General Manager
Secondary Market Department
e-mail :
SMD/Policy/Cir-23 /02
September 17, 2002
The Executive Directors/ Managing Directors,All Stock Exchanges
Dear Sir/Madam,
Sub: Electronic Data Information Filing And Retrieval (EDIFARE]
This is in continuation of circulars no. SMD/Policy/Cir-13/2002 dated June 20, 2002 and SMD/Policy/Cir-17/2002 dated July 03, 2002 regarding introduction of EDIFAR to facilitate filing of certain documents / statements by the listed companies, online in the web site to be maintained by NIC.
The system has been introduced in a phased manner and initially was made applicable to 200 companies. It was also provided in the circular ref. SMD/Policy/Cir-17/2002 dated July 03, 2002 that the list of companies which are required to file documents/statements on-line shall be specified by SEBI from time to time. In terms of the above mentioned provision in the referred circular, it has now been decided to make the requirement of filing of specific documents / statements applicable to further 500 companies, selected on the basis of market capitalization and turnover, the list of which is enclosed. These companies would be required to upload all the Statements / Information as mentioned in our circular SMD/Policy/Cir-13/2002 dated June 20, 2002, on the EDIFAR web site. This electronic filing would be applicable for these companies with effect from the quarter ending September 2002.
All the other provisions regarding EDIFAR filing prescribed by SEBI vide circulars SMD/Policy/Cir-13/2002 dated June 20, 2002 and SMD/Policy/Cir-17/2002 dated July 03, 2002 would be applicable to these 500 companies also.
You are further advised to bring these requirements to the notice of the companies mentioned in the list and to advise them about the filing on EDIFAR web site.
Yours faithfully
Encl: As above