Komal Tyagi
The most common type of business entity registered in Hong Kong is a private limited liability company. Anyone can form a company in Hongkong. A non HK resident may incorporate a private limited company in Hogkong.
- There can be registered two types of private limited companies-
i) Company limited by shares.
ii) Company limited by guarantee.
- The company name must be approved before you can proceed with incorporation of a Hong Kong Company.
- The minimum number of director must be one (should be a natural person who can be of any nationality) & maximum number of director can be unlimited.
- A Hong Kong private limited company can have a minimum of 1 and maximum of 50 shareholders. There is no residency requirement for shareholders.
- A director and shareholder can be the same or different person. The shareholder must be at least 18 years of age and can be of any nationality.
- There is no minimum share capital requirement.
- The registered address must be a physical address and cannot be a PO Box.
2.Time Limit for registration-
A successful application is usually processed within 5 to 7 working days and the Companies Registry will issue a Certificate of Incorporation.
3. Documents required for company registration-
Normally the following documents will be required:-
- Copy of the Articles of Association for the company.
- A duly completed incorporation form that includes the following:-
o Company name
o Registered address
o Brief description of business activities
o Particulars of shareholders, directors and company secretary
o Liability of members
o Share capital registered on incorporation
o Number of shares taken up by subscribers
- For non-resident shareholders and directors:
o Copy of passport, overseas residential address proof, bank reference letter
4. Reptreation of money from Hong Kong-
Documents and procedure for remittance of Profit, Dividends & Bonuses:-
1. Documents to be submitted to Bank-
- Tax payment statement and Tax Return
- Resolution of the Board of Director on dividend and bonus distribution.
2. Bank verifies authenticity of documents.
3. Bank complete remittance procedure.
4. Bank reports to local branch.
I provided key information of company registration.Other informations will be provided asap.
Thank you for your feedback.
Company Registration fee – HK$1,720
Company Registration site- http://www.cr.gov.hk
Thank you for your feedbacks.
please provide full details of incorporation
what is the relevant fees for such incorporation?
what about expense in forming this kind of company??
and tell us the name of site or any registry like MCA where we can apply for it