Company Law : Step-by-step guide for foreigners to register a company in India. Learn about business structures, compliance, and registration re...
Company Law : Learn how to register a company in India, choose the right business structure, complete the incorporation process, and comply with...
Corporate Law : Learn how to form a C Corp, including key characteristics, benefits, and step-by-step process to incorporate a business in the U.S...
Company Law : Learn the steps involved in the incorporation of a company under the Companies Act 2013, including document requirements and the r...
Company Law : Learn the steps for incorporating a Section 8 Company under the Companies Act, 2013, including name reservation, documentation, an...
CA, CS, CMA : ICAI penalises CA for not physically visiting registered office of Company before filing its SPICe Form The Institute of Chartered...
Company Law : 1. Where should I file Company Incorporation forms effective from 23rd January 2023? Incorporation forms covering 10 forms have be...
Company Law : If the application filed for incorporation is complete in all respect, the same is processed and approved for incorporation on an ...
CA, CS, CMA : Members are advised to carry out verification of documents pertaining to directors/Key Managerial Personnel, witness to Memorandum...
CA, CS, CMA : Important Message: Strict Compliance - regarding Verification/ Clarification of documents related to incorporation of a Company or...
Company Law : Explore latest amendments to Companies (Incorporation) Rules 2014. Learn about changes regarding registered office shifting under ...
Company Law : Explore the adjudication proceedings against SRN BPO Services Pvt Ltd under Section 10A of Companies Act, 2013. Analysis of penalt...
Company Law : Insight into MCA's decision to reduce penalties for Vena Energy's delayed Form INC 20A filing, based on Companies Act 2013 provisi...
Company Law : GOVERNMENT OF INDIA MINISTRY OF CORPORATE AFFAIRS NOTIFICATION New Delhi the 19th January, 2023 G.S.R. 42(E). – In exercise ...
Company Law : It has been brought to the notice of the Ministry that the various instances have been observed where it has been found that pract...
Members are advised to carry out verification of documents pertaining to directors/Key Managerial Personnel, witness to Memorandum of Association &: Articles of Association and verification of Registered Office strictly as per provisions of the Companies Act and LLP Act and Rules made thereunder.
Important Message: Strict Compliance – regarding Verification/ Clarification of documents related to incorporation of a Company or a LLP by Practicing Professionals.
It has been brought to the notice of the Ministry that the various instances have been observed where it has been found that practicing members of your Institute are not carrying out due diligence and verification of documents while incorporating a company or a LLP.
It has been brought to the notice of the Ministry that the various instances have been observed where it has been found that practicing members of ICSI are not carrying out due diligence and verification of document while incorporating a company or a LLP.
Procedure to Incorporate a new company Step 1: Go for name approval Visit and create an account on the MCA website. Select the NEW APPLICATION option for name reservation. This Spice + Part A window shall be prompted for choosing and filling the given heads: Company’s type Company’s Class Company’s category Company’s Sub-category The primary […]
Ease of Doing Business The Government of India has undertaken a number of steps to ensure the quick registration of companies in India, which are as under: i. A single integrated new web form called SPICe+ along with AGILE PRO-S has been deployed. This form provides eleven services related to ‘starting a business’ namely (i) Name Reservation, (ii) Incorporation, (iii) […]
Procedure of Incorporation of Company under Companies Act, 2013 S. NO RELEVANT SECTION LAW STEPS RELEVANT FORM TO BE FILED DOCUMENTS REQUIRED 1 Per Section-149(1) (a) of Companies Act, 2013.there should be atleast 03 directors in case of Public Company and 02 directors in case of Private Company Selection Finalisation of first director of Proposed […]
INC-20A is a Declaration for Commencement of Business form. According to the new section 10A(1)(a), of the Companies Act, 2013, and Rules 23A of the Companies (Incorporation) Rule 2014, it is imperative for a director of an incorporated company to file an INC 20A form with the Registrar of Companies (RoC). The company cannot conduct […]
A Public Limited Company registration in India is the best suitable business structure for entrepreneurs who are planning for large-scale business operations. To register a Public Limited Company in India there should be a minimum of seven members and there is no limit on the maximum number of members/shareholders for starting a Public Limited Company. […]
Company Incorporation- In general usage, the term ‘incorporation‘ refers to the process of forming a legal corporation out of a firm, city, or other entity. In order to form a business in India, you must follow the regulations set forth in the Companies Act of 2013. Directors- Person who examine the day-to-day operations of the company, make […]