Goods and Services Tax : Explore Income Tax systems, from Form 26AS and AIS for tax data to CPC-ITR and faceless assessments ensuring transparency and effi...
Income Tax : Learn about common income tax notices for salaried individuals, their implications, and steps to handle them effectively. Avoid le...
Income Tax : Discover the risks and penalties of submitting fake rent receipts to claim HRA exemptions and learn how to comply with tax regulat...
Income Tax : Comprehensive glossary of key terms and definitions under the Income Tax Act, 1961, aiding taxpayers in understanding essential ta...
Income Tax : Understand key aspects of advance tax, including compliance, payment due dates, revisions, and liabilities. Learn who is exempt fr...
Income Tax : Explore Income Tax Day 2024s history, significance, and key updates from Budget 2024-25, including enhanced deductions and revised...
Goods and Services Tax : Bikaner Tax Consultants Association seeks an extension of the Income Tax Return filing deadline due to ITD portal glitches and iss...
Income Tax : ICAI addresses issues with Form 26AS/TIS/AIS and ITR filing glitches, urging CBDT for timely resolution to aid taxpayers in meetin...
Income Tax : Directorate of Income Tax (Systems) has released Handbook on Annual Information Statement (AIS). This will explain How the new For...
Goods and Services Tax : There is a great necessity of Integration of Income E-filing Portal with GST portal. The step taken by Central Government with res...
Income Tax : ITAT Raipur held that adding entire bank receipts without inquiries from parties is unjustified. Case remanded for further examina...
Income Tax : Addition against unexplained cash deposit of ₹49.50 lakh was remanded back to AO for verification if the deposits were from busi...
Income Tax : Assessee also pointed out that the income from these credits was included in its accounts for the year and taxed accordingly. A cl...
Income Tax : ITAT Ahmedabad directs AO to verify Form 26AS discrepancy after CIT(A) allowed ₹168.61 crore TDS credit. Revenue's appeal dismis...
Income Tax : ITAT Pune remands the case of Prakash Dipchand Kapadnis, instructing NFAC to reconsider the addition of gross receipts instead of ...
Income Tax : ADVISORY NO.: 45 Dated:- 14.07.2022 0/o PCDA(0) Pune, Public Relation office (PRO) Subject: Income Tax Demand Notice under section...
Income Tax : CBDT authorizes Director General of Income-tax (Systems) to upload information relating to Foreign remittance information reported...
Service Tax : Representations have been received from various trade bodies and associations regarding instances of indiscriminate issuance of de...
Income Tax : Director-General of Income-tax (Systems) to upload information relating to GST return, which is in his possession, in the Annual I...
Income Tax : The new Form 26AS is the faceless hand-holding of the taxpayers to e-file their income tax returns quickly and correctly. From thi...
Have you received TDS Certificates from all your Customers? If not, you can follow up for the TDS Certificates by sending mails automatically to your Customers by following the procedure mentioned below:
Many a times it has been seen that assesses, to whom Deductions under the Act are available, avail of such deductions without actually making the respective investments or complying with the preconditions. Such acts are committed because in most cases these claims are not verified by the Income Tax authorities.
This article is primarily meant for interest earners wherein they earn interest income from Fixed deposits and etc. other interest bearing instruments. While putting money in Fixed deposits and etc. other interest bearing instruments, quite some number of us do not give a duly filled and signed Form 15G for lower/non-deduction of Tax Deducted at […]
Section 234E of the Income-tax Act, 1961 inserted by the Finance Act, 2012 provides for levy of a fee of Rs. 200/- for each day’s delay in filing the statement of Tax Deducted at Source (TDS) or Tax Collected at Source (TCS). The provision for Levy of Late filing fee was introduced to improve Filing […]
It is not disputed that tax was deducted at source by the tenant Union Motors Services Limited and they have issued some Certificates which has been given credit to by the Department. The present dispute relates to the failure of non issuance of TDS certificates by the tenant.
The grievance which is voiced in the present petition by the assessee is that though deductor employer Amar Remedies Limited had deducted TDS for total Rs.5,86,606/ and for which Form 16 A has been issued by it, department has not given credit of the said TDS to the petitioner assessee
In our view, though Form 26AS (r/w r.3 1AB and ss. 203AA and 206C(5)) represents a part of a wholesome procedure designed by the Revenue for accounting of TDS (and TCS), the burden of proving as to why the said Form (Statement) does not reflect the details of the entire tax deducted at source for and on behalf of a deductee cannot be placed on an assessee-deductee.
Respondents have denied refunding the TDS on the ground that the refund would only be granted when the TDS matches with the details mentioned in Form 26AS. Since the mismatching is not attributable to the assessee and the fault solely lay with the deductor, we find that a case has been made out for grant of a mandamus for refund of the TDS amount.
CPC (TDS) is committed to contribute effectively in the nation building process through efficient tax administration and improved voluntary compliance. This is intended to be achieved by an enabling policy environment and augmenting the revenue mobilization apparatus under the law, while maintaining taxpayer confidence in the system. To achieve the objectives, we have setup processes […]
ITAt held on two issues 1) Grant of TDS Credit despite non reflection in 26AS Statement and Non Production of TDS Certificate 2) Grant of Interest on Interest of income Tax Refund