Finance : With UPI Apps becoming mainstream nowadays, cash is garnering the status of a rare and exclusive commodity. Right from a small car...
CA, CS, CMA : Learn how to draft an accurate Balance Sheet in Excel within 2 minutes using formulas like VLOOKUP, HLOOKUP, and XLOOKUP for error...
Finance : Learn how to automate filling blank cells in Excel using VBA. Save time and reduce errors with our step-by-step guide for efficien...
Finance : Convert Excel data to PDF effortlessly for a polished look. Enhance presentation, maintain formatting, and ensure compatibility wi...
CA, CS, CMA : Discover essential Google Sheets keyboard shortcuts to boost productivity. Learn time-saving tips and tricks for efficient spreads...
Goods and Services Tax : Join Certification Course on GST Compliances, Excel For professionals, Income Tax and Customs, Import & Export by TaxGuru Edu at ...
Finance : Test anxiety can affect not just the result of your certification exam but also your wellbeing. It may lead to exam failure, or wo...
Find duplicates items in combine columns in Microsoft Excel – Enter the formula : =A1&B1 to cell C1 and copy / paste the formula to cells C2:C12 – Enter the formula : =IF(COUNTIF($C$1:C1,C1)>1,”Duplicate”,”Unique”) – to cell E1 and copy / paste the formula to cells E2:E12
Data in cell A1:B2 A B 1 End Date/Time 05/11/2003 15:33 <– =NOW() 2 Start Date/Time 10/01/2002 9:33 <– =NOW()-222.25 Formula in cell E2: =(B1-B2)*1440 ( 24 hours*60 minutes=1440 ) Format in cell E2: regular number format Result: 320,040 minutes Screenshot // Calculate number of minutes between dates – time in Microsoft […]
Formulas that calculate loan payments, principal, interest and more are found in the financial category in the Paste Function dialog box. In the screen shot is a list of functions and necessary syntax for loan calculations. See the formulas in the gray cells, and the syntax in rows 12-16.
This formula evaluates to 200. This ‘200’ is the value of Cell B3. To copy and paste this Value i.e. 200, to the adjoining cell C3, go to cell B3, hit [CTRL + C], or right your mouse and select
Display or Hide the ribbon? – Press CTRL+ F1.. Go to the last used cell in a sheet? Press CTRL + End. Select cells from any cell to the last cell in the sheet’s used range?
Conditional Formatting – Top/Bottom Rules- 1. Select the Range. 2. On the [Home] tab click [Conditional Formatting] à Top/Bottom Rules à Top 10 items…. 3. In the Top 10 items dialogue box specify the number of top items that you wish to highlight and the format for the same. Click
Automatically format cells (e.g. change font color) based on a certain condition? Use the conditional Formatting. Conditional formatting allows you to set rules for cell formatting. If the rules (conditions) are met, then the formatting is applied. To do this: 1. Select the cells to be formatted 2. On the [Home] tab of the ribbon click [Conditional Formatting]3. Leave the first drop-down box set to ‘Cell Value Is’
Combine Text from Multiple Cells? Use the & operator – Lets you combine text from multiple cells
Suppose you have entered the full name of a person in a particular cell and you now want to have Surname, First Name and Middle Name in three different cells. To do this, simply select the cell that contains the Full Name of the person, Click
Use the Data Validation + Countif function. It Prevents the user from entering Duplicate data. To do this: 1. Select a range of cells, for example, A2:A20. 2. On the Ribbon click <Data> à <Data Validation> 3. Select the [Settings] tab.