi North And Ors. (Delhi High Court) D...
Goods and Services Tax : Gujarat High Court directs refund of Rs. 40,00,000 GST deposit made by mistake, ruling that limitation cannot apply but interest i...
Goods and Services Tax : Allahabad High Court directs payment of interest on delayed GST refund of ₹38.10 lakhs under Section 56 of the CGST Act, resolvi...
Goods and Services Tax : Learn how exporters can claim refund of additional IGST paid due to price increases post-export. Details on application process an...
Goods and Services Tax : Circular No. 226/20/2024-GST outlines a procedure for refunding additional IGST paid due to upward price revisions post-export. Le...
Custom Duty : Learn about the IGST refund process for certain tobacco product exports, recent updates, and how to address issues. Get insights f...
Goods and Services Tax : CBIC notifies supplies and class of registered person eligible for refund under IGST Route vide Notification No. 05/2023 – Inte...
Goods and Services Tax : Read Circular No. 197/09/2023-GST from CBIC providing clarification on various issues related to GST refunds. Understand the clari...
Online processing of refund applications and single authority disbursement implemented The online processing of refund applications and single authority disbursement has been implemented. The taxpayers are advised to take note of the following changes: Refund applications filed by the taxpayers in RFD-01 form shall be processed electronically/ online by the tax-officer and all communications between […]
Till now, the Refund application — RFD-01A filed online by the tax payer at the GSTN common portal is pushed to the CBIC back end system, in which the jurisdictional tax officer can view and download these applications. Thereafter, the proper officer manually processes the applications and refund sanction order and Payment advice are sent to PAO for payment. The rejected amount if any, which has been debited from the ledgers of the tax payer is re-credited automatically upon successful submission of RFD-01 B.
The grievance of the petitioners is also that the statutory mechanism created for entertaining IGST refund claims is not being implemented, and that there are some inherent lacunas in the scheme formulated by the Respondents to process the refund claims.
Filing of FORM GSTR-9 for those taxpayers who (are required to file the said return but) have aggregate turnover up to Rs. 2 crores made optional for the said tax periods. A Committee of Officers to be constituted to examine the simplification of Forms for Annual Return and reconciliation statement.
Racket of Issuance of Invoices Without Actual Supply of Goods Busted In Delhi CGST Delhi West and CGST Delhi North in a joint operation busted a racket of issuance of invoices without actual supply of goods. The taxpayer availed fraudulent Input Tax Credit for seeking IGST Refunds from Customs formations. Investigations revealed a novel modus […]
In the biggest ever joint operation by Directorate General of GST Intelligence (DGGI) and Directorate General of Revenue Intelligence (DRI) against exporters who were claiming refund of IGST fraudulently, pan-India searches were carried out at 336 different locations across the country yesterday.
Since the inception of GST, there are various mistakes done by the Assesses in filing GST returns, offsetting outward Liabilities and the creating of Challan. The most common mistakes done by the Assessee as well as the taxpayer is creating the wrong challan amount. For example, instead of SGST head, the cash has been deposited […]
Exporters are requested to advise their respective Shipping Lines to file the EGM correctly before the departure of the vehicle. In the event of EGM errors, the Shipping Bill generated in the IGST Temporary Scroll will not be migrated to final Scroll. Unless, the Shipping Bill figures in the final Scroll of IGST, the exporters will not be able to get IGST Refund credited to their Bank Account.
G NXT Power Corp Vs Union of India (Kerala High Court) After hearing the counsel on the adjustment, the Court has suggested refund of IGST after adjusting the higher rate of duty drawback availed by the petitioner without refunding IGST amount. The counsel have consented to disposing of the writ petition by this order: a) […]
Chief Commissioner, CGST & Central Excise, Chandigarh Zone during meeting held on 28.08.2019 has issued directions that all action prescribed in the SOP for verification of IGST refund claims & other related aspects (in regard to Risky Exporters) dated 17.06.2019 shall be completed by 18.09.2019.