Finance : Compare Fixed Deposits with Mutual Funds, Stocks, Gold, and Real Estate. Understand risks, returns, and liquidity to make an infor...
Finance : Learn about India's 2025 mutual fund tax rules, including updated rates for equity and debt funds, and strategies to reduce your t...
Company Law : Explore the different modes for starting a finance business in India, including Money Lending, NBFCs, Nidhi Companies, and Co-oper...
SEBI : Explore BigBasket’s upcoming IPO: Will it revolutionize grocery e-commerce in India or face challenges in a competitive market? ...
Finance : Explore safe and growth-oriented investment options for retirees, including FDs, mutual funds, and dividend stocks, to generate st...
Finance : Two major giants have announced a strategic alliance to jointly explore developmental paths in the financial sector, bringing more...
Finance : Check Out the Recent Changes in PF, GST Post Office, and Banking Rules That Can Affect You Directly With the beginning of the new ...
Finance : In the past 4 years, UnlistedKart has been at the forefront of the unlisted stock space, achieving a collective top line of 250-pl...
Finance : Debate around the new real estate upcycle continues to cloud the market’s collective wisdom. Upcycles are driven by rising incom...
Finance : Now that the country is looking to provide seamless financial solutions to the masses, it’s an ideal time for all the SMEs, star...
Friends’, Shopping is something which was one of the hobbies of individual and families which is becoming habits. Payment is one of the vital activities once anybody completes the Shopping. Let us first understand that how payment works in the system.
The most common type of business entity registered in Hong Kong is a private limited liability company. Anyone can form a company in Hongkong. A non HK resident may incorporate a private limited company in Hogkong.
We have seen women excelling in different spheres of this world like science, technology, business, sports, music and many more. All you have to do is take control of these 5 things which will help you elevate your goals so that you can live the dreams you’ve earned. Managing Bank Accounts: Digital age has transformed […]
The most common problem which startups or new ventures face while starting their business is whether to form a proprietorship or a Company. Sole Proprietorship, being the most traditional form of business is still one of the most common types of business entity in India. Theeasy formation procedure and minimum compliance requirements in a Sole […]
The subject of Estate Planning has always engaged the kings and the common men alike. Estate planning requires a thoughtful plan weighing various alternatives and deciding whom to give, how much to give, when to give and in what form to give one’s estate.
‘Tomorrow’ can be an uncertain word or it can be full of possibilities for Happiness. It all depends on how we plan our future, especially our finances. The idea of travelling back and forth in time, whether to undo some action or with the curiosity attached to different situations excites anyone and everyone. But hey, wouldn’t we all love to look back at ourselves 20 years from now and be glad about taking certain steps?
Good health and its maintenance has increasingly become a topic of interest for us all. We constantly endeavor to discover new ways to live healthier lives and have begun to naturally adopt optimal work-life balances, customized dietary & exercise regimes and even health-centric recreational initiatives. Our focus towards a positive health status has almost become […]
Every year when the India’s Annual Financial Budget is presented by the Central Government, I listened to people whom they called the experts from different fields on News Channels, Seminars, Budget Talks who analyze, criticize and compare the budget reforms.
Buzzing cricket news after World Cup 2015 is that Yuvraj Singh has been sold to Delhi Daredevils for whopping Rs 16 Crores in Indian Premier League (IPL). Not only this time, but he was the most expensive buy at auctions last year as well for Royal Challengers Bangalore where Mr. Mallya spent Rs 14 Crores […]
Now days everyone is busy like never before. You will not see a single person (Including a small kid) with free time. Area where a person spends time varies from person to person. One thing which GOD has kept common between all of us is the amount of time available with us. Now in provided time span of 24 Hours everybody is earning their bread & butter.