The E-Way Bill is a critical component of GST. Read our Latest e way bill News and Updates, E-Way Bill Articles to know in detail about e way bill system, e way bill registration, the applicability of Electronic Way Bill (E Way Bill), Generation of E Way Bill Number, Validity of Eway bill etc
Goods and Services Tax : Effective February 11, 2025, the E-Way Bill (EWB) system has been updated to allow unregistered dealers to enroll and generate e-W...
Goods and Services Tax : Explore the Calcutta HC ruling on 200% penalty for non-disclosure of supplier details in e-way bills under GST law. Understand leg...
Goods and Services Tax : Allahabad HC rules no penalty if goods in transit have valid tax invoice and e-way bill, despite owner’s GST registration suspen...
Goods and Services Tax : Allahabad HC rules out penalty under Section 129 for technical error in e-way bill, highlighting no intent to evade tax....
Goods and Services Tax : Calcutta HC ruled that penalties can not be imposed for expired e-way bills if there is no intent to evade taxes. Detention orders...
Corporate Law : Goods and Services Tax (GST) e-Invoice System and API Developer’s Portal will implement new validations in the E-Waybill System ...
Goods and Services Tax : New updates to the E-Way Bill and E-Invoice systems, including mandatory MFA and restrictions on EWB generation and extension, eff...
Goods and Services Tax : Important update from NIC: E-Way Bills for B2B and B2E transactions require mandatory e-Invoice link for e-invoice enabled taxpaye...
Goods and Services Tax : NIC issues advisory on HSN codes for E-Way Bills. Learn the changes for B2B and Export transactions. Implementation from Feb. 2024...
Goods and Services Tax : Understand the three categories of E-Waybill transporters, and the crucial role of verifying IDs. Learn to use 'Get GSTIN' and 'Ge...
Goods and Services Tax : Jharkhand HC rules on GST reconciliation issues in VE Commercial Vehicles Ltd. vs. UOI. Understand compliance challenges and tax a...
Goods and Services Tax : Allahabad High Court sets aside GST penalty on Varun Beverages, ruling that e-way bill requirements were unenforceable during the ...
Goods and Services Tax : Calcutta HC clarifies that penalty under GST Section 129 can't be imposed solely for non-disclosure of full supplier details in e-...
Goods and Services Tax : Allahabad HC rules in favor of Monotech Systems, quashing GST proceedings initiated for E-Way Bill discrepancies despite no tax ev...
Goods and Services Tax : Allahabad HC quashes detention and penalty orders for missing UP E-way Bill, ruling that Central E-way Bill was sufficient under G...
Goods and Services Tax : The E-Way Bill system introduces Form ENR-03 for unregistered dealers to enrol and generate e-Way Bills using a unique Enrolment I...
Goods and Services Tax : GST advisory clarifies E-Way Bill rules for goods under Chapter 71, excluding HSN 7117. Mandatory in Kerala; voluntary EWB generat...
Goods and Services Tax : Kerala introduces E-Way Bill for gold under Chapter 71 (excluding imitation jewelry) for intrastate movement. Effective January 20...
Goods and Services Tax : GSTN advises taxpayers to enable alternate mechanisms for e-Invoice and e-Waybill systems using multiple portals and APIs to ensur...
Goods and Services Tax : Extension provided for e-way bills expired on December 31, 2024, due to technical issues. Extended deadline to January 1, 2025, fo...
TNGST Act, 2017 – Tvl. Mahindra & Mahindra Exemption from generation of e-way bill for the movement of vehicles for the purpose of testing under rule 138 (14) (d) of TNGST Rules, 2017 Notification issued.
Explore the clash between the GST Authority and the Judiciary in matters of e-way bills. Discover the irregularities in detention orders and their impact on businesses.
Unlock the essentials of E-invoice vs E-way bill with this comprehensive guide. Get easy-to-understand FAQs and step-by-step instructions for Tally Prime users. Learn about the compulsory scenarios, accounting software changes, and the key differences between E-invoice and E-way bill. Stay compliant and make informed decisions for your business. Connect for further assistance!
Create Consults Vs State of Madhya Pradesh (Madhya Pradesh High Court) While generating the e-way bill, on account of a bonofide error, instead of detail of AVGOL India Pvt. Ltd. (Supplier), petitioner mentioned its own details. Meaning thereby the petitioner made attempt to demonstrate that the e-way bill which was generated by petitioner, should have […]
Robbins Tunnelling and Trenchless Technology (India) Pvt. Ltd. Vs State of M.P. (Madhya Pradesh High Court) The present petition has been filed under Articles 226/227 of the Constitution of India, challenging the order dated 28-9-2019, whereby the appellate authority, respondent No.3 herein, has confirmed the imposition of tax to the extent of Rs.1112134/- and penalty […]
Whether authorities justified in imposing tax & penalty on the ground that, at the time of interception, validity period of E-Way bill stood expired
Maharaja Cables (C/O Maxwell Logistic Pvt Ltd) Vs Commissioner (GST) State Tax Indore (M.P.) (Madhya Pradesh High Court) HC held that inadvertent human error in generating E way bill cannot lead to proceedings and penalties under Section 129 of CGST Act, 2017. A tax invoice was generated which reflected the destination as well as the […]
Prima-facie no intent to evade duty can be ascertained, penalty cannot be levied only on allegation that Part-B of e-way bill not filled
E-Waybill for Gold has been provisioned in the e-Waybill system. As per the notification issued by their respective states, the taxpayers may generate e-Waybill for Gold (comprising items belonging to HSN Chapter 71 only) for intrastate and interstate transactions. E-Way Bill for Gold | (September 2022) As per the Government recommendation, E-Way Bill generation has been […]
Md. Yusuf Vs State Tax Officer (Calcutta High Court) The issue involved is highly disputed question of fact with regard to registration of the ‘Teak Sawn Timber’ not tallying with the declaration made in the E-way bill and invoices and further there is no existence of consignor at his registered place of business, this Court […]