Income Tax : Understanding taxation for NRIs: Learn about residential status, taxable income, deductions, and the importance of Double Taxation...
Income Tax : All about Indian Income Tax Department's 'Pay Later' option for e-filing ITRs. Learn about its highlights, consequences, and the s...
Income Tax : Understand the mandatory filing of Income Tax Returns (ITR) for individuals, HUFs, and entities. Explore cases where filing become...
Income Tax : 1. Filing Income Tax Returns at the last minute can lead to unwanted errors being made. If you are the one, who missed something o...
Income Tax : All about My CA service on Income Tax e-Filing Portal – FAQs Q.1 How can I add my CA to e-Filing account? Ans. You can add y...
Income Tax : Karnataka Taxpayers & Practitioners Association has made a written representation regarding issues/glitches on the new Income ...
Income Tax : Ahilya Chamber of Commerce & Industry has made a representation to Finance minister and bring to her attention the issues in N...
Income Tax : ITBA & AGFTC made made an attempt to bifurcate issues / glitches on new Income Tax Portal in major 5 parts, which may require at...
Income Tax : we recommend that the existing portal which was running smoothly, be continued during the parallel implementation of new Portal fo...
Income Tax : KSCAA have worked closely with multiple stakeholders to understand the issues at hand with respect to New Income Tax E-Filing Port...
Income Tax : Lucknow CA Tax Practitioners Association VS. UOI (Allahabad High Court) As far as prayer no.1 of the petitioner-association for is...
Income Tax : Appellant Foundation of Tax and Accounting Professionals (FTAPs) has withdrawn the writ in view of Further extension of Tax Audit ...
Income Tax : Gauhati High Court has instructed CBDT to Consider Representation filed by Tax Bar Association on or before 25.10.2018 by which th...
Income Tax : All Gujarat Federation of Tax Consultants Vs Union of India (Gujarat High Court) 11.10.2018– It is an agreed position that...
Income Tax : Plywood and Allied Products Dealers Association of India Vs. UOI & Ors (Kerala High Court) The Petitioner is an association o...
Income Tax : As concerns of the assessees have been suitably redressed with extension of due date by one month (i.e. till 31.10.18), representa...
Income Tax : CBDT further extends due date for filing of Income Tax Returns & Tax audit reports from 15th Oct,2018 to 31st Oct, 2018 for al...
Income Tax : CBDT extends due dt for filing of Income Tax Returns & audit reports from 30th Sept, 2018 to 15th Oct, 2018 for all assessees ...
In the year 2018, You have already extended the date for filing Income Tax Returns by those assessees whose accounts are not required to be audited for a month without levy of any interest and also extended the submission of Tax Audit Reports by 15 days i.e up to 15th October 2018.
Northern India CA Federation Vs. Central Board Of Direct Taxes (Delhi High Court) In respect of appeal filed by Northern India CA Federation by which it requested Hon’ble Delhi High Court to direct CBDT to extend the due date of Tax Audit and relevant Income Tax Returns to 31st October 2018. Hon’ble High Court while […]
Rajasthan High Court directed CBDT to consider the representation of the petitioner-Association and take a decision on both the aspects i.e. extension of date by another 15 days and extension of due for the purpose of Explanation 1 to Section 234A of the Act for waiver of interest and decide the same by passing speaking order preferably before 10.10.2018.
Sri Mathur has placed before us an order under Section 119 whereby the due date has already been extended by this order till 15th October, 2018. In view of the above, it appears that the matter has become infructuous as it has lost its efficacy.
In the case of Association Of Tax Practitioners & Hindu Economic Forum Vs. UOI filed with Kerala High Court it was argued that once an assessee is allowed to submit returns upto 15.10.2018, the department cannot demand interest under section 234A for the extended period. Hon’ble high court posted these writ petitions for further consideration on 11.10.2018.
This document is the compilation of all series on Tax Audit. Total 21 issues of this series were published which started since 31st July 2018. I thank everyone for the overwhelming response given to this series and I am sure that this would have helped many professionals in their tax audit reporting. I have received […]
Vishal Garg and others vs Union of India and others (Punjab and Haryana High Court) In respect of Write filed by Mr. Vishal Garg by which he has requested the HC to direct CBDT to extend last date of filing of returns i.e 30th September, 2018 for the assessment year 2018-19 of assessees whose accounts […]
THE WESTERN MAHARASHTRA TAX PRACTITIONERS’ ASSOCIATION Yadav Vyapar Bhavan, Shivaji Road. 602. Shukrawar Peth, Pune – 411 002 Phone 020-2447 0237. Website : Email : SS / WMTPA / IT representation /18-19 /0918 20th. September 2018 To, Shri Arunji Jaitley, Minister of Finance, Union of India, Now Delhi – 110 001 Sub: Extension […]
While the Government can be blamed for due date challenge faced by chartered accountants; it is time for practitioners to look at the sustainable solutions to this challenge.
CBDT extends due dt for filing of Income Tax Returns & audit reports from 30th Sept, 2018 to 15th Oct, 2018 for all assessees liable to file ITRs for AY 2018-19 by 30.09.2018, after considering representations from stakeholders. Liability to pay interest u/s. 234A of IT Act will remain. F.No. 225/358/2018/ITA.II Government of India Ministry […]