Corporate Law : India's CSR law mandates companies to spend on social welfare. Explore genuine reasons for CSR shortfall and reasons that may seem...
Company Law : learn about corporate social responsibility under companies act 2013 ....
Corporate Law : Explore the key challenges in conducting CSR impact assessments and solutions to ensure meaningful social contributions from corpo...
Company Law : Learn about CSR under the Companies Act, 2013, including its applicability, compliance, governance, spending requirements, and imp...
Company Law : Understand CSR obligations under the Companies Act, 2013. Learn about applicability, contributions, committees, timelines, and pen...
Company Law : Govt discusses proposed amendments to Companies Act, 2013 to enhance ease of business and CSR regulations, ensuring compliance and...
Company Law : Analysis of CSR compliance under the Companies Act, 2013. Details on CSR spending mandates, sectoral allocations, and state-wise e...
CA, CS, CMA : Practice questions on Social Impact Assessment & CSR Audit, covering impact analysis, principles, methods, and taxation aspects fo...
Company Law : Overview of CSR guidelines under the Companies Act, 2013, monitoring mechanisms, and lack of special provisions for local communit...
Company Law : Extend CSR support to Armed Forces, veterans, and war widows. Contributions are tax-exempt under Section 80G and managed transpare...
Income Tax : ITAT Ahmedabad held that provisions of section 68 of the Income Tax Act doesn’t apply in the matter of non-utilisation of amount...
Income Tax : ITAT Delhi resolves Cheil India Pvt. Ltd.'s appeal on CSR expense disallowance under Section 80G. Tribunal observed that CSR expen...
Income Tax : Detailed analysis of ABIS Export India Pvt Ltd Vs DCIT (ITAT Raipur) case regarding CSR expenses deduction under Sec. 80G. Explore...
Income Tax : Detailed analysis of Alubound Dacs India Private Limited vs. DCIT case before ITAT Mumbai regarding the allowance of Section 80G d...
Income Tax : Explore crucial rulings in case of Interglobe Technology Quotient Pvt Ltd vs ACIT (ITAT Delhi) regarding CSR expenditure disallowa...
Company Law : Regional Director modifies CSR penalty for Clairvoyant India, waiving fines for directors, and reducing company penalty due to pro...
Company Law : Last date of filing Form CSR-2 separately on or before 31st December, 2024, (after filing Form No. AOC-4 or Form No. AOC-4-NBFC (I...
Company Law : Ingeteam India Pvt Ltd faces penalty for failing to comply with CSR obligations under Section 135 of the Companies Act, 2013....
Company Law : MCA amends Companies (Accounts) Rules, 2014. CSR-2 form filing for FY 2023-24 extended to December 31, 2024. Learn more about this...
Company Law : Registrar of Companies Coimbatore issues penalty order under Section 454 for CSR non-compliance by Adisankara Spinning Mills Pvt L...
Violation of Section 135(5) occurs when a company fails to comply with this requirement by not spending the prescribed amount on CSR activities within the stipulated time frame.
To bring in a change and upgrade the concept of consistent growth of CSR so as to align it with the sustainable development and transparency, MCA vide its notification dated February 11, 2022, has introduced a new reporting which highlights the compulsion for the firms who come under the purview of the provision of Section 135(1) of Companies Act, 2013, for filing of Form CSR-2.
CSR – Understanding CSR provisions CSR applicable to Private as well as Public Companies including foreign companies CSR APPLICABILITY: As per sec 135(1) of Companies Act, 2013 CSR applicable to a company which complies any of the following conditions in the immediately preceding financial year Company is having net worth of rupees five hundred crore or […]
RESOLVED THAT pursuant to provisions of Section 135 of the Companies Act, 2013 read with Sub-rule (1B) of Rule 12 of Companies (Accounts) Rules, 2014, and such other provisions (including any statutory modifications or re-enactment thereof) as may be applicable for the time being in force, the consent of the Board of Directors of the Company be and is hereby accorded to file e-From CSR-2, Report on Corporate Social Responsibility, with the Registrar of Companies.
With the Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), Companies are able to develop their own social investment strategies and decide where to invest and implement programs, but the government has recommended particular areas of need, including eradicating hunger and poverty, maternal and child health, promoting gender equality and environmental sustainability etc. Companies should give preference to the […]
Section 135 of the Companies Act, 2013 Every company -having net worth of 500 crore or more, or -turnover of 1000 crore or more, or -a net profit of 5 crore or more during the immediately preceding financial year shall constitute a Corporate Social Responsibility Committee of the Board consisting of three or more Directors, […]
Hello Readers. This article is intended to make you all aware of the very important aspect of filing of Web Form CSR 2. Please get the same in the below paragraph. As per the provisions of section 135(1) of the Companies Act, 2013, if you fall within any threshold limit mentioned therein, then have to […]
MCA has vide notification dated 31.03.2022 extends Implementation of Audit Trail software to financial year commencing on or after the April 1, 2023 and also extended CSR-2 due date till May 31, 2022. Extension of due date for filing form CSR-2 The MCA vide its notification dated 11th February, 2022 had introduced form CSR-2 by […]
In this article author discusses, Which year figures should be mentioned in Column 3 of Form CSR-2 and Whether we have to mention figures of FY 2019-20 (i.e. 31.03.2020) or FY 2020-21 (i.e. 31.03.2021)? Reason of Confusion on this point: Instruction kit mentioned that, needs to mention figures of FY 2020-21. Logic says that, Company […]
ICSI requested MCA to provide clarification on the queries being shared to enable the professionals to file the e-form. It is also requested to extend the timelines to file Form CSR-2 by the companies for the preceding financial year 2020-2021 from 31st March, 2022 to 30th June, 2022. The Institute of Company Secretaries of India IN […]