Circular No: NSDL/TIN/2013/020 September 24, 2013
Subject: Release of File Validation Utility (FVU) version 4.0 and 2.136 for e-TDS/TCS Statements.
All TIN Facilitation Centers (TIN-FCs) are hereby informed that the following new versions of File Validation Utility (FVU) are being released.
1. FVU version 4.0 – For Statements pertaining to FY 2010-11 onwards.
2. FVU version 2.136 – For Statements pertaining to FY 2007-08 to FY 2009-10.
These two FVU versions are mandatory with effect from October 1, 2013. Statements validated with FVU version lower than 4.0 and 2.136 will be rejected at TIN Central System from October 1, 2013.
The said FVU versions are being provided through MIS response file for updating the same in the Statement Acceptance Module (SAM) at TIN-FCs.
TDS/TCS Statements validated with FVU version 3.9 and 2.135 will be permitted to be imported in SAM till September 30, 2013 and thereafter, Statements validated with FVU version 4.0 and 2.136 will only be accepted from SAM.
The features of FVU version 4.0 and 2.136 are as below:
1. Enhancement of validations pertaining to Section 194LC: (Income by way of interest from specified company payable to non-resident)
1.1 Section code 194LC will be allowed only in the TDS Statements where category of deductor is “Company” or “Branch of Company”.
1.2 This validation is applicable for regular Statements as well as the following type of correction Statements:
a) C2 – Update deductor details (excluding TAN) and/or challan details.
b) C3 – Update deductor details (excluding TAN) and/or challan details and/or deductee details.
c) C9 – Addition of challan and its underlying deductees.
2. Incorporation of new section code 194LD: (Interest on Rupee denominated bond of Company or Government Securities)
2.1 This Section code will be applicable for Form 27Q – Regular and Correction TDS Statements pertaining to FY 2013-14 onwards.
3. Nil challans in TDS/TCS Statements will be permitted only with deductee records:
Validation as below has been incorporated:
3.1 It is mandatory that deductee records must be provided for NIL challans (i.e. Challans where in Tax deposit amount is NIL) in the TDS/TCS Statements.
3.2 The deductee records pertaining to NIL challans should mandatorily have any of the values “A”/“B”/“Y”/“S”/“T”/“Z” in the field ‘Remarks for lower or non-deduction’.
3.3 The said validation is applicable for regular Statements as well as the following type of correction Statements:
a) C3 – Addition and update of deductee details (excluding TAN) and/or challan details.
b) C9 – Addition of challan and its underlying deductees.
4. Last Token Number to be quoted in TDS/TCS Regular Statement: A new field has been incorporated in the Quarterly TDS/TCS Regular Statement for providing the 15 digit Token Number of the last accepted Statement (i.e. In case of Regular Statement ‘accepted by TIN’ or in case of Correction Statement ‘Accepted at CPC’). This field is mandatory.
5. Date of deposit of Challan: The existing validation that the date of deposit of challan should pertain to the Financial Year for which the Statement is being filed is being modified.
Revised validation is as under:
5.1 Challan Deposit date can pertain to the immediate previous Financial Year.
Example: If the TDS/TCS Statement is pertaining to FY 2013-14 then “Date of deposit” can be greater than or equal to 01/04/2012.
5.2 Future date is not permitted.
There is no provision for filing details of section 194I(tds on rent) in the RPU 3.7. Moreover, in case there are no transaction in a particular quarter is the return not required to be filed? The flag A C Y Z are not explained anywhere.
Thank u very much for information