Income Tax Department invites response to the RFP floated for selection of MSP for setting up, operating and maintenance of CPC (TDS) for processing of TDS statements.
Overview of scope of work for Managed Service Provider (MSP)
The following outlines the broad areas of scope of work for MSP and the later sections highlight the detailed scope of work in each of the following areas:
i. Detailed IT Strategy for the CPC (TDS) Project
ii. Software Design, Development/Procurement/Customization, and Installation, Data Migration and Training & Documentation for Services/Functions. Any future requirements like change in IT Acts/Rules (including Direct Tax Code, which is likely to come into force in 2012) or any modification in TIN Application etc. will also need to be taken into account at the time of designing the Software.
iii. Assessment, Installation of IT Hardware and Management of Data Centre , Disaster Recovery Center (DRC) and Call Center
iv. Assessment, Procurement and Installation of IT Infrastructure
v. Establishment and Maintenance of Central Processing Center (CPC)
vi. Operations and Maintenance of Application Software
vii. Operations & Maintenance of IT Infrastructure
viii. Provision, deployment and supervision of personnel
ix. Dispatch and Receipt of Correspondence to and from the Deductors and Others
x. Storage and Retrieval of Records
xi. Processing of TDS/TCS statements including 24G Statements by identification & rectification of Defaults (short payment, short deduction and late payment) and PAN errors through automation &persuasion with Deductor. Also reconciliation to be done between figures reported through OLTAS, 24 G Statements, TCS / TDS statements etc.
xii. Design & Execution of Training & Communication Strategy
xiii. Obtain relevant Certifications and adherence to respective Industry Standards
xiv. Additional Overreaching Requirements of the Solution
Date and Event
NOTICE inviting Response to RFP for Selection of Managed Service Provider (MSP) for creating & operating Centralized Processing Center (CPC) to process TDS Statements for Income Tax Department
Income Tax Department (ITD) intends to engage a Managed Service Provider (MSP) to assess the requirements and thereafter develop, operationalize and eventually manage a Central Processing Center for TDS. This Center would be set-up to process TDS Statements and to identify the Defaults (namely Non-payment, Short Payment, Short Deduction, Late Payment and other defaults under various provisions of Direct Tax Act) and PAN Errors etc. and develop a mechanism to rectify the defaults / errors through intelligent technological aids and by persuading with the Deductors
Detailed Scope of work has been included in the RFP document. Desired features of the solution is also detailed in the RFP document.
1. The Pre-Qualification criteria for the bidder have been mentioned in the RFP document and need to be adhered to in order to be considered.
2. Considering the wide variety of skills and resources needed to implement the said Project, a group of Companies are allowed to come together and bid for this project as a consortium. The details of consortium approach is available in the RFP document.
RFP document
The RFP document can be obtained from Sh. Rajneesh Batra, AD(Systems) at A.R.A Centre, Ground Floor,E-2, Jhandewalan Extension, New Delhi during the working hours by paying a non-refundable fee of INR 10,000 (INR Ten Thousand only) in the form of a crossed demand draft of only Nationalised/Scheduled Banks drawn in favour of “The Accounts Officer, Zonal Accounts Office, Central Board of Direct Taxes, New Delhi” and payable at New Delhi and executing a Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) as per format. The format of NDA is available for free download in “Tender” section at
Contact Details
Shri Ravi Agrawal, Director of Income
Tax (Systems)-II
ARA Centre, E-2, Jhandewalan
Extension,New Delhi – 110055
Tel No. +91 0120-2770110,2770042
Fax : +91 0120-2770060, 2770842
E-mail: ,
Important Dates:
Last Date for submission of written clarification: 11/07/2011
Pre-bid Conference: 15/07/2011
Last date for Submission of Bids: 12/08/2011 at 14:00 hrs
Key Events & Dates
2 | Job Requirement | Selection of Managed Service Provider (MSP) for creating & operating Centralized Processing Center (CPC) to process TDS Statements for Income Tax Department |
3 | Publication of the RFP | 28th June, 2011 |
4 | Cost of Tender Document | The Bid document can be obtained from Sh. Rajneesh Batra, AD(Systems) at A.R.A Centre, Ground Floor,E-2, Jhandewalan Extension, New Delhi by paying INR 10,000/- (non-refundable) ) in the form of a crossed demand draft of only Nationalised/Scheduled Banks in favor of “The Accounts Officer, Zonal Accounts Office, Central Board of Direct Taxes” and payable at New Delhi. The bid document will be available on all working days during office hours till 4.00 PM on or before 11th August 2011. |
5 | Last date for receiving queries / clarifications | 11th July, 2011 till 1700 hours |
6 | Time, Date & Venue of Pre-Bid Conference | 1400 hours on 15th July, 2011 at A.R.A Centre, Ground Floor,E-2, Jhandewalan Extension, New Delhi |
7 | Date of Response to Bidder Queries | 18th July, 2011 |
8 | Last date for submission of Bids | Up to 1400 hours on 12th August, 2011 at A.R.A Centre, Ground Floor,E-2, Jhandewalan Extension, New Delhi |
9 | Bid Processing Fee Payable | Bidders shall submit, along with their Bids, Bid Processing Fee of Rs. 1,00,000/- (Rupees One Lac only), in the form of a Demand Draft drawn on a Nationalized Bank in favor of „ Accounts Officer, Zonal Accounts Office, CBDT, New Delhi‟, payable at New Delhi |
10 | Bid Security /Earnest Money Deposit Amount Payable | Bidders shall submit, along with their Bids, Bid security or Earnest Money Deposit (EMD) of Rs. 25,00,000/- (Rupees Twenty-five Lac only), in the form of a Demand Draft drawn on a Nationalized Bank in favor of „ Accounts Officer, Zonal Accounts Office, CBDT, New Delhi‟, payable at New Delhi |
11 | Opening of Pre-qualification bids | 1500 hours on 12th August, 2011 |
12 | Opening of Technical bids | 1500 hours on 17th August, 2011 |
13 | Technical Presentation & Demonstration /POC | 25th August, 2011 |
14 | Date for the opening of Financial / Financial Bid for technically qualified bidders | 25th August, 2011 |
For Minimum Eligibility Criteria And Format for Non-Disclosure Agreement to be submitted by Bidders before obtaining RFP Check the Attached file
from – Mumbai
I have paid tds on sale of property to sbi mumbai branch on 30.03.2014,under pan no.of transferee AFWPM7789K & transferor pan no.AAJFK5032D Rs. 25625/-.
But same day sbi mumbai main branch made mistake another party given cheque for Rs.37373/- & sbi given tds under our pan number which is not mine.
So, please inform me how i return back tds to another party.
my contact no. 098698 02835 & email id
TAN registran with nil challan , denied by TRACE CPC TDS , How does we registered our TAN with NIL Challan or a New GovmentDeductor .
Plz. Reply
i want to tan registration please helps me 9474556836
Dear Sir,
We have three TANs registered with you but unfortunately forgot password. Kindly advise how can we reset the same.
Please give contact details or email id for Tan Registration