Master Direction – Operational Guidelines for Primary Dealers
Master Direction IDMD.PDRD.01/03.64.00/2016-17
Dated: July 1, 2016
All Primary Dealers
Dear Sir / Madam
Master Direction – Operational Guidelines for Primary Dealers
The Reserve Bank of India has, from time to time, issued a number of guidelines/instructions to the Primary Dealers (PDs) with respect to their operations. The Master Direction enclosed incorporates the updated guidelines/instructions/circulars on the subject. A list of circulars finding reference in this Master Direction is enclosed in Annex-XIV and XV. The Direction will be updated from time to time as and when fresh instructions are issued. This Master Direction has been placed on RBI website at
2. The banks undertaking PD activities departmentally should follow the extant guidelines applicable to the banks on capital adequacy requirements and risk management.
Yours faithfully
(A. Mangalagiri)
Chief General Manager
Encl: As above