Goods and Services Tax : जीएसटी अनुपालन करने मे करदाताओं एवं कर विशेषघ्यो...
Income Tax : The Government in its commitment to curb the circulation of black money and widening of tax base has made quoting of PAN compulsor...
Goods and Services Tax : URGENT STEPS NEEDED TO MAKE GST COMPLIANCES EASIER Business community is still not able to cope up with the GST Compliances due ...
Finance : Dear Entrepreneurs this title may sound very odd to you. And why not so when most of the Business gurus, Business Owners, Manage...
Service Tax : The Finance Minister in her maiden budget introduced Sabka Vishwas (Legacy Dispute Resolution) 2019 (LDRS) in order to curb the p...
REVERSE CHARGE MECHANISM (RCM)- Reverse Charge Mechanism in GST should be removed. It is the biggest confusing and problematic issue in GST. Small Business owners are suffering huge loss due to this provision. Compliance part has also increased due to this.
भारत सरकार ने रियल एस्टेट (रेग्युलेशन एंड डेवेलपमेंट) एक्ट 2016 को अधिनियमित किया है और अधिनियम के सभी वर्ग 1 मई 2017 से लागू होंगे। इस अधिनियम के तहत, महाराष्ट्र सरकार ने महाराष्ट्र रियल एस्टेट रेगुलेटरी अथॉरिटी (महारेरा), 8 मार्च 2017 के अधिसूचना सं 23 के माध्यम से महाराष्ट्र राज्य में रियल एस्टेट सेक्टर के विनियमन और प्रोत्साहन के लिए स्थापित किया है.
At every nook and corner of India GST has become the most hot topic for discussion. And the key issues in the discussion are : Will it come from 1st July? Will the things become costly or cheaper ? What about stock on 30th June ? Should I keep stock or sell out ?
Real Estate Sector has always been in the news for all the wrong reasons. There are thousands of cases where home buyers felt cheated by the Builders / Promoters. However, there was no strong mechanism to discipline the errant developers.
The demonetisation has sidetracked the hitherto much awaited and talked about GST. Though government is doing its part in introducing model law , rules , formats etc but still GST rollout on 1st April is a far cry. The proposed GST law is not an ideal / perfect / pure law.
Income Tax Assesses maintaining books of accounts : They should prepare their balance sheet as on 8th November ,2016 and ascertain their cash balance.
If all goes well many Indian Cities are set to become Smart Cites. Make In India , Ease Of doing Business and other such initiatives are going to boost the economic scenario of Country. So no doubt many entrepreneurs must be thinking of starting their business ventures or expanding the existing set ups. This article will help in choosing the best Business Entity form suitable for such startups.
Almost each year due to one and other reason tax consultants or tax payers demand extension of due date for filing Tax Audit Report under section 44AB of The Income Tax Act 1961 and Income Tax Return under section 139 of The Income Tax Act 1961.
CA Satish Sarda LBT has the dubious distinction of one of the most badly written, implemented and followed laws of India. And law makers and law followers both are responsible for messing up this law. Law should have been drafted only after discussion with various stakeholders like Assessees, Field Staff , Tax Consultants , Consumers […]
CA Satish Sarda To keep a check on the system of Self Assessment under service tax , with effect from 1st August 2015 Department is coming out with a strong ‘return scrutiny ‘ system. It is going to be a two part system of Preliminary and Detailed Scrutiny. CBEC has recently issued one Circular No.185 […]