Cir. No. MI RS D/DPS-2/MB/Cir-16/2008
May 6 , 2008
All Merchant Bankers
Dear Sir / Madam,
Sub: Reporting of information on a half yearly basis
1.In terms of the provisions of Clause of the SEBI (Disclosure and Investor Protection) Guidelines, 2000 read with the Securities and Exchange Board of India (Merchant bankers) Regulations, 1992, Merchant Bankers are required to submit the half – yearly report in the format specified at Schedule XXVII of the SEBI (Disclosure and Investor Protection) Guidelines, 2000 relating to their merchant banking activities.
2.Currently, the Merchant Bankers are submitting the half-yearly reports in hard copy. It has now been decided that beginning from the half year ended September 30, 2008, the Merchant Bankers shall submit the half-yearly reports to SEBI in electronic form only and the submission of such reports in hard copy shall be dispensed with. Henceforth, the Merchant bankers are advised to submit the half-yearly reports for the period ended March 31 and September 30 in the prescribed format to e-mail id mb(ä in pdf and excel format. Thus, Merchant Bankers shall submit two files by e-mail – one file in pdf format and the other in excel format on a half-yearly basis.
3.The pdf/excel files containing the half-yearly report shall be sent to email id mb(ä with the title “Half-yearly report submitted by aaa for the half-year ended xxx yyyy” where aaa represents the name of the Merchant Banker, xxx represents the month at the end of the half-year and yyyy represents the year. Also, the attached pdf/excel file containing the half-yearly report shall bear the name of the Merchant Banker, the periodicity of the report as well as the month at the end of the half-year and the corresponding year. For example, if a Merchant Banker ABC Limited submits the report for the half year ended September , 2008, the report submitted to shall bear the title “Half-yearly report submitted by ABC Limited for the half-year ended September 2008” and the attached pdf/excel file shall bear the name “ABCLimitedhalfyearlySeptember2008”. The reports submitted shall also be duly certified by the compliance officer.
4.This circular is being issued in exercise of the powers conferred under Section 11 (1) of Securities and Exchange Board of India Act, 1992. Copy of the circular is also available on SEBI web-site
Yours faithfully,
Suresh B. Menon